I am a graduate student in the UMN Computer Science Department, supervised by Stephen J. Guy ,
and am a member of the Applied Motion Lab.
My main research interests are robotics and motion planning under uncertainty, especially in complex, partially unknown environments.
I recieved a B.A. degree in Computer Science from Carleton College in 2013.
Bobby Davis, Ioannis Karamouzas, and Stephen J. Guy. "Coverage Aware Trajectory Optimization". under submission to RA-L/ICRA.
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We introduce the problem of continuous, coverage-aware trajectory optimization under localization and sensing uncertainty, present a method for quantifying the coverage sensing uncertainty, and develop an algorithm to find locally optimal coverage paths.
Bilal Kartal, Bobby Davis, and Stephen J. Guy. "Data-Driven Story Domain Inference". under submission.
We propose a data-driven narrative generation method that employs a Bayesian inference approach to learn high-level story domains from collections of existing stories.
Robert Davis, Zhongmiao Xiao, and Xiaojun Qi, "Capturing Semantic Relationship Among Images in Clusters for Efficient Content-Based Image Retrieval," IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP'12).
We design a clustering-based system which, given an input image, returns images from a database that are semantically similar to the input image.