Lectures were held in Room 16, in the basement level of
Vincent Hall on the Twin Cities campus of the University of Minnesota.
Registration and breaks were held in Room 120 Vincent Hall.
The Math Department Colloquium Thursday, September 25 at 3:20 in Vincent Hall 16
was given by
Gerhard Huisken, Albert-Einstein Institut.
His title was,
Isoperimetric inequalities in manifolds
and geometric evolution equations. Abstract
A special presentation aimed especially at graduate students
was given Friday, September 26, at 1:20 PM in Vincent Hall 6, by Alice Chang, Princeton University.
Her title was,
Sobolev Embeddings and application to problems in conformal geometry. Abstract
Friday, September 26, 2008
2:30 pm: Registration and refreshments
120 Vincent Hall
All talks were held in Vincent Hall 16, in the lower level.
3:15 pm: Welcome Peter Olver, Math Department chair
3:20 pm: Introduction
Bob Gulliver, Tian-Jun Li, Jiaping Wang
3:30 pm:
Neil Trudinger,
Australian National University
On the higher order Yamabe problem
4:30 pm: Coffee Break,
120 Vincent Hall
5:00 pm:
Burkhard Wilking, University of Muenster
Ricci flow in high dimensions
Saturday, September 27, 2008
8:15 am: Continental Breakfast
120 Vincent Hall
All talks in Vincent Hall 16.
9:30 am:
Gerhard Huisken,
Albert Einstein Institute, Potsdam
New estimates for mean curvature flow with surgery
10:30 am:
Group Photo
10:40 pm: Coffee Break, 120 Vincent Hall
11:10 am:
Simon Brendle, Stanford University
Ricci flow and the classification of 1/4-pinched manifolds
12:10 pm: Lunch
2:30 pm:
Yum-Tong Siu, Harvard University
Techniques of multiplier ideal sheaves and their
applications to algebraic geometry
3:30 pm: Coffee Break,
120 Vincent Hall
4:00 pm:
Ngaiming Mok, Hong Kong University
From the Bergman kernel to holomorphic isometries: a method of
analytic continuation
Abstract PDF Abstract