Syllabus for Math 5467 (Intro to Mathematics of Wavelets) Spring 2001 Instructor: Scot Adams Office: Vincent Hall 354 Phone: 612-625-5507 Office Hours: M 9:05-9:55, Tu 2:30-3:25, W 11:15-12:05 Homepage: Text: Wavelets and Filter Banks, Gilbert Strang and Truong Nguyen Midterm Tests: F 16 March and F 20 April Final Exam: Th 10 May, 4-6pm, in VinH 211 (the regular classroom). Material covered in course: We will proceed linearly through the text, starting at the beginning. I hope to take a leisurely pace, and we'll see how far we get. Assignments: I will give out assignments in class and will announce due dates in class, as well. Grading: Homework 20% First Midterm 20% Second Midterm 20% Final Exam 40% Miscellaneous: I either do ``curve'' or do not ``curve'' depending on how you define it. I do not preassign the number of students who will receive a specific grade. On the other hand, neither do I preassign the gradelines before seeing the distribution of grades. Gradelines will be announced on the web, as soon as possible after the quiz or exam. Incompletes will be given only in cases where the student has completed all but a small fraction of the course with a grade of C or better and a severe unexpected event prevents completion of the course. In particular, if you get behind, you cannot ``bail out'' by taking an incomplete. The last day to cancel, without permission from your College office, is the last day of the sixth week.