The following are useful resources for preparation for the math
subject test:
In total there are 12 sample tests available: 5 ETS tests, 1 Princeton
Review test, 6 REA tests.
I also wanted to suggest that associating topics with courses offered at UMN is a good idea. For example:
- Calculus: Calc I through IV (MATH 1371,1372, 2373, 2374 or
the equivalent CLA versions or honors versions)
- Linear Algebra: MATH 4242
- Abstract Algebra: MATH 4281/ MATH 5285H
- Advanced Calculus: MATH 4603/MATH 5615H
- Discrete Math: MATH 4707/MATH 5707
- Prob-Stat Theory: MATH 4653/MATH 5651 or equivalent stats course offered by stats department
- Geometry: MATH 5335
- Complex Analysis: 5583
- General Topology (Distinct from set topology questions which are
usually covered in discrete math courses): MATH 5345H
- Numerical Analysis: MATH 5485
I think if a student has difficulty in one of the areas listed
above, he/she can either take this course or look at past courses'
websites and read the material and books usually used with it.
If students are looking for additional problems to work with even
after exhausting the above resources, the Schaum's Outline series on
all the above topics are available online for purchase and at our math
library. These books are very concise and have plenty of fully worked
problems. The only disadvantage is that the student must go through
the book to figure out what topics are relevant and what questions are
worth doing since only a few of them are similar to test questions.
Best, Priyam