Awarded :
MEIS Small Grant, 1984
Graduate School Faculty Summer
Research Grant, 1984
NSF Equipment Grant, $82,500 1984
CDC/Honeywell/Sperry Research Grant,
"Database Management for ECAD" $30,000, Sept. 1984- Dec. 1984 and $90,000
for 1985 (with V. Berzins and S. March)
NSF Research Grant, Grant No.
DCR-8405498, "Studies in Associative Retrieval," $80,552, Sept. 1984-
Feb. 1987
Northern Telecom Inc. Research Grant, "Local Area
Networks for Office Automation," $60,000, 1985 (with K. Maly)
NSF CER Research Grant DCR-8420935, "Experimental
Research in Computer Algorithms", $3,622,190 (participating with S. Sahni as PI), 1985-1990
Northern Telecom Research Grant, "Local
Area Network for Office Automation", $60,000 for 1986-1988
HP Equipment Grant, "Studies in
Distributed Systems", $198,778 for 1986 (with A. Tripathi)
MEIS Research Grant, "Computer-Aided-Design
for VLSI", $270,000 for 1986-1989 (with G. Sobelman)
NSF Research Grant MIP-8605297, "Studies
in Layout Problems", $80,116 for 1986-1989
NCR Comten
Research Grant, "Studies in Computer Networking", $25,000 for
Computer-Integrated-Manufacturing Consortium,
Productivity Center
Principal Investigator for Network and Database Projects,
Layout," $74,920, National Science Foundation MIP-9007168, 1991-1993
"Collaborative Research in Networking," $100,000
IBM Rochester 1992-1993; A set of research equipment including one AS/400, 2
PS/2 and 6 Terminals are also provided
"Heterogeneous Computing in High Speed Networks", $30,000, 1993, Bellcore
Broadband ISDN Compass Testbed, US West, 1992-1995
Founder of the Distributed Multimedia
Research Center at University of Minnesota, 1994-1997, Industrial Sponsors: US
WEST, Honeywell, Computing Devices International, Network Systems and IVI Publishing; Each
industrial sponsor contributes $50,000/year
"Real Time and Multimedia Network
Services for Distributed Control
Applications," $61,858, ARPA (Joined with Honeywell;
the total project budget $701,000) from June 1994 to December 1995
"High-Performance Computing
over A Cluster of IBM RS/6000 Workstations"
Equipment Grant from IBM, $979,000 (with Co-PI Don Riley),
"Advanced Multimedia
Communications," $89,000, 3M, 1993-1994, $45,000 from 3M, 1995-1996
"Applications over High-Speed Networks : A Pilot Project for the NII"
NSF CISE Research Infrastructure Grant 1995-2000, $1,500,000
with $600,000 matching from University of Minnesota and $800,000 matching from
IBM (with P. Woodward, V. Kumar and P.C. Yew as co-PIs)
"Research in Distance Learning"
IBM Research Partnership Grant $120,000 from 1995 to 1997.
"High-Performance Computing
Using Clusters of Workstations," IBM SUR Project, Equipment Grant from IBM,
$800,000 in 1997 and $600,000 in 1998
"Performance Evaluation of Fibre Channel - Arbitrated Loop" Computing Devices
International, $25,976 from June 1995 to June 1996.
"Transaction Processing Using Internet Web", $27,000
from United Health Inc, 1997
vBNS connection
to Minnesota, NSF $350,000 1996-1997 (with Don Riley, et al. as co-PI)
"Video IP Project" $25,000 from NYSERnet
"Design and Performance Study of Serial Storage Interface
Technology", $68,000 from Seagate Technology, 1997-1998
"Performance Evaluation of Future
Serial Storage Interface," $72,000 from IBM Storage Systems Division,
“Collaborative Research Activities over the VBNS,” $124,000,
NSF, April 1, 1999- March 31, 2000
“Internet Integrated Services over ATM Networks,” $105K,
National Sandia Labs, 2000-2003
“Research in Multimedia Computing,” $3,000, Dell Computer,
“A System for Multi-Axial Subassemblage
Testing (MAST),”
$6.47M NSF Grant CMS-0086602 and $6M matching by the
University and the State, January 1, 2001 to December
31, 2004 (with Kathy French as PI, and Carol Shield, Douglas Ernie, Jerry Hajjar
and Arturo Schultz as co-PIs)
“Research in Emerging Network Infrastructure and Server
$50,000 from International Simulation and Training Systems,
January 1, 2002 to December 31, 2002
“Efficient Shared File Systems for iSCSI,” $100K gift from
Intel, June 1, 2002 to May 31, 2004
“Collaborative Research Resources: Collaborative Data Analysis
and Visualization,” $500,000, NSF CNS-0224424, Sept. 15, 2002
to Sept. 14, 2005 (with Paul Woodward as PI, and Jon Weissman, et. al. as
“Intelligent Storage Consortium,” $250,000 in 2002 and
$150,000 in 2003, Digital Technology Center, University of Minnesota, (with Jon
Weissman, Ahmed Tewfik, David Lilja, Yongdae Kim, and Zhi-Li Zhang)
“Intelligent Storage Consortium,” $165,000, StorageTek, Nov. 15, 2002 to Nov.
