Last Updated: 2018-06-07 Thu 12:46

CSCI 2011: Discrete Structures of Computer Science

University of Minnesota

4 credits, Summer 2018

Table of Contents

1 Basic Information

1.1 Catalog Description

Foundations of discrete mathematics. Sets, sequences, functions, big-O, propositional/predicate logic, proof methods, counting methods, recursion/recurrences, relations, trees/graph fundamentals.

1.2 Prerequisites

Grade of C or better in Calculus I (Math 1271 or 1371 or 1571H).

Although 2011 rarely uses integral or differential calculus, it does use mathematical notation, concepts, and problem-solving techniques heavily. Students entering the course should have the level of "mathematical maturity" indicated, e.g., by successfully completing a course like Calculus I.

1.3 Course Goals

Students that complete CSCI 2011 will posses the following characteristics.

  • Basic understanding of propositional and predicate logic; implementation of Boolean functions with physical circuits.
  • Proficiency with basic mathematical proof techniques such as proof by contradiction, induction, and construction.
  • A beginning understanding of number theory including properties of integers and rings along with applications to computing.
  • Familiarity with basic discrete mathematical structures including sets, strings, relations, graphs, and trees; acquaintance with terminology and fundamental algorithms for each structure.
  • Elementary understanding of algorithm analysis with Big-O notation using counting techniques, recurrence relations, and discrete probability.

1.4 Instructor

Name Chris Kauffman
Sections 001
Office Keller 6-198
Phone 612-626-9351

1.5 Teaching Assistants

Name Role Email
Fenix Chen GTA
Violet Chang UTA
Sruti Paladugu UTA
Will Udstrand UTA

1.6 Lectures and Discussion/Lab

Meeting Day/Time Location
Lecture 001 Tue,Thu 12:20 PM - 3:00 PM Keller Hall 3-115
Discussion 002 Wed 12:20 PM - 2:00 PM Akerman Hall 209

1.7 Course Materials


Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, 7th Edition by Kenneth Rosen, McGraw Hill, 2012
(Required) This is our main course text and covers a wide range of discrete math topics associated with computer science.

Additional online resources associated with course content will be posted to the course web page.

1.8 Communication

  • Office Hours will be posted on the course Canvas. Office hours for all staff are open to all students in any section of the course governed by this syllabus.
  • Canvas is used for overall grade dissemination and coordination.
  • Gradescope will be used for assignment submission and grading.
  • Piazza is the central site for our announcements and discussion board. The announcements and discussion board are part of the required reading for the course.
    • Sign up for our piazza site here:
    • All instructors and TAs can view all material on Piazza
    • Do not e-mail course staff about assignment problems; use the discussion board.
    • Use public posts on Piazza to discuss programming project requirements, labs, and other material related to the course.
    • When prompted by a TA, use private posts on Piazza to share portions of your code pertaining to your questions. Don't share your project code in public posts.
    • Refer to the Piazza main page for etiquette on what should be posted publicly versus privately.
    • Email course staff for logistical issues such as meeting outside of office hours, missing lab/lecture, grading disputes, medical situations, etc.

2 Coursework

2.1 Lectures

During lectures we will discuss concepts and instructors will provide demos relevant to other course work.

In addition to attending the regular meeting times, you are strongly encouraged to visit the professor and teaching assistant(s) during office hours to further your understanding of the material: we are here to help you learn.

2.2 Textbook Readings

Readings from the textbook relevant to each lecture are listed in the schedule. You will increase your understanding of lectures by reading associated textbook sections ahead of time, though this is not assumed. We may provide additional reading material to supplement the textbook which will be posted on the course web page.

2.3 Discussion/Lab Sections

Discussion sections meet once per week. In each meeting, the course staff will guide students through exercises to reinforce course concepts. These exercises are required and worth a small portion of the overall grade for the course. Students are encouraged to freely collaborate on exercises which are usually due a few days after the discussion meets.

