vvv:cant hear anything Xiaowen:Yes, on the phone John Dodson:can you hear me on the phone? Holly Borgie:yes John Dodson:how have the other modules gone? John Dodson:Is anyone have trouble dialing in? Abdou Mouguiss Ba-Traore:Hi John r we using speaker tonight? John Dodson:Abdou, we are using the conference line Bowen:r u gonna talk about the samples? Abdou Mouguiss Ba-Traore:Ru going to post the recording? John Dodson:yes, I will post the recording Abdou Mouguiss Ba-Traore:Thank u Sharon Linden:will you be available on umconnect during the exam? Sharon Linden:great sangya:just you Fanda:NO Fanda:JUST YOU kk:how many problems will have in the fina? kk:b Sharon Linden:monotonic? Holly Borgie:a Dichen Li:b Xiaowen:b Greg:c Rachel:c Pangfei yu:b Holly Borgie:b Holly Borgie:no, I think c Holly Borgie:not sure though -slides say prices + d.f. I think Sharon Linden:i agree with c Holly Borgie:makes sense Noppanan 2:what was the answer no4? Fanda:yes Pangfei yu:b Fanda:b Holly Borgie:b Fanda:x/x^2 Pangfei yu:c Holly Borgie:c Pangfei yu:b Greg:c kk:c Rachel:c Sharon Linden:c Fanda:i guess we need to re-estimate Pangfei yu:b Avinash Pulchan:b Greg:b Holly Borgie:b Greg:b Jessie:b Pangfei yu:c Greg:c Holly Borgie:6/10 - not great Bowen:do u have the grades for the final project Sharon Linden:Would you discuss the directions - choose the best answer or answers - all of these had only 1 answer. Are there others in the bank that have multiple answers? Bowen:will the final have any concentration on some part of the lecture? Pangfei yu:How long will be the final test? Greg:Will we be kicked out after 1 hour? Greg:I'm having trouble hearing you. Holly Borgie:can you hang up on 8888? Fanda:sweet! sangya 2:thank you Sharon Linden:thank you so much Noppanan 2:wow Holly Borgie:relief Rachel:great! John Dodson:Press *6 to speak Mac:lol Noppanan 2:haha ASDEF:Can the final test be longer ? how about 1:30? Holly Borgie:more time/more questions? Pangfei yu:Yes Noppanan 2:1.30 Xiaowen:That's right. Only you. Sharon Linden:If we won't get kicked out, why does the time matter? Sharon Linden:no, you just said we wouldn't get kicked out. I am good on time. Xiaowen:I vote for 1:30 if we have a set amount of questions. Greg:Would bringing a calculator help? ASDEF:So we set 20 problem for 1;30? Greg:Out of curiosity... the final grade across all modules - is it usually curved, or just calculated from the scores (95=A, etc.)? Greg:no Noppanan 2:no Fanda:no! Xiaowen:http://math.umn.edu/finmath/courses/grading.shtml Pangfei yu:So do we have already done the review? sangya 2:thanks john Holly Borgie:Thanks John ASDEF: Thanks Zihong Rong:thank you Jessie:Thank you! kk:thanks Mac:thank you! John. Noppanan 2:Thanks, John :) John Dodson:sure. good luck! John Dodson:any other questions? Qi Guo:Thanks John John Dodson:If no other questions, I will hang up shortly. I will post the recording and the chat log. Fanda:Thanks John John Dodson:Sure John Dodson:Ok, bye everyone