14, 2005
“Performance and Efficient Accesses for Future Storage Area
Networks,” $75,000, gift from Cisco, Sept. 2003- August 2004
“Intelligent Storage Consortium,” $135K, Veritas, May 2003
to May 2006
“Intelligent Storage Consortium,” $110K, LSI Logic (Engenio), March 2004-March 2006
“A Parallel Archive System Using Object-based Storage
Targets and Lustre,” $50K, 2004, DOE
“Intelligent Storage Consortium”, $55K,
Sun Micro, 2004
“SIMON: SImulation and MOdeling for SAN,” ONR STTR Phase 1 Grant, $75,000 with ATC
Corp, 2004-2005 (with Yongdae Kim); Phase 2 funding
for $500,000 from
“Development of A System for Interactive Analysis and
Visualization”, NSF CNS-0421423, $300,000 from 7/15/04 to 7/14/06 (with Paul
Woodward as PI)
“Intelligent Storage Consortium”, $55K, ETRI/Korea,
September 2004 to September 2005
“Designing OSD-Based File Systems”, $20K, ETRI/Korea,
9/1/04-12/31/04 (with Yongdae Kim)
“Intelligent Storage Support to Micro-Array Data”, NIH
Equipment Grant $222,000 (participating researcher with Chris Chute from Mayo
Clinic as PI), 2005
“Intelligent Storage Consortium,” $55K, ITRI/Taiwan, December 2005 to
December 2006
“Parallel Archive System Using Object-Based Storage Target
and Lustre File System”, $155,000 from Los Alamos National
Lab, March 2006- January 2009
“Database Applications with Intelligent Storage System”, $60,000
from ETRI/Korea, April 2006 to April 2007, and $100,000 each year in 2007-2010
“Integrated Infrastructure for Secure and Efficient Long-Term
Data Management,” (was PI for the project with co-PIs Yongdae
Kim and David Lilja; Due to my appointment at NSF,
Andrew Odlyzko has substituted as the PI), NSF
CCF-0621462, $696,999 from 9/15/06-9/14/09
“Global Time-Synchronized Delivery Architecture to Support
Mission-Critical Traffic on the Internet” $55,000, gift from Cisco, May 2007-April
NSF I/UCRC Center on Intelligent Storage (joint with UC Santa
Cruz), $10K for planning in 2008
“Travel Support for IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy
2009,” $15K from NSF, $10K from ARO and $10K from ONR
“Efficient Datadeuplication with
Consideration of Data Chunk Frequency,” NSF $300,000 9/1/09-8/31/2012
“Collaborative Research: Predictable Delivery for
Large-Scale Real-Time Applications”, NSF CNS-1016350, $268,522 9/1/10-8/31/2013
“Collaborative Research : A
Multi-University I/UCRC Center on Intelligent Storage,” NSF IIP-0934396, $400,000,
“Collaborative Research Phase II: A Multi-University I/UCRC
Center Research on Intelligent Storage,” NSF IIP-1439622, $631,800, 2014-2021
“Supplement to Collaborative Research Phase II: A Multi-University
I/UCRC Center Research on Intelligent Storage,” NSF IIP-1536447, $589,930,
NSF I/UCRC Center Membership
$200,000 from Xyratex 2010-2014
$450K from Seagate, 2010-2019
$100K from Los Alamos National Lab 2010-2012
$100K 2010-2012 and $300K 2013-2016 from
$150K from Veritas 2016-1019
$150K from NEC-Labs 2012-2015
$500K from NetApp 2012-2017
$250K from Dell/Compellent 2013-2018
$500K from HPE 2013-2019
$50K from Hitachi Global Storage
Systems 2013-2014
$100K from LSI 2012-2014
$150K from SGI 2013-2016
$100K from FedCentric
$100K from SK-Telecom 2014-2016
$100K from Cray 2014-2016
$100K from IBM 2015-2017
$150K from Intel 2015-2018
$100K from Huawei 2016-2018
$100K from Salesforce 2016-2018
“Efficient Buffer Management in FTL for High
Performance Solid State Drives,”
NSF CNS-115471 $130,000, 2011-2012
“Integrating Flash and Phase Change Memory into Memory/Storage
Hierarchies for Enhancing High-End and Data Intensive Computing”
NSF IIP-1127829 $199,428, 2011-2012
“Information Dissemination in Vehicular Networks for Reduced
Traffic Congestion,” NSF award CNS-1217572, $420K from August 16, 2012 to August 15, 2015
“Prediction-Based Data Placement for New Memory and Storage
Hierarchies,” NSF award CNS-1217569, $450K from Sept. 1, 2012
to August 31, 2015
“One Cloud Does Not Fit: Minnesota Integrated Cloud Systems
Research Testbed,” NSF award II-New 1305237, $350K from Sept. 1, 2013 to August
31, 2016 (with Jon Weissman, Abhishek Chandra and Zhili
Zhang as
“Travel Support for the 43rd Annual International
Conference on Parallel Processing,” NSF Award CNS-1438816, $10K from 3/28/2014
to 2/21/2015
Research: Software Defined Energy Adaption in Large Scale Data Centers,” NSF
Award CNS-1421913, $250K from 8/26/2014 to 1/14/2017
“NSF I/UCRC Phase II: Center on Intelligent Storage,” NSF
Award IIP-1439622, $631,800 from 9/15/2014 to 3/04/2019
Efficient Usage of Shingle Magnetic Recording Drives,” NSF Award CNS-1525617,
$494,971 from 8/18/2015 to 01/13/2018
“I/UCRC Innovative Managing Director: Center on Intelligent
Storage,” NSF Award IIP-1536477, $454,247 from 9/11/2015 to 9/10/2017
“Research on Kinetic and SMR Drives,” $70K from ETRI/Korea,
9/1/2015 to 1/31/2016
Storage Systems with Emerging Technologies for Solving Big Data Problems,” $499,100 NSF Award CNS-1812537,
“Efficient Ways to
Enlarge DNA Storage Capacity by Integrating Bio-Computer Technologies,” $300K,
NSF Award CNS-2204656, 7/14/2022-7/13/2025