(topics miscellany)
As of 9 July 2012, there are about 55 hours of required videos, spread over each 15 week semester.
That's about 3.67 hours per week, on average.
However, a number of weeks have 0 hours required, so, in other weeks,
more than 4 hours is required.
See the course diary for details.
Topic 0010
(Standard Notation)
Link to Topics website
- 25 slides, time: 39:54
- Whitman: supplemental (not in Whitman)
- Stewart: some supplemental (not in Stewart), some in Appendix A
- Errata:
- On Slide 8, at 21:53, I say "every real number is bigger than
infinity", but I mean to say "every real number is bigger than minus
infinity". The writing on the slide is correct. The only error is spoken.
Topic 0020
(Functions and expressions)
Link to Topics website
- 27 slides, time: 49:33
- Whitman: Section 1.3
- Stewart: Sections 1.1 and 1.3
- Errata:
- On Slides 10-12, Fahrenheit is misspelled as "Farenheit" and Celsius is misspelled as "Celcius".
This has been corrected on the posted slides, but not on the video.
- On Slide 13, at time 20:47, I say "you're not allowed to divide by 5",
but should say "you're not allowed to divide by 0".
The writing on the slide is correct. The only error is spoken.
- On Slide 19, I write that a (quadratic polynomial in x) is the same as a
(linear combination of 1, x and x^2). This is slightly sloppy because,
for example, 0x^2 + 2x + 3 is equal to 2x + 3 which is *linear*, not quadratic.
- On Slide 20, at time 37:24, I say "that's an operation that's additive" and
should say "evaluation is an operation that's multiplicative".
The writing on the slide is correct. The only error is spoken.
Topic 0030
(Polynomials and rational functions)
Link to Topics website
- 32 slides, time: 41:40
- Whitman: some supplemental (not in Whitman), some in Section 1.3
- Stewart: Section 1.2, but synthetic division is supplemental (not in Stewart)
- Errata:
- On Slide 11, at time 14:48, I say, "with a polynomial on the top times a polynomial on the bottom"
and I should say "with a polynomial on the top ***divided by*** a polynomial on the bottom".
The writing on the slide is correct. The only error is spoken.
- On Slide 17, at time 25:50, I say, "pulls you all the way from polynomial up to rational"
and I should say "pulls you all the way from polynomial up to algebraic".
The writing on the slide is correct. The only error is spoken.
Topic 0040
(Miscellaneous precalculus)
Link to Topics website
- 22 slides, time: 42:21
- Whitman: supplemental (not in Whitman)
- Stewart: some supplemental (not in Stewart), Reference Page 1 (for the Binomial Theorem)
- Errata:
- On Slide 17, in the expansion of (x+y)^5, the term "10 x^2 y^3" appears before "10 x^3 y^2". They should be reversed.
This has been fixed in the posted slides, but still appears in the video.
Topic 0050
(Absolute value and distance)
Link to Topics website
- 31 slides, time: 30:36
- Whitman: mostly supplemental (not in Whitman), but the triangle inequality is mentioned on p. 31
- Stewart: Appendix A
- Errata:
Topic 0060
(Elementary graphing)
Link to Topics website
- 38 slides, time: 38:12
- Whitman: most taken from Chapter 1, but some is supplemental (not in Whitman)
- Stewart: Appendix B and Section 1.3
- Errata:
Topic 0070
Link to Topics website
- 39 slides, time: 37:25
- Whitman: one of the formulas in this appears in Seciton 2.1, the rest is supplemental (not in Whitman)
- Stewart: some supplemental (not in Stewart), some in Appendix E
- Errata:
Topic 0080
(The Sigma notation)
Link to Topics website
- 12 slides, time: 21:59
- Whitman: the Sigma notation is introduced in Section 1.2 (on p. 144)
- Stewart: Appendix E
- Errata:
- At time 01:25, on Slide 1, I say "a sub j", but should have said "a of j". What's written on the slide is correct.
- At time 12:21, on Slide 5, I say "if you see a constant in every factor",
but should have said "if you see a constant in every term".
What's written on the slide is correct.
- At time 12:56, on Slide 5, I say "this says that scalar multiplication behaves well with respect to scalar multiplication",
but should have said "this says that summation behaves well with respect to scalar multiplication". A moment later, I correct myself,
and what's written on the slide is correct.
