Awards and Honors:
IEEE Fellow since 1998
Fellow, Minnesota Supercomputer
Center Director, National Science
Foundation I/UCRC Center on Intelligent Storage since 2009
National Science Foundation,
Director’s Award for Collaborative Integration, September 8, 2008
ACM Recognition of Service Award,
IEEE Certificate of Appreciation,
2012 for contributing to the growth of the communications industry and the
society as a loyal communications society member
IEEE Certificate of Appreciation,
Member of Technical Review Committee,
Information Communication Lab at Industry Technology Research Institute,
Taiwan, 2008, 2010, and 2013
Member of Advisory Committee for
Innovation and Advanced Research, Institute of Information Industry, Taiwan,
Member of International Advisory
Committee, Research Center for Information Technology Innovation, Academic Sinica, Taiwan, 2011-present
Member of International Advisory
Committee, Institute of Information Science, Academic Sinica,
Taiwan, 2008-2016
Member of International Advisory
Board of the Journal of Computer Science and Engineering, Korea, 2007-present
Member of External Review Committee,
Graduate Institute of Biomedical Electronics and Bioinformatics, National
Taiwan University, May 2023
Invited Keynote Speaker,
International Photonics and Optoelectronic Meetings at Wuhan, China, 2022
Invited Keynote Speaker, joint
meeting National Yang-Ming Chao-Tung University and Institute of Information Industry,
August 2022
Invited Plenary Speaker, National
Cheng-Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, July 2022
Invited member of visiting committee
of Chinese University of Hong Kong for reviewing Departments of Biomedical
Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Electronic Engineering,
Information Engineering, Mechanical and Automation Engineering, and Systems
Engineering and Engineering Management 2018
Invited Speaker at Salesforce, February 2018, San
Invited Plenary Speaker at IEEE ICNC (International
Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications) 2017, San Jose, CA
Invited Keynote Speaker at the 6th IEEE Non-Volatile
Memory Systems and Applications Symposium (NVMSA) 2017, Hsin-Chu,
Invited Speaker at Huawei Strategy and Technology
Workshop 2016, Shenzhen, China, May 2016
Invited Speaker at National Taiwan University, 9/7/2016
Invited Speaker at Industrial Technology and
Research Institute, Taiwan, 9/9/2016
Invited Speaker at Asia University, Taiwan, 9/13/2016
Invited Speaker at National Central University,
Taiwan, 9/21/2016
Invited Distinguished Speaker at Huawei Storage
Summit, Shenzhen, China, November, 2015
Invited Speaker, University of Central Florida, October, 2015
Invited Speaker Distinguished Industrial Lecture
Series in ICT for 2020 - Storage Systems Research Trends in Big Data Era at CITI (Center
for Information and Technology Innovation), Academic Sinica,
Taiwan August 2014
Invited Keynote Speaker, the 16th
IEEE International Conference on Communication Technology, Nov. 2014, Shenzhen, China
Invited Keynote Speaker, the 15th
IEEE International Conference on Communication Technology, Nov. 2013, Guilin, China
Invited Keynote Speaker, IEEE 2nd
International Conference on Cloud Computing and Intelligence Systems, Oct. 30
to November 1, 2012, Hangzhou, China
Invited Speaker, Old Dominion
University, Norfolk, Virginia, February 2012
Invited Keynote Speaker, the 17th
IEEE Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS), December 7-9,
2011, Tainan, Taiwan
Invited Speaker, NEC Research,
Princeton, New Jersey, December 2011
Invited Speaker, Department of
Computer Science and Engineering, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama,
November 2011
Invited Speaker, IBM Almaden, San
Jose, California, March 2011
Invited Speaker, Samsung Electronics
Research, San Jose, California, March 2011
Invited Keynote Speaker, the 16th
International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems, October 14-16, Chicago,
Invited Plenary Speaker, Cyber
Physical System Summit (organized by Taiwan Government Executive Yuan Strategy
Research Board), September 2010, Taipei, Taiwan
Invited Plenary Speaker, Globecom 2010 on “Future Generation Networks”, Dec. 2010
Invited President Distinguished
Speaker, Haungzhou Electronic University, China, March
Invited Speaker, Institute of
Computing Technology, Chinese Academic of Sciences, February 2010
