Abstract Algebra
[ambient page updated Tue, 09 Apr '24, 05:06 PM]
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[ garrett@math.umn.edu ]
The main prerequisite for 8201 is good
understanding of undergrad algebra and linear algebra, with substantial experience writing
proofs .
Students coming into this course should have a range of
experience in proof writing, not only in a previous course
in abstract algebra, but also in analysis, rigorous linear
algebra, and some point-set topology. All these play significant
roles, both directly, and in terms of mathematical maturity and
Coherent writing is essential. Contrary to some myths,
the symbols do not speak for themselves.
Prerequisite for 8202: 8201 or equivalent.
Grades fall and spring will be determined
by four in-class midterms , scheduled as below. You are
not competing against other students in the course, and I
will not post grade
distributions. Rather, the grade regimes are roughly
90-100 = A, 75-90 = B, 65-75 = C, etc., with finer gradations of
pluses and minuses. So it is possible that everyone gets a "A", or
oppositely. That is, there are concrete goals, determined by what
essentially all mathematicians need to know, and would be happy
to know.
There will be optional homework/example assignments preparatory to
exams, as scheduled below, on which I'll give feedback about
mathematical content and writing style. The homeworks will not
directly contribute to the course grade, and in principle are
optional, but it would probably be unwise not to do them
and get feedback. No late homeworks will be accepted. Homework should
be typeset, presumably via (La)TeX, and submitted by
email. The notes contain discussions/solutions of the
homework/examples. If you find useful things in prior years' example
discussions, or elsewhere on the internet, or in books, cite
. Also, collaboration with other people is fine, and
acknowledge . It is ok to learn from other people, I
think. :)
This course is not a gauntlet to be run. The course is about
increasing awareness and exposure to
important, useful (also crazy and entertaining) ideas, so that in the
future when they show up (seemingly out of the blue?) in your work,
you can recognize them and act accordingly.
Text is below, with a few future updates along the way.
In Spring 2024, MWF 11:15-12:05, Vincent 207, office hours immediately after
class, email anytime
[ My book/notes on abstract algebra ] ... (updated
Sat, 21 Jul '07, 12:39 PM) ... in individual chapters
below. Various additions will be made along the way, but these notes
are 90% correct as to what we'll cover.
Miscellaneous notes:
Solutions to standard exercises:
s01 ,
s02 ,
s03 ,
s04 ,
s05 ,
s06 ,
s07 ,
s08 ,
s09 ,
s10 ,
s11 ,
s12 ,
s13 ,
s14 ,
s15 ,
s15b ,
s16 ,
s17 ,
s18 ,
s19 ,
s20 ,
Course notes
... individual chapters from notes linked-to above:
- 01 the integers: unique
factorization, Gaussian and Eisenstein integers, integers mod m,
Fermat's little theorem, Sun-Ze's theorem, examples.
- 02 groups I: subgroups, Lagrange's
theorem, homomorphisms, kernels, normal subgroups, cyclic groups,
quotient groups, groups acting on sets, Sylow theorems, worked examples
- 03 the players: rings, fields, etc:
homomorphisms, vectorspaces, modules, algebras, polynomial rings I
- 04 commutative rings I: divisibility
and ideals, polynomials in one variable over a field, ideals and
quotients, maximal ideals and fields, prime ideals and domains,
Fermat-Euler on sums of two squares, examples
- 05 linear algebra I: dimension,
bases, homomorphisms
- 06 fields I: adjoining things,
fields of fractions, fields of rational functions, characteristics,
finite fields, algebraic field extensions, algebraic closures
- 07 some irreducible polynomials:
over a finite field, examples
- 08 cyclotomic polynomials: multiple
factors in polynomials, finite subgroups of fields, infinitude of
primes p=1 mod n, examples
- 09 finite fields: uniqueness,
Frobenius automorphism, counting irreducibles
- 10 modules over PIDs: structure
theorem, variations, finitely-generated abelian groups, Jordan
canonical form, conjugacy versus k[x]-module isomorphism, examples
- 11 finitely-generated modules: free
modules, finitely-generated modules over a domain, PIDs are UFDs,
structure theorem (again), submodules of free modules
- 12 polynomials over UFDs: Gauss'
lemma, fields of fractions, examples
- 13 symmetric groups: cycles,
disjoint cycle decomposition, transpositions, examples
- 14 Naive set theory
- 15 Symmetric polynomials
- 16 Eisenstein's criterion for
irreducibility: prime-order cyclotomic polynomials and other
iconic examples
- 17 Vandermonde determinants (again!)
