ICRA 2015 Workshop on Scaling Up Active Perception

Saturday, May 30, Full-day Workshop

Location: Room 606


Active perception involves controlling sensor parameters to achieve a sensing task. Traditionally, active perception has been focused on tasks such as object inspection which take place in a confined space. Existing sensor planning approaches are typically reactive and are not informed by past experience. Recently there has been significant interest in extending the scope of active perception to (1) more sophisticated sensing tasks (e.g. object recognition and detection), (2) expansive environments such as farms, (3) planning approaches which use prior knowledge, seek information and are non-myopic.

The workshop aims to bring together researchers who work on a wide range of active perception problems in order to identify common research challenges, solution techniques and novel approaches.


Confirmed Speakers (in alphabetical order)


Researchers interested in presenting at the workshop should send a two-page abstract to Volkan Isler by April 10.


The final program is now available here. We are also posting workshop materials as they become available. Please refer to the program for details.