Ibrahim Volkan Isler
Department of Computer Science
University of Minnesota
- MnRI spotlight
- Fellow of the Informatics Institute
- 2010-12 McKnight Land-Grant Professor
- Resident Fellow at IonE
- Other affiliations: DTC, Precision Agriculture Center
- Office: Shepherd 239
Walking directions from the East Bank Light Rail Stop - Phone: +1-612-625-1067
- Fax: +1-612-625-0572
- Email:
- Mailing address
- Bio: Brief bio, CSE profile, C.V.
- Office hour: By appointment (teaching related? Also check the class pages please)
- Publications, RSN Lab
- Prospective students:
- Please read this before contacting me
- Curious about life in the Twin-Cities? Follow these links on our lab wiki, or check out this page
Recent Teaching
- CSCI 5561 Computer Vision (Fall 2023) [Syllabus] Please note the prerequisites!
- My group and the Robotic Sensor Networks Lab
- Here are some slides and
videos for a quick summary of our recent work on:
- Robotic Environmental Monitoring [Project Page]
- Robotic Data Mules [Project Page]
- Agricultural Robotics where you can find updates on our recent work. Here is a video on our yield mapping results.
Selected Recent Publications
More at: [List of publications][Google Scholar Profile]- A Pursuit-Evasion Toolkit (RAM 2016)
- Environment and Solar Map Construction for Solar-Powered Mobile Systems (TRO'16)
- Constrained Probabilistic Search for a One-Dimensional Random Walker (TRO'16)
Large Scale Image Mosaic Construction for Agricultural Applications (RAL'16)
Gathering Bearing Data for Target Localization (RAL'16)
Capturing an Omnidirectional Evader in Convex Environments using a Differential Drive Robot (RAL'16)
Algorithms for Cooperative Active Localization of Static Targets With Mobile Bearing Sensors Under Communication Constraints
- Lion and Man with Visibility in Monotone Polygons (IJRR'14)
- Symmetric Rendezvous Search on the Line with an Unknown Initial Distance (TRO'13)
- Energy-Efficient Path Planning for Solar-Powered Mobile Robots(JFR'13)
- Efficient Data Collection from Wireless Nodes under the Two-Ring Communication Model (IJRR'12)
- Building a Communication Bridge With Mobile Hubs (T-ASE'12)
- Robotic Data Mules for Collecting Data over Sparse Sensor Fields (JFR'11)
- Search and Pursuit-evasion in Mobile Robotics (AURO'11)
- Capturing an Evader in a Polygonal Environment with Obstacles (IJCAI'11)
- Energy-Optimal Velocity Profiles for Car-Like Robots (ICRA'11)
- A Robotic System for Monitoring Carp in Minnesota Lakes (JFR'11)
- Robotic Routers: Algorithms and Implementation (IJRR'10)
Recent Activities
- Some of our recent work on agricultural robotics, and some relevant press coverage:
[Momentum] [CS Dept news release] [MN Daily article] [UMN News] [CSE News] - ICRA 2015 Workshop on Active Perception. Special issue coming soon
- WAFR 2014 took place in Istanbul (in the same building where, twenty years ago, I registered for my first class as an engineering student.)
- RSN Lab featured on 5 eyewitness news
Workshop on Robotics for Environmental Monitoring at:
[RSS 2013] [IROS 2012] [RSS 2012] [IROS 2011] - Workshop on Many-Robot Systems at: [ICRA 2013 ] [ICRA 2012 ]
- ICRA 2012 was held here in the Twin-Cities
- Autonomous Robots Special Issue on Search and Pursuit/Evasion with Mobile Robots is in press
- IEEE RAS Technical Committee on Networked Robots chair (2009 - 2015)
- Associate Editor for:
- IEEE Transactions on Robotics (2010-2014)
- IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering (2009 - 2014)
- Robotics & Automation Society Conference Editorial Board (2006 - )
Some Older Classes
- CSCI 2011H: Honors Discrete Math (Spring 2017) [Course Information]
- CSCI 5561: Computer VIsion (Spring 2017) [Course Information]
- CSCI 8980: Geometric Optimization in Robotics -- Fall 2016 [Info] [Course Dir]
- CSCI 8980: Geometric Optimization in Robotics (Fall 2016)
- CSci 5561: Computer Vision (Spring 2015)
- CSci 2011: Discrete Structures of Computer Science (Fall 2014)
- CSci 5561: Computer Vision (Spring 2014)
- CSci 8980: Seminar in Robotics: Networked and Cloud Robotics (Spring 2013)
- CSci 5551: Intro. to Intelligent Robotic Systems (Fall 2012)
- CSci 5561: Computer Vision (Spring 2011)
- CSci 2011: Discrete Structures of Computer Science (Spring 2010)
- CSci 5551: Intro. to Intelligent Robotic Systems (Fall 2009)
- CSci 2011: Discrete Structures of Computer Science (Spring 2009)
- CSci 5980: Robotic Sensor Networks (Fall 2008)
- Prospective students:
- Please read this before contacting me
- Curious about life in the Twin-Cities? Follow these links on our lab wiki, or check out this page
- Older News:
- A list of workshops I helped organize is available here
- ICRA 2011 Workshop on Educating Robotics Engineers and Scientists
- WAFR 2010 was in Singapore Dec 13-15
- RSN Lab will have a strong presence in ICRA'10. In addition to presenting four research papers, we are co-organizing two workshops:
- Workshop on Robotic Wireless Sensor Networks