Topic 0090
(Basics of trigonometry)
Link to Topics website
- 34 slides, time: 47:28
- Whitman: some in Section 4.1, some supplemental (not in Whitman)
- Stewart: Appendix D
- Errata:
Topic 0100
(Sum of angles forumlas in trigonometry)
Link to Topics website
- 23 slides, time: 28:29
- Whitman: supplemental (not in Whitman), although used in Section 4.2 (on p. 66)
- Stewart: proofs are supplemental (not in Stewart), formulas in Appendix D
- Errata:
- At 9:46, on Slide 8, I say
"... and a run of sin t ...",
but I should say
"... and a run of minus sin t ...".
Everything appearing on the slide is correct; the only error is spoken.
Topic 0110
(Inverse functions)
Link to Topics website
- 32 slides, time: 71:39
- Whitman: some supplemental (not in Whitman), some in Section 4.10
- Stewart: Section 1.6
- Errata:
- On Slide 7, we give a definition of "image", but it was defined already, in Topic 0020, Slide 8.
- At 21:19, on Slide 7, I say
"... you should call it the pi over 2 radians line ..."
but should have said
"... you should call it the pi over 4 radians line ...".
Topic 0120
(Speed of a freely falling body)
Link to Topics website
- 13 slides, time: 16:24
- Whitman: Section 2.2
- Stewart: Section 2.1
- Errata:
Topic 0130
(Rates of change and slopes of lines)
Link to Topics website
- 38 slides, time: 46:13
- Whitman: Sections 2.1 and 2.2
- Stewart: Section 2.1
- Errata:
Topic 0140
Link to Topics website
- 12 slides, time: 46:45
- Whitman: Section 2.3
- Stewart: Section 2.2
- Errata:
- At 37:00, on Slide 11, I say
"so this line right here won't cross through"
but I should have said
"so this line right here won't cross through more than once"
Everything appearing on the slide is correct; the only error is spoken.
Topic 0150
(The limit game and the exact definition of a limit)
Link to Topics website
- 25 slides, time: 42:52
- Whitman: Section 2.3, Section 2.4, a little bit from Section 4.8, and some supplemental (not in Whitman)
- Stewart: Section 2.4, Section 2.6
- Errata:
- On Slide 2, at 0:32, the function is called "h", but should be called "f". This "h" appears on the slide and
is mentioned verbally as well. Later on (at 4:44), in Step 4, "f" appears on the slide, and I start saying "f".
Topic 0160
Link to Topics website
- 26 slides, time: 39:18
- Whitman: Section 10.1 and some supplemental (not in Whitman)
- Stewart: Preview of Calculus (see p. 5), Section 11.1, for e as a limit go to Section 3.6 (see p. 222)
- Errata:
- At 11:17 on Slide 3, I say
"... then a_n minus L ends up being less than epsilon ..."
and I should have said
"... then the absolute value of a_n minus L ends up being less than epsilon ...".
Everything appearing on the slide is correct; the only error is spoken.
Topic 0170
(Simple limit problems)
Link to Topics website
- 19 slides, time: 15:15
- Whitman: Section 2.3
- Stewart: Section 2.2
- Errata:
- At 4:54 on Slide 12, I say,
"... it should by y=4 ...",
but I meant to say
"... it should be y=-4 ...".
Topic 0180
(Additivity of limit)
Link to Topics website
- 20 slides, time: 19:22
- Whitman: Section 2.3
- Stewart: Section 2.3 and Appendix F
- Errata:
- On Slide 2, I "remind" the listener of the definition of continuity. In fact, this is the first time that concept is introduced.
Topic 0190
(Limit laws)
Link to Topics website
- 41 slides, time: 78:54
- Whitman: Section 2.3, and some supplemental (not in Whitman), and a bit from Section 4.3
- Stewart: Section 2.3
- Errata:
- On Slide 8, I give the defintion of continuous, but this has already been introduced on Slide 2 of Topic 0180.
- At 21:31, on Slide 11, I drew an arrow that ended between "f" and "(x)". It should have ended just before "f".
Everything typeset on the slide is correct; the only error is handwritten.
- At 34:52, on Slide 19, I wrote out by hand "2 . 5^2 - 2 + 4".
I should have written "2 . 5^2 - 5 + 4".
Everything appearing on the slide is correct; the only error is handwritten.
- At 35:08, on Slide 19, I should have explained that, because limit respects linear combination, it follows that
linear combinations of continuous functions are continuous. Also, because 1 is a constant, 1 is continuous.
