This Class\'s Forum

'; // (The
s are to keep the same spacing as the automatic links.) $EXTRA_LINKS = ''; // $EXTRA_LINKS_BOTTOM // Add any HTML that you want to add the left-hand menu, after the home // link and horizontal rule. Escape any single apostrophes with a backslash. ie. // $EXTRA_LINKS = '

This Class\'s Forum'; // (The
s are to keep the same spacing as the automatic links.) $EXTRA_LINKS_BOTTOM = ''; // $MENU_EXT // Add any file extensions for files which you want to be linked in the // left-hand menu to this array. // // Format: array('html', 'htm', 'shtml'); $MENU_EXT = array('html'); // $TEMP_EXT // Add any file extensions for files which you want to be templated when // they are linked within other files. The format is the same as $MENU_EXT // The extensions should be listed in order of importance. That is, if // you have two files (foo.html and foo.htm) and you list html before htm, // foo.html will always be chosen over foo.htm. $TEMP_EXT = array('html', 'htm'); // $IGNORED_FILES_LIST // Add any files to this array which are in the class root directory but which you do not want // a left navigation menu item for. Since the left menu is generated by the files in the class root directory, // files should be a filename only, without path, for example: // if you wish // to not be in the left menu, add "file.html" to the array. $IGNORED_FILES_LIST = array(); // $IGNORED_FILES_TEMPLATE // Add any files to this array which the template system should ignore. // Any link to these files will not use the templated link, the file will appear "as is". // Files should be added in reference to your class root directory, for example: // if you wish // to be ignored, add "dir1/file.html" to the array. $IGNORED_FILES_TEMPLATE = array(); // $LEFT_NAV_LIST // This array explicitly defines the files to be used in the left navigation menu. // If this array is empty, an alphabetical menu is generated from files in the class root directory. // Items in the array are only added to the navigation menu if the corresponding file exists in the // class root directory. Also, no other files from the class root directory are added to the // left navigation menu. The menu will be in the order specified by the array. // Files should be added in reference to your class root directory, for example: // if you wish // to be in the left navigation menu, add "file.html" to the array. $LEFT_NAV_LIST = array(); // Do NOT modify the following line include '/web/classes/class_templates/template_processor.php'; ?>