-- Version 1.0 -- Initial version of college_templates -- Version 1.1 -- Minor changes to the id tags and styles of divs in layout.inc -- Version 1.2 - API Change -- Updated templates to be more object-oriented and versatile Changed method of pulling in includes Changed grid width and updated CSS Adding the configuration array functionality -- Version 1.3 -- Added options to configure site name and footer content -- Version 1.4 -- Updated how last modified date was handled -- Version 1.5 -- Updated the error-handling for the header configuration array Added an ID to the center-content div tag Cosmetic updates to CSS -- Version 1.6 -- Fixed a bug where the layout did not stay it its designated columns when you had 2 or less items in the left nav -- Version 1.7 -- Added left padding to the definition terms tags -- Version 1.8 - Feature -- Added email obfuscation using both SpamSpan and the Kohana techniques -- Version 1.9 -- Fixed a bug from previous version where the original declaration of return variable appended instead of assigned -- Version 2.0 -- Added scripts to generate the headers and footers -- Version 2.1 -- Updated the script to generate header to make the title passable and more dynamic -- Version 2.2 -- Added script to generate headers and footers for phorum. -- Version 2.3 -- Updated way headers and footers for phorum are generated. Created a way to create minified versions of the css files. -- Version 2.4 -- Added ability to designate content in left unit footer - this resulted in the config unitFooterContent being changed to unitFooterRight and the addition of unitFooterLeft. Added the ability to hide the last modified timestamp in the footer. Also fixed bug in which scripts ran from command-line were using http for including external css stylesheets instead of https. Another change was to override the University's use of text-transform in h4 tags and setting th tags to have a font-weight of bold. -- Version 2.5 -- Added methods for generating the headers and footers for roudcube and the CS website. Fixed how the IE-only css was getting pulled in. Added a new variable to the config array for hostname in order to configure the UMN search bar. -- Version 2.6 -- Minor changes to the search bar to get rid of HTML errors and getting rid of unneeded code -- Version 2.7 -- Fixing a bug in the general getRightNav() method that called internal methods without $this-> -- Version 2.8 -- Removing the College of Science & Engineering jquery calls and manually adding the links in the college header to our template. The jquery is causing a drupal module to break and the college has not updated the links since June 30, 2010. The point of the jquery was so they could change the content of the links from time to time. Since this is not happening, I don't think the overhead is worthwhile. -- Version 2.9 -- Changing name of config option hostName to primarySearchDomain and updated the examples to use all config options Note: If you do not want a primarySearchDomain, you may just leave the field blank and a new tab will not be implemented Added an optional config option 'searchBoxText' which sets the text in the search box to whatever the user sets it to. If the variable isn't set, it defaults to 'Search U of M Web Sites'. -- Version 3.0 -- Added the ability to include an optional image in the unit header on the right. This was primarily done for the UMSEC/MSSE drupal site. Also added in some additional styles for form elements and messages that are often used across many of our sites. Seemed like a good idea to include them in the college template so we can maintain consistency. -- Version 3.1 -- Fixed a bug in which there was a space before the opening