Also because x,x^2,x^3,... are powers of x, they are all continous in x. So, since 1,x,x^2,... are all continuous in x,
we see that any finite linear combination of them is continuous in x, as well. This is how we prove that polynomials in x
are continuous in x. That is, polynomials are continuous.
Everything appearing on the slide is correct; the only error is a lack of spoken explanation.
- At 52:01, on Slide 25, I say, "... and infinity times zero ...",
but I should say, "... and zero times minus infinity ...".
Everything appearing on the slide is correct; the only error is spoken.
- At 59:24, on Slide 27, I say, "If you take a positive number to the zeroth power ..."
but I should say, "If you take zero plus to the zeroth power ...".
Everything appearing on the slide is correct; the only error is spoken.
- At 73:36, on Slide 39, I say, "... how are we going to compute it?",
but I should say, "... how are we going to compute its limit?".
Everything appearing on the slide is correct; the only error is spoken.
Topic 0200
(Limit problems)
Link to Topics website
- 39 slides, time: 57:18
- Whitman: Section 2.3 and some from Section 4.3
- Stewart: for continuity see Section 2.5, some supplemental (not in Stewart)
- Errata:
Topic 0210
Link to Topics website
- 30 slides, time: 61:41
- Whitman: Section 2.5 and supplemental (not in Whitman)
- Stewart: Section 2.5
- Errata:
Topic 0220
(Limits of power functions)
Link to Topics website
- SKIPPED slides, time: SKIPPED
- Whitman: SKIPPED
- Stewart: SKIPPED
- Errata:
Topic 0230
(Trigonometric limits)
Link to Topics website
- 28 slides, time: 43:44
- Whitman: Section Section 4.3 and supplemental (not in Whitman)
- Stewart: asymptotics is supplemental (not in Stewart), trig limits in Section 3.3
- Errata:
- On Slide 23, should note that the "asymptotics alert" holds not just for limits at a, but also at a^+, at a^-, at \infty and at -\infty.
Topic 0240
(Bounded functions and horizontal asymptotes)
Link to Topics website
- 34 slides, time: 51:10
- Whitman: Section 2.5, Section 4.10 and supplemental (not in Whitman)
- Stewart: Section 2.6
- Errata:
- 32:08 (slide 22): I say "denominator", but mean "numerator".
- 39:27-39:30 (slide 27): I say "is just plus x" twice, but it would be better to say "is just plus x to the fourth power" both times.
Topic 0250
(Problems involving horizontal asymptotes)
Link to Topics website
- 31 slides, time: 28:05
- Whitman: supplemental (not in Whitman)
- Stewart: Section 2.6
- Errata:
Topic 0260
(Definition of logarithm)
Link to Topics website
- 19 slides, time: 46:03
- Whitman: Section 4.6, and a bit from Section 2.5
- Stewart: Section 1.6
- Errata:
Topic 0270
(Derivatives and rates of change)
Link to Topics website
- 22 slides, time: 40:23
- Whitman: Section 2.1, Section 2.4 and Section 2.5
- Stewart: Section 2.7
- Errata:
Topic 0280
(The derivative of a function is a function)
Link to Topics website
- 35 slides, time: 58:33
- Whitman: Section 2.2, Section 2.4, Section 2.5 and some supplemental (not in Whitman)
- Stewart: Section 2.8
- Errata:
Topic 0290
(Intervals of increase/decrease and intervals of concavity)
Link to Topics website
- 17 slides, time: 19:08
- Whitman: Section 5.4 and some supplemental (not in Whitman)
- Stewart: Section 1.1 (see p. 19) for increase/decrease; concavity is supplemental (not in Stewart until Section 4.3 (see p. 293)
- Errata:
Topic 0300
(Differentiation problems without techniques of differentiation)
Link to Topics website
- 18 slides, time: 39:02
- Whitman: Section 2.1, Section 2.3 and Section 2.4
- Stewart: Section 2.8
- Errata:
Topic 0310
(The power rule)
Link to Topics website
- 19 slides, time: 43:48
- Whitman: Section 3.1
- Stewart: Section 3.1
- Errata:
- At 23:56, on Slide 8, I say " other words, f'(2) is also positive"
but I should say " other words, f'(-2) is also positive"
Everything appearing on the slide is correct; the only error is spoken.
