Introduction to Representation Theory, Lie Theory,
Harmonic Analysis
by examples
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Math 8300, 2014-15, (Fall: 207 Vincent Hall) 1:25-2:15, MWF
- Representations of
finite abelian groups
[ updated
08:10, Oct 04, 2014]
- Representations of
dihedral groups
[ updated
11:06, Jun 24, 2024]
- Representations of finite 2x2 mirabolic subgroups
- Generalities
Representations of GL2 over a finite field
[ updated
11:11, Nov 24, 2014]
Representations of finite Heisenberg groups, theta
correspondences on finite SO(2)xSL2
[ updated
11:11, Nov 24, 2014]
- Representations of finite Heisenberg groups
- Finite Segal-Shale-Weil (oscillator) representations
- Segal-Shale-Weil (oscillator) representation construction of cuspidal
for SL2(Fq)
- ...
- Representations of the circle group T
unitary repns of topological groups
[ updated
14:08, Aug 03, 2014]
- Representations of the rotation group SO(3) of the
two-sphere S2 and spherical
- Verma modules of sl2,
highest-weight representations
- Highest-weight classification of irreducibles for unitary groups
- Finite-dimensional representations of matrix
groups SL2(R)
and SL2(C) and their Lie
algebras sl2(R)
and sl2(C)
- Quantum harmonic oscillator,
oscillator/Segal-Shale-Weil representation of
the Lie algebra sl2(R)
- Weyl character formula for unitary groups U(n)
- Unitary representations of SL2(R)
and SL2(C), principal
series representations, holomorphic discrete series
Intertwining operators among principal series for
[ updated
16:01, Jan 03, 2009]
- Representations of profinite groups: p-adic group GL2(Zp)
- Representations of p-adic
groups GL2(Qp)
principal series, supercuspidal
- The tree attached
to SL2(Qp)
and the buildings attached
to SLn(Qp)
- Borel-Casselman-Matsumoto theorem on representations with
Iwahori-fixed vectors
Stone-vonNeumann theorem for real and p-adic Heisenberg groups
[ updated
13:04, Apr 22, 2015]
- Segal-Shale-Weil repns, theta/Howe correspondences, liftings of automorphic forms
- ...
More later.
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