- 18 Cyclotomic polynomials II
- 19 roots of unity: cyclotomic
fields, solutions in radicals, Lagrange resolvents, quadratic
fields, quadratic reciprocity, examples
- 20 cyclotomy III: prime power
cyclotomic polynomials over the rationals, irreducibility,
factoring, examples
- 21 primes in arithmetic
progressions: Euler and the zeta function, Dirichlet's theorem, dual
groups of abelian groups, non-vanishing on the line Re(s)=1,
analytic continuations, Dirichlet series with positive coefficients
- 22 Galois theory: field extensions,
imbeddings, automorphisms, separable field extensions, primitive
elements, normal extensions, Galois' theorem, conjugates, trace,
norm, examples
- 23 solution by radicals: Galois'
criterion, composition series, Jordan-Holder theorem, solving cubics
by radicals, examples
- 24 eigenvectors, eigenvalues,
spectral theorems: diagonalizability, semi-simplicity, commuting
endomorphisms ST=TS, inner product spaces, projections without
coordinates, unitary operators, spectral theorems, corollaries, examples
- 25 duality, naturality, bilinear
forms: dual vectorspaces, examples of naturality, bilinear forms, examples
- 26 determinants I: prehistory,
definitions, uniqueness, existence
- 27 tensor products: desiderata,
uniqueness, existence, tensor products of maps, extension of
scalars, functoriality, naturality, examples
- 28 exterior algebra: desiderata,
uniqueness, existence, exterior powers of free modules, determinants
revisited, minors of matrices, uniqueness in the structure theorem,
Cartan's lemma, Cayley-Hamilton theorem, examples
Elementary exercises and notes:
[Intro to Abstract Algebra]
Exam and homework-example schedule, spring 2024:
Sunday |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
| | |
Jan 17 | | Jan 19 |
| Jan 22 | | Jan
24 | | Jan 25 | |
| Jan 29 | |
Jan 31 | | Feb 02 | |
| Feb 05 hmwk
05 | | Feb 07 | | Feb 09
exam 05 | |
| Feb 12 | | Feb
14 | | Feb 16 | |
| Feb 19 | | Feb
21 | | Feb 23 | |
| Feb 26 hmwk
06 | | Feb 28 | | Mar 01
exam 06 | |
| Mar
04 | Spring | Mar 06 | Break | Mar 08 | |
| Mar 11 | | Mar
13 | | Mar 15 | |
| Mar 18 | | Mar
20 | | Mar 22 | |
| Mar 25 | | Mar
27 | | Mar 31 | |
| Apr 01 hmwk
07 | | Apr 03 | | Apr
05 exam 07 | |
| Apr 08 | | Apr 10
| | Apr 12 | |
| Apr 15 | | Apr 17
| | Apr 19 | |
| Apr 22 hmwk
08 | | Apr 24 | | Apr 26 exam 08 |
| Apr 29 last class |
| | | |
Unless explicitly noted otherwise, everything here, work
by Paul Garrett, is licensed
under a Creative
Commons Attribution 3.0
Unported License.
[ garrett@umn.edu ]
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state that "The views and opinions expressed in this page are
strictly those of the page author. The contents of this page have not
been reviewed or approved by the University of Minnesota."