Topic 0320
(Linearity of the derivative and derivatives of polynomials)
Link to Topics website
- 19 slides, time: 46:22
- Whitman: Section 3.1, Section 3.2, a small reminder from Section 2.2, Section 2.4
- Stewart: Section 3.1
- Errata:
- On Slide 15, in the bottom right, there is an indication that this slide corresponds to Section 7.1 from Whitman.
It actually corresponds to Section 2.2. This appears in the video, but has been corrected in the posted slides.
- On Slide 16, in the bottom right, there is an indication that this slide corresponds to Section 7.1 from Whitman.
It actually corresponds to Section 3.2. This appears in the video, but has been corrected in the posted slides.
- On Slide 16, some of the coefficients were incorrect in the recorded version, but they have been corrected in the posted slides
Topic 0330
(Derivatives of exponential functions)
Link to Topics website
- 10 slides, time: 18:29
- Whitman: Section 4.7
- Stewart: Section 3.1
- Errata:
Topic 0340
(The product rule)
Link to Topics website
- 21 slides, time: 19:56
- Whitman: Section 3.3
- Stewart: Section 3.2
- Errata:
Topic 0350
(The quotient rule)
Link to Topics website
- 18 slides, time: 29:23
- Whitman: Section 3.4
- Stewart: Section 3.2
- Errata:
Topic 0360
(Derivatives of trigonometric functions)
Link to Topics website
- 46 slides, time: 44:15
- Whitman: Section 4.2, Section 4.3, a bit from Section 4.4 and lot from Section 4.5
- Stewart: Section 3.3
- Errata:
Topic 0370
(The chain rule)
Link to Topics website
- 29 slides, time: 34:57
- Whitman: Section 3.5
- Stewart: Section 3.4
- Errata:
- On Slide 21, I stumbled a little bit in the recording, but there was no error
- On Slide 37, the formatting was a little off with an "x^7" pressed against the parenthesis; fixed on posted slides
Topic 0380
(Chain rule problems)
Link to Topics website
- 21 slides, time: 32:14
- Whitman: Section 3.5
- Stewart: Section 3.4
- Errata:
Topic 0390
(Derivatives of logarithmic functions)
Link to Topics website
- 20 slides, time: 28:41
- Whitman: Section 4.7
- Stewart: Section 3.6
- Errata:
Topic 0400
(Logarithmic differentiation)
Link to Topics website
- 26 slides, time: 79:39
- Whitman: Section 4.7
- Stewart: Section 3.6 (see pp. 220-222)
- Errata:
Topic 0410
(l'Hôpital's rule)
Link to Topics website
- 34 slides, time: 66:56
- Whitman: Section 4.8
- Stewart: Section 4.4
- Errata:
- At 55:55, on Slide 31, I say "... up to the upper limit. It hits the upper limit whenever ..."
but I should say "... up to the upper envelope. It hits the upper envelope whenever ...".
Everything appearing on the slide is correct; the only error is spoken.
Topic 0420
(Indeterminate forms)
Link to Topics website
- 30 slides, time: 72:30
- Whitman: Section 4.8 and some supplemental (not covered in Whitman)
- Stewart: Section 4.4
- Errata:
Topic 0430
(Implicit differentiation)
Link to Topics website
- 45 slides, time: 87:26
- Whitman: Section 4.9
- Stewart: Section 3.5
- Errata:
- On Slide 26, for consistency, we should include "LINEAR IN y'" into the written material on the slide,
as a comment about the equation just below the purple line. This would agree with what we did in other slides in this topic.
- On Slide 31, we should indicate the center of the ellipse and the lengths of the major and minor axes,
before writing down the equation of the ellipse
- On Slide 35, I accidentally indicated that we should plug the expression for a in for b.
I soon corrected myself and said that it should be plugged in for a, not b.
The typeset material on the slide itself is all correct.
Topic 0440
(Derivatives of inverse functions (The Inverse Function Theorem))
Link to Topics website
- 29 slides, time: 29:58
- Whitman: Section 4.9, Section 4.10
- Stewart: Section 3.5
- Errata:
Topic 0450
(Maxima and minima)
Link to Topics website
- 37 slides, time: 73:38
- Whitman: Section 5.1, Section 6.1
- Stewart: Section 4.1
- Errata:
Topic 0460
(The Mean Value Theorem)
Link to Topics website
- 46 slides, time: 81:03
- Whitman: Section 6.5 and some supplemental (not in Whitman)
- Stewart: Section 4.2
- Errata:
- On Slide 45, I left off the text "SKILL: calculus proves algebra/trig identity"; now added to posted slides,
but does not appear in recorded lecture
- On all slides, Whitman section numbers appear on right, but should be on left. This is corrected in the posted
slides, but still appears in the video.
