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The version of the agenda presented in the textbook is a only for simulations. It doesn’t actually create a time delay between running actions. For this lab, we will be using a modified version of the agenda data structure that actually creates a time delay between actions executing at different time segments. Each time unit in the agenda data structure we will be using corresponds to 1 millisecond in real time. So for instance if you have two items in the agenda at time segments separated by 1000, they will execute 1 second apart. The rest of this page describes the procedures you will need to use to interact with the agenda.

The after-delay Procedure

There are at least two ways to program using after-delay. The simple approach is to just fill the agenda with all of the actions you want to preform at a specific time before any of them start. You can also create procedures that add each other to the agenda as they are evaluated. This can be thought of as time delayed recursion.

Here's an example of the simple approach. In this example, the dog will move forward for a second, then stop and wait a second, and then look left and make a sniffing sound. This example also illustrates passing named and unnamed procedures to after-delay.

(after-delay 0 (lambda () (walk .7)))
(after-delay 1000 stop)
(after-delay 2000 (lambda () (look-left) (sniff)))

It would be cumbersome to design a whole dance this way. A better approach is to break your dance into different repeating patterns. To do this, you can create actions that insert each other into the agenda. This is time delayed recursion. For instance, you can make the AIBO nod its head up and down repeatly by writing two procedures. One procedure moves the dog's head up and adds the other procedure to the agenda. The other procedure moves the dog's head back down and adds the first procedure to the agenda again. This creates a sort of infinite loop. To cancel this infinite loop at any time you can add the procedure reset-the-agenda! to the agenda which removes all actions from the agenda.

(define (my-nod-down) 
    (nod-down) ; nods dogs head down
    (after-delay 200 my-nod-up))

(define (my-nod-up)
    (nod-up) ; nods dogs head up
    (after-delay 200 my-nod-down))

(after-delay 0 my-nod-up) ; Put first call in the agenda, to get the process started
(after-delay 20000 reset-the-agenda!) ; Stop the loop after 20 seconds

Other Agenda Procedures