Registration Form: Yamabe Memorial Symposium


Third Yamabe Memorial Symposium
University of Minnesota
September 15-17, 2006

For availability of hotel space, registration is encouraged as soon as possible, and in any case before Friday, August 25, 2006. See web page for hotel information. There is no registration fee.

Name ___________________________________________________________
Email address ____________________________________________________
Address _________________________________________________________
Arrival Date______________________________________________________
Departure Date____________________________________________________
|_| (check) I would like to apply for funds to cover part of my expenses.

Please copy and email this form to . Alternatively, print out and mail a hard copy to Bob Gulliver, Yamabe Symposium, School of Mathematics, 127 Vincent Hall, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis MN 55455, USA.


The First Yamabe Memorial Symposium was held Friday - Sunday, September 20 - 22, 2002. The topic was Geometry and Analysis. Speakers were Hubert Bray, Ben Chow, Richard Hamilton, Peter Li, Fang-Hua Lin, Richard Schoen, Gang Tian and Brian White.

The Second Yamabe Memorial Symposium was held Friday - Sunday, September 17 - 19, 2004. The topic was Geometry and Physics. Speakers were Robert Bryant, Sheldon Katz, Kefeng Liu, Duong Phong, Paul Seidel, Isadore M. Singer, Karen Uhlenbeck and Shing-Tung Yau.

Confirmed speakers for the Third Yamabe Memorial Symposium on Geometry and Symplectic Topology are: Denis Auroux, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Yasha Eliashberg, Stanford University; Ron Fintushel, Michigan State University; Mikio Furuta, University of Tokyo; Helmut Hofer, Courant Institute; Dusa MacDuff, SUNY Stony Brook; Peter Ozsvath, Columbia University; and Yongbin Ruan, University of Michigan.

Questions? Ask the organizers.