Topic 0470
(Derivative tests and graphing)
Link to Topics website
- 42 slides, time: 73:37
- Whitman: various parts of Chapter 5 and some supplemental (not in Whitman)
- Stewart: Section 4.5
- Errata:
- At 5:28, on Slide 5, I say "f changes to negative", but I should say "f prime changes to negative".
Everything appearing on the slide is correct; the only error is spoken.
- On Slide 18 and Slide 19, the red line on the x-axis describing I isn't quite long enough
and appears with a small black gap to the left of the red dot describing the right endpoint.
This appears in the video, but has been corrected in the posted slides.
- On Slide 18, the statement of the Second Derivative Test is taken from Stewart (7E, Vol. 1, p. 295),
but the assumption that f'' is continuous near c could be weakened. We only need that f'' is defined at c.
- On Slide 35, the statement of (b) is incorrect. It is corrected on Slide 36. The video still has this
error, but, on the posted files (both pptx and pdf), it has been corrected.
Topic 0480
(Graphing problems)
Link to Topics website
- 43 slides, time: 65:37
- Whitman: various parts of Chapter 5
- Stewart: Section 4.5
- Errata:
- On all slides, Whitman section numbers appear on right, but should be on left. This is corrected in the posted
slides, but still appears in the video.
- From 60:58 to 61:04, on Slide 34, arccos(-1/4) is calculated as 2.03, but this is incorrect. It is actually 1.82.
(However, the calculation of \beta as 0.258 is correct.) This means that \alpha should be 1.82 from Slide 34 to Slide 43.
Moreover, the graphs appearing from Slide 40 to Slide 43 are all slightly incorrect because \alpha should be less than 2,
not slightly greater. All of this is now corrected on the posted slides, but not in the video.
Topic 0490
(More graphing problems)
Link to Topics website
- SKIPPED slides, time: SKIPPED
- Whitman: SKIPPED
- Stewart: SKIPPED
- Errata:
Topic 0500
(Even more graphing problems)
Link to Topics website
- SKIPPED slides, time: SKIPPED
- Whitman: SKIPPED
- Stewart: SKIPPED
- Errata:
Topic 0510
Link to Topics website
- 47 slides, time: 74:01
- Whitman: Section 6.1
- Stewart: Section 4.7
- Errata:
- On Slide 35, at time 54:50, I indicate that the word "minimizes" is wrong on the slide, and that it should read "minimize".
That really depends on exactly how you read the entire sentence. Either could be correct. I've left the posted slide saying
- On all slides, Whitman section numbers appear on right, but should be on left. This is corrected in the posted
slides, but still appears in the video.
Topic 0520
(Related rates)
Link to Topics website
- 19 slides, time: 39:08
- Whitman: Section 6.2
- Stewart: Section 3.9
- Errata:
- On Slide 2, I omitted the green box indicating the end of the problem and the text "SKILL related rates".
These have been added to the posted slides, but they do not appear on the recorded video.
- On all slides, Whitman section numbers appear on right, but should be on left. This is corrected in the posted
slides, but still appears in the video.
Topic 0530
(Newton's method)
Link to Topics website
- 24 slides, time: 38:56
- Whitman: Section 6.3
- Stewart: Section 4.8
- Errata:
- On all slides, Whitman section numbers appear on right, but should be on left. This is corrected in the posted
slides, but still appears in the video.
Topic 0540
(Linear approximation)
Link to Topics website
- 27 slides, time: 52:01
- Whitman: Section 6.4
- Stewart: Section 3.10
- Errata:
- On Slides 19-26, Whitman section numbers appear on right, but should be on left. This is corrected in the posted
slides, but still appears in the video.
- At 7:37, on Slide 4, I say, "... is 6x+4 ...",
but I should say "... is 6x-4 ...".
Everything appearing on the slide is correct; the only error is spoken.
- At 31:00, on Slide 19, I say, "... use it to approximate 4.05 ...",
but I should say "... use it to approximate the square root of 4.05 ...".
Everything appearing on the slide is correct; the only error is spoken.
- At 31:57, on Slide 20, I say, "... is the square root of x-3 ...",
but I should say "... is the square root of x+3 ...".
