Study points for the final exam
Mathematical preliminaries
- Taylor's theorem, integral mean value theorem, change of variable in
integrals, matrix algebra
Floating point computation
- floating point number systems
- IEEE arithmetic
- propagation of errors by arithmetic operations and function evaluation,
catastrophic cancellation
Numerical solution of nonlinear equations
- bisection method and its convergence theory
- Newton's method and its convergence theory
- secant method and its convergence theory
- adaptive hybrid methods
- fixed points and successive substitution, contractions, rates of convergence
- Muller's method
- Aitken extrapolation
- Newton's method for systems
- Lagrange interpolation: definition, existence and uniqueness, ...
- Lagrange's form
- divided differences and Newton's form, divided difference tables
- error formula
- Hermite cubic interpolation, Lagrange's form and Newton's form, error
- piecewise polynomial interpolation: piecewise Lagrange interpolation,
piecewise Hermite cubic interpolation
- cubic spline interpolation: definition, defining equations, end conditions
- adaptive interpolation routines
- standard form of a quadrature rule (nodes and weights)
- derivation of quadrature rules from Lagrange interpolation
- determining the error by integrating the error formula for Lagrange
- scaling
- simple rules and composite rules, simplification of composite rules
for equal spacing
- derivation of error estimates for the composite rule from those for
the simple rule (for both equal and unequal spacing)
- endpoint corrections for composite trapezoidal rule with equal spacing
- Newton-Cotes rules: trapezoidal rule, Simpson's rule, Simpson's
3/8 rule, Boole's rule,...
- Peano kernel error representation for the simple trapezoidal rule;
how to apply it
- adaptive quadrature schemes
- combining two equal order rules to get an error estimate and a better
approximation, Richardson extrapolation
- Gaussian quadrature
Numerical solution of linear systems of equations
- review of matrix algebra
- solution of triangular systems, back substitution
- Gaussian elimination and reduction to triangular form
- the LU decomposition
- pivoting and scaling
- Cholesky decomposition
- elimination for tridiagonal matrices
- counting operations, operation counts for all the algorithms
- matrix and vector norms
- conditioning of linear systems, condition numbers