Short explanation of bash dotfiles

[ambient page updated 11 Oct 05] ... [ home ] ... [ ]

## version 2.05b for Red Hat Fedora 

## supposedly _this_ file is read _only_ at login...

## Note: .bashenv and .bash_login are obsolete
## Now only .bash_profile, .bashrc, and .bashlogout
## ... and ~/.inputrc = individual readline initialization file
## (and, of course, .bash_history

  if [ -r ~/.bashrc ]; then . ~/.bashrc; fi  ## does not exist...

## take these out of ~/.bashrc, and just here, to be read _once_

	 export PYTHONPATH=$HOME/python_lib:$HOME/tmp  ## no sys-wide PYTHONPATH
	 export PYTHONSTARTUP=$HOME/     
	 export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin
	 export PRINTER='octagon'
	 export PERL5LIB=$HOME/perl_lib:$HOME/tmp
	 export EDITOR=/usr/bin/emacs
	 export VISUAL=/usr/bin/emacs

	 export LC_COLLATE=C    ## 29 Jan 05	


## the following should be in ~/.bashrc

	 export PS1="\w $ "   ## prompt = just directory ... 25 Aug 2004

	 export HISTFILESIZE=2000
	 export HISTSIZE=2000

	 export REPLYTO="" ## read by emacs?

	 export HISTCONTROL="ignoreboth"

	 umask 077

	 alias xterm="xterm -sb -fg LightGray -bg SlateGray"

	 alias dvips="dvips -t letter"

	 alias rm="rm -i"

	 alias gs="gs -sDEVICE=x11" ## Thanks to mike ulrich...!

	 alias emacs="emacs -geometry 85x48+420+340"


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