Everything appearing on the slide is correct; the only error is spoken.
- At 34:35, on Slide 21, I say, "... we want to go back up to the curve ...",
but I should say "... we want to go back up to the line ...".
Everything appearing on the slide is correct; the only error is spoken.
Topic 0550
Link to Topics website
- 44 slides, time: 73:59
- Whitman: Secion 7.1, Section 7.2 and Section 7.3 and Section 8.1 and some supplemental (not in Whitman)
- Stewart: Section 4.9
- Errata:
- On Slides 14-15, it would be helpful to define an antiderivative on *any* interval, not just compact and open.
See the comment below in Topic 0610, about Slide 27 of that topic.
- On Slide 38, we use 4x+7 three times, and it would be better to use three different linear expressions of x.
- On all slides, Whitman section numbers appear on right, but should be on left. Some of those section numbers were not correct.
All these problems are corrected in the posted slides, but still appear in the video.
Topic 0560
(Antidifferentiation problems)
Link to Topics website
- 22 slides, time: 70:27
- Whitman: Section 8.1, except that Slides 10-11 are supplemental (not in Whitman)
- Stewart: Section 4.9
- Errata:
Topic 0570
(Indefinite integration)
Link to Topics website
- 15 slides, time: 39:09
- Whitman: Section 8.1
- Stewart: Section 5.4
- Errata:
- On all slides, Whitman section numbers appear on right, but should be on left. This is corrected in the posted
slides, but still appears in the video.
- Every slide indicates Whitman Chapter 8, but should say Whitman Section 8.1. This is corrected in the posted
slides, but still appears in the video.
(Riemann sums and the definition of the definite integral)
Link to Topics website
- 38 slides, time: 49:06
- Whitman: Section 7.1
- Stewart: Section 5.2
- Errata:
(Definite integration and Riemann sum problems)
Link to Topics website
- 30 slides, time: 62:27
- Whitman: Section 7.1 and Section 7.3
- Stewart: Section 5.2
- Errata:
- On all slides, Whitman section numbers appear on right, but should be on left. This is corrected in the posted
slides, but still appears in the video.
Topic 0600
(Variations on the definition of the definite integral)
Link to Topics website
- SKIPPED slides, time: SKIPPED
- Whitman: SKIPPED
- Stewart: SKIPPED
- Errata:
Topic 0610
(The Fund Th'ms of Calc, statements and motivations)
Link to Topics website
- 45 slides, time: 49:49
- Whitman: Secion 7.1, Section 7.2 and Section 7.3
- Stewart: Section 5.3
- Errata:
- On all slides, Whitman section numbers appear on right, but should be on left. This is corrected in the posted
slides, but still appears in the video.
- On Slide 27, the interval need not be compact; it could be any interval,
but we need to define antiderivative on an arbitrary interval, back in Topic 0550, Slide 15
Topic 0620
(The Fundamental Theorems of Calculus, problems)
Link to Topics website
- 34 slides, time: 74:44
- Whitman: Section 7.2 and Section 8.1
- Stewart: Section 5.3
- Errata:
- On Slide 8, from 10:29 to 10:49, in the last two lines of the slide, I dropped a minus sign. This is now corrected on
on the posted slides, but the minus sign is still missing if you watch the video.
- On Slide 23, in the equation to the right of the word "Solution", the parentheses didn't balance. I noticed this during
the recording of the video, and corrected it using handwriting. Also, the posted slides have been corrected.
- On all slides, Whitman section numbers appear on right, but should be on left.
Some of those section numbers said "Ch. 8" but should have said "Section 8.1".
All these problems are corrected in the posted slides, but still appear in the video.
Topic 0630
(Properties of the definite integral)
Link to Topics website
- 33 slides, time: 47:23
- Whitman: Section 7.3 and Section 8.1
- Stewart: Section 5.2
- Errata:
- At 12:39, on Slide 4, I say, "... c times (a minus b) ...",
but I should say "... c times (b minus a) ...".
Everything appearing on the slide is correct; the only error is spoken.
- At 30:47, on Slide 17, I say, "... once we get beyond 7 over 2 ...",
but I should say "... once we get beyond 7 pi over 2 ...".
Everything appearing on the slide is correct; the only error is spoken.
Topic 0640
(The Integral Mean Value Theorem)
Link to Topics website
- 29 slides, time: 43:17
- Whitman: Section 9.4, except that Slides 11-12 are on Section 6.5
- Stewart: Section 6.5
- Errata:
- On all slides, Whitman section numbers appear on right, but should be on left. This is corrected in the posted
slides, but still appears in the video.
