Pontrjagin-Thom construction in non-linear Fredholm theories
Mikio Furuta,
University of Tokyo
For a single oriented closed 4-manifold X, we have gauge
theoretic invariants of X defined by using the Anti-Self-Dual
equation and the Seiberg-Witten equations. In both theories, under
some compactness property, the invariants are defined as the
fundamental classes of moduli spaces which are elements of homology
groups of some configuration spaces C.
Atiyah and Singer introduced the notion of a manifold over T
a fiber bundle over T with fiber a manifold X and structure
group Diff(X). When X is a closed oriented 4-manifold we would
like to define gauge theoretical invariants for such a family. For a
continuous map f:T' > T we naturally have a pullback family
over T'. Therefore the groups in which the expected invariants
take values behave like cohomology with respect to the base space
T, and like homology with respect to the configuration space
Recall that we have a mixture of homology and cohomology for each
generalized (co)homology theory. In this talk we explain and enhance
such a mixture for the stable (co)homotopy theory, from which we are
able to define new gauge theoretical invariants as long as the
family of moduli spaces over T is compact. Our main tool is the
Pontrjagin-Thom construction
with the following two modifications.
(1) We introduce twisting in stable framing, which is defined by using a
family of linear Fredholm operators.
(2) We also need a generalization of the above mentioned notion of a
manifold over T to include the parametrized moduli spaces which
might have some singularities.
For the Seiberg-Witten theory, our invariant is related to the
Bauer-Furuta invariant by a version of S-duality.
So far the validity of our construction for the Donaldson theory is
still limited because we need compactness of the moduli spaces.
However, we do recover the 2 torsion invariants of Fintushel and
Stern. In addition, if the noncompactness of the family of moduli
spaces is caused only by bubbles with instanton number 1, then our
construction applies to a refinement of Uhlenbeck compactification
of the family of moduli spaces.
Formally our construction should also be valid for Gromov-Witten
theory. In fact, we can also recover the bordism GW invariant of
This is a joint work with Tian-Jun Li.