Partial Solutions to Sample Questions for Exam 3
Math 2374,
Spring 2002
Most of these problems were
taken from your textbook; if you can't find them, check this list
here. Warning: looking at the answers before working on the
problems will nullify any benefit you might get from a sample
exam. The only way to learn Mathematics is being doing
problems. You can certainly check to see if you did a
problem correctly, but if you know the answer beforehand, working through
it won't help you as much.
4. 5.6 #3
5 5.6 #5
6. 5.6
#21 (rewritten in "normal" notation)
7. 5.6 #23
(rewritten in "normal" notation)
8. 5.7 #1, 3, 9,
10. 6.4 #2, #3 (answer to #2 not in the back)