Topic 0650
(The Fundamental Theorems of Calculus, proofs)
Link to Topics website
- 12 slides, time: 17:51
- Whitman: Section 7.2
- Stewart: Section 5.3
- Errata:
- At 7:08, I say "... that means that this will also be forced to go to x" and I really should say
"... by the Squeeze Theorem, that means that this will also be forced to go to x".
- At 11:50, I say "... no matter what h is" and I really should say
"... no matter what h is, as long as h is negative".
Topic 0660
(Integration by substitution)
Link to Topics website
- 27 slides, time: 42:44
- Whitman: Section 8.1
- Stewart: Section 5.5
- Errata:
- On all slides, Whitman section numbers appear on right, but should be on left. This is corrected in the posted
slides, but still appears in the video.
- From 29:44 to 29:46, on Slide 18, when I subsitute w :--> 2 into w^{3/2} / (3/2), I accidentally get
23^{3/2} / (3/2), but I should get 2^{3/2} / (3/2). This error continues to be visible for a few seconds more,
and also appears on Slide 19. All of this is now corrected on the posted slides, but not in the video.
Topic 0670
(Integration by substitution, problems)
Link to Topics website
- 22 slides, time: 43:00
- Whitman: Section 8.1
- Stewart: Section 5.5
- Errata:
- On all slides, Whitman section numbers appear on right, but should be on left. This is corrected in the posted
slides, but still appears in the video.
Topic 0680
(Area between curves)
Link to Topics website
- 29 slides, time: 32:32
- Whitman: Section 8.1 and Section 9.1
- Stewart: Section 6.1
- Errata:
- On all slides, Whitman section numbers appear on right, but should be on left.
On Slide 4, there was no section number, but it should have said Section 9.1.
All these problems are corrected in the posted slides, but still appear in the video.
Topic 0690
(Area between curves, problems)
Link to Topics website
- 26 slides, time: 41:05
- Whitman: Section 9.1
- Stewart: Section 6.1
- Errata:
- On all slides, Whitman section numbers appear on right, but should be on left. This is corrected in the posted
slides, but still appears in the video.
Topic 0700
(Volume by slices)
Link to Topics website
- 20 slides, time: 22:16
- Whitman: Section 9.3
- Stewart: Section 6.2 up to p. 431 and Example 8 on p. 437
- Errata:
- On all slides, Whitman section numbers appear on right, but should be on left. This is corrected in the posted
slides, but still appears in the video.
Topic 0710
(The disk and washer methods)
Link to Topics website
- 28 slides, time: 34:57
- Whitman: Section 9.3
- Stewart: Section 6.2 on pp. 432-438 except Example 8 on p. 437
- Errata:
- On Slides 6-13, at the bottom, the word "rotating" appears. To be consistent with the rest of the presentation,
it should say "revolving". This has been fixed in the posted slides, but "rotating" appears in the video.
- On all slides, Whitman section numbers appear on right, but should be on left. This is corrected in the posted
slides, but still appears in the video.
Topic 0720
(Volume by slices and the disk and washer methods, problems)
Link to Topics website
- 21 slides, time: 40:19
- Whitman: Section 9.3
- Stewart: Section 6.2
- Errata:
- On all slides, Whitman section numbers appear on right, but should be on left. This is corrected in the posted
slides, but still appears in the video.
Topic 0730
(Volume by cylindrical shells)
Link to Topics website
- 16 slides, time: 14:28
- Whitman: Section 9.3
- Stewart: Section 6.3
- Errata:
- On all slides, Whitman section numbers appear on right, but should be on left. This is corrected in the posted
slides, but still appears in the video.
Topic 0740
(Volume by cylindrical shells, problems)
Link to Topics website
- 19 slides, time: 41:45
- Whitman: Section 9.3
- Stewart: Section 6.3
- Errata:
- On Slide 1, I begin saying, "In this problem ..." and should begin with "In this topic ..." (Time -- 0:01)
- On all slides, Whitman section numbers appear on right, but should be on left. This is corrected in the posted
slides, but still appears in the video.
Topic 0750
(Volume by cylindrical shells, more problems)
Link to Topics website
- SKIPPED slides, time: SKIPPED
- Whitman: SKIPPED
- Stewart: SKIPPED
- Errata: