I am
a Professor in the Department of
Computer Science and Engineering
at the University of Minnesota, Twin
Cities .
My research
interests are in the areas of Operating Systems and Distributed Systems.
I co-lead the Distributed Computing Systems Group in the department.
My research focuses on resource management and performance in distributed systems, such as Clouds, Data centers, Edge computing, and Mobile platforms, with the goal of achieving reliability, scalability, sustainability, and manageability. Much of my focus in recent years has been on designing and optimizing systems for data-driven computing in the cloud and at the edge, especially for data generated at the edge of the network (near the users). This focus has involved research in geo-distributed data analytics, social and health analytics, and mobile and IoT data analytics.
Currently, I am working on a number of projects related to these areas, investigating issues in
data-intensive computing, edge computing, mobile and IoT systems, and social computing.
I am currently serving as the Steering Committee Co-Chair for IEEE IC2E .
In the past, I have served as the General Co-chair for ACM HPDC 2022 , and the Program Co-chair for IEEE ICDCS 2021 , IEEE IC2E 2018 and ACM HPDC 2018 conferences. I was also the TPC Vice chair for the Edge Computing Track for IEEE ICDCS 2020 and IEEE ICDCS 2018 .
Office: Rm 4-209, Keller Hall
Ph: (612) 626-1283
Fax: (612) 625-0572
Email: chandra AT umn DOT edu
Note: Email is the best way to contact me as I check it frequently.
Mailing Address:
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
University of Minnesota
4-192 Keller Hall,
200 Union St. SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455
December 2024:
PhD student Joel Wolfrath passes his PhD thesis defense . Congrats, Joel!!
December 2024:
MS student Dorota Kopczyk passes her MS Plan B Exam . Congrats, Dorota!!
July 2024:
Prof. Chandra received a new STTR grant from DoD. Thanks DoD!
May 2024:
Two papers from our group appear at CCGrid 2024.
April 2024:
Prof. Chandra's interview on Edge computing is published.
August 2023:
Our paper on Geo-distributed Join Approximation accepted to ACM SOCC'23.
July 2023:
Our SQuBA paper with PhD student Yixuan Wang as the first author won the Best Student Paper Award at IEEE Edge 2023. Congrats Yixuan!
May 2023:
Our AggFirstJoin paper won the Best Paper Award at CCGrid 2023.
September 2022:
We received a new research grant from Cisco to investigate the scalability of edge computing systems. Thanks, Cisco!
September 2022:
Our paper on Efficient Edge Sampling presented at IC2E'22.
July 2022:
Our paper on Elasticity in Heterogeneous Edge-dense Environments presented at ICDCS'22.
June 2022:
Prof. Chandra serves as General Co-Chair for ACM HPDC 2022 conference held in Minneapolis.
June 2022:
Our Network Cost-aware GDA paper published in IEEE TPDS journal.
June 2022:
Our paper on Heterogeneity-Aware Federated Learning presented at IPDPS'22.
April 2022:
Our paper on Distributed Join Sampling presented at EdgeSys'22.
March 2022:
PhD student Dhruv Kumar passes his PhD thesis defense . Congrats, Dhruv!!
December 2021:
Our Aggnet paper presented at ACM/IEEE SEC'21.
July 2021:
Prof. Chandra serves as Program Co-Chair for IEEE ICDCS 2021 conference .
June 2021:
Our DLion paper presented at ACM HPDC'21.
April 2021:
Our paper on Accelerated Federated Learning appears at EdgeSys'21.
December 2020:
Our WASP paper appears at Middleware'20.
November 2020:
Our poster on Data-Aware Edge Sampling wins the Best Poster Award at SEC'20.
November 2020:
Our Vision paper on Edge-native storage appears in SEC'20.
October 2020:
Prof. Chandra chairs the panel on Data Science Project Management at the VAIBHAV Summit: A global summit for Overseas and Resident Indian Scientists and Academicians.
May 2020:
Our paper on
Network Cost-aware Geo-distributed Data Analytics System appears at CCGrid'20.
Feb 2020:
Our paper on Wiera geo-distributed storage system published in IEEE TPDS.
Sep 2019:
We received a new NSF grant for a project on building an edge-based IoT framework. Thanks, NSF!
July, 2019:
PhD students Kwangsung Oh and Albert Jonathan pass their PhD thesis defense . Congrats, Kwangsung and Albert!
July, 2019:
Our papers on DLion, DeCaf and Constellation systems presented at HotCloud and HotEdge workshops.
June, 2019:
Our paper on MESH Hypergraph processing system nominated as a Best Paper Finalist in IC2E'19.
June, 2019:
Our paper on TTL-based streaming analytics presented at SIGMETRICS'19.
More news...