CRA-W/CDC Broadening Participation in AI
We proudly announce the CRA-W/CDC Broadening Participation in AI
program to be held in conjunction with AAAI-14.
The main goal of this program is to increase participation of women
and members of other underrepresented groups in Artificial Intelligence by
providing community building and networking sessions as well as
career mentoring advice.
Participants will have ample opportunities to interact with established
researchers, to network with other participants, and to receive
mentoring about career planning and career options.
The program will include a series of planned sessions scheduled over the
entire conference:
- Afternoon session on Monday July 28 before the
start of the main conference.
When: from 2:00pm to 5:30pm
Where: in room 204A on the Second Level of the Convention Centre
- career panel of faculty (Monica Anderson, Andrea Danyluk, Maria Gini,
Adele Howe, and Sheila McIlraith) on networking, picking a research
area/advisor, research and teaching careers post PhD.
- coffee break and time to talk with at least two people you did not
know before
- two meetings of 30 minutes each with an assigned faculty mentor.
Assignments will be distributed before the coffee break.
Each meeting will have 1-2 students per mentor. Each student will met
with two different mentors. Each meeting will start by you giving
your elevator speech.
- Women lunch on Tuesday July 29
When: from 11:50am to 1:00pm
Where: in room 206A/B on the Second Level of the Convention Centre
informal discussion at each table with other women attending the conference
(this is also for men from underrepresented groups). To start the conversation
we set up a google doc where you can add your questions and share your
answers/advice at
There is a charge of $5.00 for the lunch, which does not cover the cost
of the lunch, but is to minimize the number of no shows. You can claim
the $5.00 on your expenses.
- Breakfast on Thursday July 31
When: from 7:15am to 8:30am
Where: in room 205A on the Second Level of the Convention Centre
Travel Awards
CRA-W/CDC is providing some funding for travel awards.
Eligibility: travel funding is available for students who
are US citizens or permanent residents.
Students who are funded will have to attend the conference,
the doctoral mentoring consortium, and the three working/meal sessions
listed above.
Selection Criteria:
Priority will be given to women, other members of underrepresented groups
(Hispanics, African American, and Native American), and students who
do not have access to mentoring networks at their home institutions.
Funding: awards will provide $1,000-$1,500 for conference
registration, travel and lodging expenses. The awards will be
given in form of reimbursement after the conference.
Expected number of awards: 12-15.
Application for attendance and travel awards
An application is required to attend the program and to be considered
for a travel award. We expect most of the students accepted will
be graduate students, but undergraduates can also apply.
A form will be emailed to your research advisor asking them to provide some
supplementary information about you. The form
will contain multiple-choice questions about your current student status,
and why your advisor would like you to participate.
Application deadline: CLOSED
Professor Maria Gini
Department of Computer Science & Engineering, University of Minnesota
4-192 Keller Hall, 200 Union St SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455
Professor Monica Anderson
Department of Computer Science, University of Alabama
Box 870290, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487
Professor Andrea Danyluk
Department of Computer Science, Williams College
47 Lab Campus Drive, Williamstown, MA 01267
Professor Adele Howe
Department of Computer Science, Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1873
Copyright: © 2014 by the Regents of the University
of Minnesota
Department of Computer Science and
Engineering. All rights reserved.
Comments to: Maria Gini