19:09:23 PM from John Dodson to Everyone: Hi everyone. How is the assignment going? 19:09:38 PM from Will Elliott to Everyone: Hey John, I believe I solved the SDE, drift term and M from equations in the book and the tau equation in the problem definition. I am having a hard time taking these results and moving forward with problem 2. I was wondering if you could maybe provide some ideas on progressing from problem #1 to #2. Thanks -- sorry no mic 19:15:17 PM from John Dodson to Everyone: Once you have the parameters for the default stopping time and the contingent payout, you move on valuing the two legs of the swap. This means you will need to calculate some expectations, in particular the expected value of the indicator that default occurs prior to expiration $\chi_{\tauL$ as long as $r>0$ (which we can assume). The CDS will payout at default. 19:33:01 PM from John Dodson to Everyone: We can also assume $V_0>L'$, or else the firm would already be in default. 19:35:14 PM from Boyuan to Everyone: John, for part 2, are we evaluating the expectation of the term or just the expression for the term using F_0 information? 19:36:49 PM from John Dodson to Everyone: The payout is $F_0$-measurable. You don't need to evaluate any expectations. 19:37:58 PM from Boyuan to Everyone: OK, so it will be something involving the Brownian motion and tau as a random variable? 19:39:27 PM from John Dodson to Everyone: Boyuan, since we know (under any filtration) what $V_\tau$ is, we know $B_\tau$. Does this make sense? 19:39:37 PM from Boyuan to Everyone: Yes 19:43:09 PM from Boyuan to Everyone: I'm trying to figure out what parameters should be in the final expression and what should not? 19:44:01 PM from John Dodson to Everyone: Boyuan, it does get messy. Don't worry about optimizing too much. $M$ and $\gamma$ will be there, and probably also $L'$ and $\sigma$. 19:45:05 PM from Boyuan to Everyone: OK. Thanks 19:46:01 PM from Boyuan to Everyone: Also, for part 3, you mentioned the integration will be difficult. Any techniques that you think will be required? 19:49:41 PM from John Dodson to Everyone: Boyuan, I recommend incorporating the $e^{-rt}$ into the definition of the density of $\tau$ and finding a $\tau'$ such that $E[e^{-rt}\chi_{t