John Dodson:hi Peter Peter:Hi John. Jingnan:Hello John, Can I ask a question? John Dodson:Sure Jingnan:In your handout, in Scaling expectation, it seems E[Y_T+i|F_T]=m_T+1, I got a little confusing. Jingnan:I thought each E is different John Dodson:Jingnan, yes each $m_t$ could be different, but we do not have a model for that John Dodson:so we usually set all $m_t$ to the same value, such as zero John Dodson:if we have a timeseries for the "borrow" rates, we could use that instead Jingnan:So here you set each E[Y_i | F] equales to same value of m_T+1, right? John Dodson:yes, in general $E[Y_t|F_]=m_t$ for each $t$ in our historical sample. We set them all to the same value unless we have a good reason to do something more precise. John Dodson:we do this so that the conditional expectatons $E[\epsiolon_t|F_]$ are all zero Jingnan:And in Variance Targeting, when we get this formula for w, substitute \sigma for \hat\sigma, are you expecting us to plug in MLE to got other three parameters? John Dodson:Yes, set-up a likelihood maximization optimization to find $\hat\alpha$, $\hat\beta$, and $\hat\gamma$. sangya:John, are there constraints on the parameters? do they equal 1? John Dodson:Sangya, the most important constraint is that $h_t$ should never be negative. So generally this means $\omega\ge 0$, $\alpha\ge 0$, and $\beta\ge 0$ sangya:ok! Jingnan:Is there any difference we directly calculate parameters from MLE and plug in variance targeting formula to get them? John Dodson:Also, since $\sigma^2$, the unconditional variance, cannot be negative, you also have $\alpha(1+\gamma^2)+\beta<1$ Jingnan:Is there any difference we directly calculate parameters from MLE and plug in variance targeting formula to get them? John Dodson:Jingnan, you will get (slightly) different values, but they will probably be fine. The advantage with variance targetting is that the numerical optimization is a little easier. Jingnan:When deducing the formula, does it also assume h_t is uncorrelated with e_t? John Dodson:Yes, I think this can be proved. Jingnan:Thanks !~ John Dodson:Assuming $\epsilon_t$ and $\epsilon_$ are independent John Dodson:I should be on campus by about 2:30 on Wednesday. If anybody would like to meet me before the session, let me know. Mo:Hi John, i tryied to use (garchset and garchfit ) matlab for the modeling. im getting some error. How can i get it start in matlab? John Dodson:Sorry, Mo. I don't know much about MATLAB's packages. There is probably a way to set it up for this specification, but you will have to review the documentation or get some technical assistance. John Dodson:Which package are you using, but that way? Mo:the mathwoks specifies econometrics but i do not have it and tryied to use the function handle in the command. That s where i got errors msg. John Dodson:I do not mind you using packages, but I cannot support them. You should be able to do the problem with the standard functions. Sharon Linden:When you get a chance John, I am getting values for alpha, beta, and gamma but am unsure how to judge their accuracy. If $\alpha(1+\gamma^2)+\beta<1$ holds would you consider that a good indication? John Dodson:Sharon, a good way to check if you have reasonable values is to change the initialization values for the numerical optimization and see if you come to the same results. Generally $\beta$ will be close to one and $\alpha$ will be close to zero. John Dodson:Any questions? Greg:I have a question from a couple of weeks ago... John Dodson:Sure, Greg. What's that? Greg:Oct 5 slides. Slide 11. I couldn't follow how to find I_X. How do you take the derivative WRT theta prime? How do you take the covariance of that? John Dodson:this is just a gradient. Usually, if $\theta$ is a column vector and f is a scalar, then $df/d\theta$ is a row vector. so conventionally $df/d\theta'$ is a column vector Greg 2:Thank you, that helps. Is X a vector? Then we end up with an Nx2 matrix. And that is what we take the covariance of? John Dodson:yes, $X$ is a vector, but $\log f_X(X)$ is a scalar. So you are evaluating the covariance of a vector. John Dodson:or equivalently the (negative) expected value of the Hessian Greg 2:That's part of what threw me... I've never taken the covariance of a vector before. John Dodson:I think you have. All covariances involve vectors. The covariance of a scalar is just a variance. Greg 2:Well, I'll have to puzzle over that for a bit. I'm used to finding the covariance between two or more timeseries, so I'll need to think about what this all means conceptually. I won't keep you late, though. Thanks for your help tonight. John Dodson:Sure. Unless someone else has a topic, I will let you go shortly... John Dodson:I will post the log. Greg 2:Take care. scott:Thanks John. Have a good night.