[ Paul Garrett's Page ]
"You can't check infinitely-many things... you don't
have all day."
Carol Brunzell
"In an age of universal deceit, telling the truth is a
revolutionary act" attributable, in reverse chronological
order, at least to: George Orwell , Antonio
Gramsci, and (via Rosa Luxemburg), Ferdinand Lasalle
(1862) (Thanks to Brad Brock for the backward pointers!)
"Be as honest as your mouth will allow."
Olivia Brunzell-Garrett
"An infallible method of conciliating a tiger is to allow oneself
to be devoured." Konrad Adenauer
"There are many truths, Lucinda. Some are uplifting, others
are not." Uncle Bob, Plan 10 from Outer Space
"If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything."
Mark Twain
"The law in its majestic equality forbids the rich as well as the poor
from stealing bread, begging and sleeping under bridges."
Anatole France
"It's not so easy to (meaningfully) fail to prove the Riemann
Hypothesis" Anonymous
"Your problem is the long horizontal runs in your drains" Roto-Rooter
Preferred pronouns: "he/him/his" ("they/them/their" is fine, too.)
[ Vignettes ]
(updated 25 Jun 24)
Automorphic forms,
Representations, L-functions, Number Theory, Etc.
[ Seminar ]
(updated 11 Mar 20)
[Research students] ...
[REU students] ...
[Senior projects ]
university calendar
math faculty committees 2024-25
Fall 2024 math courses
my written prelims archive
( See also:
[ vignettes ]
[ functional analysis ]
[ intro to modular forms ]
[ representation theory ]
[ Lie theory, symmetric spaces ]
[ buildings notes ]
[ number theory ]
[ algebra ]
[ complex analysis ]
[ real analysis ]
[ homological algebra ]
[ short real ]
Unless explicitly noted otherwise, everything here, work
by Paul Garrett, is licensed
under a Creative
Commons Attribution 3.0
Unported License.
[ garrett@umn.edu ]
The University of Minnesota explicitly requires that I
state that "The views and opinions expressed in this page are
strictly those of the page author. The contents of this page have not
been reviewed or approved by the University of Minnesota."