Invited Keynote Speaker, the 2nd
International workshop on Critical Infrastructure Protection, December 2009, Taipei,
Invited Keynote Speaker, 10th
International Symposium on Pervasive Systems, Algorithms and Networks, Taiwan,
Dec. 2009
Invited Keynote Speaker, 5th
International Conference on Mobile Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks (MSN 2009), Wu Yi
Mountain, China
Invited Distinguished Speaker, William
and Mary College, November 2008
Invited Keynote Speaker, D2D
Workshop, October 25, 2008, Shenzhen, China
Invited Keynote Speaker, SNAPI08,
Workshop on Storage Network Architecture and Parallel I/Os,
September 2008, Baltimore, Maryland
Invited Keynote Speaker, IFIP
International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing, Oct. 18, 2008,
Shanghai, China
Invited Keynote Speaker,
International Workshop on Wireless Security and Privacy, June 20, 2008,
Beijing, China
Invited Keynote Speaker, Workshop on
Mission Critical Networks, April 18, 2008, Phoenix, Arizona
Invited A* Visiting Professor, Data
Storage Institute, Singapore, January 2009
Invited Speaker, Symantec, Mountain
View, California, April 2008
Invited Keynote Speaker, International
Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems and Applications, August 2007
Invited Keynote Speaker, Korean
Computer Congress (KCC), June 2007
Invited Sensor Network Panel
Organizer at Infocom, May 2007
Invited Speaker, Boeing, Seattle,
May 2007
Invited Keynote Speaker at IEEE
International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications, June
2007, Newport Beach, California
Invited Speaker at Boeing, March
Invited Plenary Speaker at Navy
Undersea Distributed Networked Systems Conference in Newport, RI, February
13-15, 2007
Invited Keynote Speaker at NASA
Earth Science Web Meeting in San Diego, February 13-14, 2007
Invited Keynote speaker at Trusted
Computing Group Annual Meeting, January 2007, Atlanta
Invited Speaker at DOE Salishan High
Speed Computing Conference, April 2006
Invited Speaker at Cisco Fast Router
Symposium, August 2006
Invited Speaker at Distinguished
Lecture Series at Michigan State University, November 2006
Invited Keynote Speaker at GENI
Great Plains Network Workshop, Nov. 2006, Kansas State University
Invited keynote Speaker, the 9th
IASTED Conference on Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications, August
2005, Honolulu, Hawaii
Invited Plenary Speaker, the IEEE
Conference on Next Generation Web Services and Practices, Seoul, Korea 2005
Digital Technology Center,
Outstanding Service Award, 2004
Invited Korea IT Promotion Agency Distributed Visiting
Professor at Chung-An University,
Invited Speaker, Han-Wha S&C,
Seoul Korea, June 17th, 2003
Invited Keynote Speaker at Digital Convergence Workshop,
June 18th, 2003
Invited Speaker at KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute for Science
and Technology), June 20th, 2003
Invited Speaker, Seoul National University, June 25th,
Invited Keynote Speaker at Korea Electronic Conference, July
9th, 2003
Invited Speaker at Samsung Electronics, July 15th, 2003
Invited Speaker at HanYang University,
July 16th, 2003
Invited Speaker at Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology,
July 25th, 2003
Invited Keynote Speaker, Workshop on
Architectural and OS Support for Multimedia Applications, Minneapolis, August
Invited Keynote Speaker, International
Conference on Internet Technology, 1998
Invited Keynote Speaker, Pacific Workshop on Distributed
Multimedia Systems, Taipei, Taiwan, July 1998
Invited Keynote Speaker, 11th
International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering,
Las Vegas, Nevada, Nov. 11-13, 1998
Certificate of Appreciation from
IBM, 1997
Invited Distinguished Visitor, National
University of Singapore, 1996
Best Paper Award, “Link Delay
Modeling for Two-Way Traffic Road Segment in Vehicular Network,” Proc. of International
Conference on Internet of Vehicles (IOV) 2015, Chengdu, China (with Jinlo Lee and Jaehoon Jeong)
Best Paper Award, International Conference on Computer
Design, Austin,
Texas 1998, "Finding the
Longest Simple Path in Cyclic Combinatorial Circuits," (with Y.C. Hsu and
S.Z. Sun)
"On the General False Path
Problem," Proc. of Design Automation Conference 1989, pp. 555-560 (with
H.C. Yen). This paper has been nominated for the best paper award.