Mats P.E. Heimdahl

Director, U of Minnesota Software Engineering Center

Computer Science and Engineering
University of Minnesota


My research interests are in software engineering, safety critical systems, software safety, testing, requirements engineering, formal specification languages, and automated analysis of specifications. I am currently pursuing my interest in the following areas: Static analysis of system and software requirements, for example, through model checking and theorem proving. How dynamic methods, for example, simulation and testing, can be used to validate requirements specifications. Model based software development. Automated test case generation. Software certification.

horizontal rule

Contact Information:

Dr. Mats P.E. Heimdahl
Mail Address:
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
4-192 EE/CSci Bldg.
200 Union Street S.E.
Minneapolis, Minnesota  55455
Physical Address:
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
6-201 EE/CSci Bldg.
Phone: (612)-625-2068
Fax: (612)-625-0572
Phone (department): (612)-625-4002

Page last updated Thursday, September 07, 2006