Homological algebra and ...
[ambient page updated Sat, 09 Sep '17, 03:35 PM]
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[ homological algebra ]
Tentative outline/list of topics
Notes, examples, supplements (Reverse chronological
order. Labels will become links when targets are ready.)
- DeRham, Dolbeault theorems ... Chern classes
- Cech sheaf cohomology and connection to algebraic topology
- Presheaves and sheaves, acyclic resolutions, derived-functor
sheaf cohomology
- Universal delta functors
- Derived functors, projectives, injectives, Baer's criterion
- exercises/examples: Ext, Tor, group (co-) homology, Lie
algebra (co-) homology, local cohomology
- 03 adjoints, naturality, exactness,
small Yoneda lemma
- 03x exercises/examples: standard adjoint pairs... Hom and tensor,
fixed and co-fixed vectors, isotypes and co-isotypes... adjoints to
forgetful functors are free objects
- 02 Yoneda's Ext1 and extensions
- 01 Popular categories
- 00 Introduction and overview
Sample phenomena illustrating homological ideas in nature:
- [ Snake lemma, extensions, Gamma function
... [ updated Tue, 14 Jun '11, 04:46 PM]...
... Illustration of extension and uniqueness of
distributions by
simple homological ideas. Easiest example: homogeneous distributions
and Gamma.
- In 2009-2010: MWF 12:20-1:10, Vincent 2 [Room change!]
- Prerequisites: abstract algebra ... and willingness to see examples
and illustrations from all parts of mathematics
- Office hours: MWF after class, email anytime
- To integrate some things whose inter-relations are sometimes
neglected, I will not follow any particular text. Of the sources
listed below, Weibel might be the most relevant, and Eisenbud, both of
these in terms of over-all content rather than logical ordering.
- Some standard sources:
- Weibel Homological Algebra
- Gelfand and Manin Methods of Homological Algebra
- Kashiwara and Shapira Categories and Sheaves
- Hilton and Stambach, Homological algebra
- Cartan and Eilenberg, Homological algebra
- Grothendieck, Tohoku J. paper
- MacLane, Homology
- Eisenbud Commutative Algebra with a View Toward Algebraic
- Bourbaki Commutative Algebra
- Atiyah and MacDonald Commutative Algebra
- Zariski and Samuel, Commutative algebra, two volumes
- Milnor Introduction to algebraic K-theory
- Rosenberg Introduction to algebraic K-theory
- Srinivas Algebraic K-theory
- Mitchell Theory of categories
- Freyd Abelian categories
- MacLane Categories for the working mathematician
Unless explicitly noted otherwise, everything here, work
by Paul Garrett, is licensed
under a Creative
Commons Attribution 3.0
Unported License.
[ garrett@umn.edu ]
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