John Dodson:hi there John Dodson:how are you getting on with the homework? John Dodson:do we need to use the conference line? If not, I will drop it. John Dodson:I do not hear anyone on the conference line, so I am going to drop it and go over to Connect audio. sangya:yes Mo:yes John Dodson:I will save and post tonight's chat session for those who cannot attend. John Dodson:Have you have a chance to start in on the Engle-Ng paper for next week? sangya:I haven't yet. Have the grades been posted to moodle? i saw you added the link sangya:but when i sign into moodle i don't see this class John Dodson:The module exists on Moodle2, it is FM5031_001F11, but I don't see any grades yet. sangya:ok John Dodson:Sangya, I don't know what Moodle looks like from the student perspective. Are you using Moodle2? sangya:Yes - when I follow your link, I get a message saying this moodle site is unavailable to students. it says the instructor has to unhide it first. John Dodson:oh, ok. I will work on that sangya:k, thanks John Dodson:OK, I have changed the "availability" on the Moddle page. Does it appear now, Sangya? Mo:John if i understood well the hmk, it has 2 sides which are one evaluation on daily return and the other on daily vol, right? John Dodson:Yes, Mo. You can assume daily returns are normal and use the MLE and C-R results for estimate and standard error for the two parameters. John Dodson:Technically, the term "volatility" refers to the geometric Brownian motion model, which involves a normal but has a slightly different interpretation for the parameters sangya:It appears on moodle now, thanks John Dodson:OK, thanks Sangya. I am new to Moodle. sangya:no problem sangya:could we just use MLE in matlab? John Dodson:probably, Sangya; but I am not familiar with the details of the statistics package. sangya:ok. can you explain the se equation on slide 12 again? particularly the diag part? John Dodson:The 'diag()' probably causes more confusion than it is worth. The point is that, which most MLE's are joint estimators, sometimes we only care about their marginal performances. John Dodson:The standard error (se) is the vector of the (marginal) standard deviation of the estimator components John Dodson:To get standard deviation from covariance (matrix), we have to first extract its diagonal. John Dodson:We can't just take the square root of the covariance, becaues technically this would be something like the Cholesky matrix. But we only care about the margins. sangya:that helps, thanks John Dodson:so the first 'diag()' pulls out the diagonal of the cov, the second one turns it into a diagonal matrix with zero off-diagonal entries, and the third one after the 'sqrt()' extracts the diagonal of the result. sangya:i had to try it in matlab step by step but now I get it :) Greg:John, have you had a chance to post some old final exams? John Dodson:no, not yet Greg. I will try to get some sample questions out before my next visit on the 19th. Greg:Thanks, I appreciate it. John Dodson:Any final questions before we call it a night? Greg:Nope. Have a good night. Xiaowen:Guten Nacht! Herr Dodson. Peter:Night. Thanks John.