2.4 Assignments

Students will receive a number of homework assignments during the semester. These will be a combination of calculations, analysis, proofs, and explanation. Unless otherwise stated, assignments will require individual work with no collaboration allowed. Pay careful attention to the guidelines for each assignment. Assignments usually require a significant amount of work to complete.

2.5 Quizzes

There will be a series of quizzes during the semester. Quizzes take place during the regularly scheduled lecture period and are worth a significant portion of the overall course grade.

2.6 Final Exam

There will also be a comprehensive final exam at the end of the semester. Refer to the course schedule for date of the final exam.

3 Grading Policies

3.1 Graded Components

Final grades will be determined by scores obtained on the components below according to their associated weight.

Component Weight Policy Notes
Collaborative Exercises (8) 10% Drop lowest score
Individual Assignments (8) 20% Drop lowest score
Quizzes (5) 45% Drop lowest score
Final Exam, Comprehensive 25% Score < 50% fails course
  • Drop lowest: The lowest scoring element will not be counted so that the remaining elements are equally weighted and contribute the specified total weight to the overall grade

3.2 Final Grade Determination

Final grades will be assigned without rounding according to the following criteria.

Percent Grade Percent Grade Percent Grade Percent Grade
>= 93 A 87-89 B+ 77-79 C+ 65-69 D+
90-92 A- 83-86 B 73-76 C 60-64 D
    80-82 B- 70-72 C- <60 F

If circumstances require it, the grading scale may be adjusted, generally in the students' favor.

3.3 Discussion Exercises Grading

No late submissions for Discussion Exercises will be accepted. Missing the deadline results in 0 credit. The two lowest scores on Lab Exercises will be dropped in final grade calculations

Attendance at the first lab meeting is mandatory. Attendance at the remaining labs is encouraged but optional.

In order to receive full credit for completing Lab Exercises, students must fulfill two requirements.

  • Check-off 30%: Demonstrate to a TA that a student understands answers to questions. This must be done in person in groups of one or two. Check-offs can happen during the lab period of during a TA office hour.
  • Submit 70%: Submit required files according to the lab instruction. This can be done at any time and from anywhere with a network connection. Submitting does not require attending lab. All students must submit files even if they were checked off in a group during lab.

Students may collaborate with other students in our section(s) of the course to complete exercises and are encouraged to do so. Submitting identical code for exercises is acceptable so long as you adhere to the PRIME DIRECTIVE.

3.4 Assignment Grading

Rules for collaboration on assignments are indicated in the assignment specification and usually involve NO collaboration with other students. Utilize the discussion board and office hours of course staff if you have questions about the projects.

Assignment grading will include the following elements for grading.

  1. Manual Inspection: Assignments will include a checklist of features of completely correct answers. These usually comprise things that cannot be easily checked automatically such as showing the process to reach an answer, inclusion of key elements of an answer, or style aspects of computer code. These features will be checked by graders and assigned credit based on level of compliance.
  2. Automatic Testing: Some assignments may have automatic tests provided which check for correctly functioning programs or answers. In most cases, these automatic checks will be publicly available for use while working on the assignment.

3.5 Late Assignment Submission

Late submission of assignments is governed by the following.

  • No assignment will be accepted more than 48 hours after a deadline
  • On-time assignments receive no penalties
  • Assignments submitted 1-24 hours late are capped at 75%
  • Assignments submitted 25-48 hours late are capped at 50%
  • Students can use a maximum of 3 Day-Late Tokens over the entire semester
  • On submitting late, up to two tokens are automatically charged to the student which will "buy back" a higher max score.
  • Token charges happen automatically and require no communication:
    • Submitting 1 day late will automatically charge 1 token
    • Submitting 2 days late will automatically charge 2 tokens unless only 1 token remains
  • Each unused token is worth 0.25% bonus credit overall in the course so submitting on time confers benefit at the end of the course
  • To avoid penalties and losing tokens, submit on time.
  • The table below gives examples of when an assignment is submitted, whether penalties apply, how tokens are charged, and their effects on assignment scores
    Pre- #Used #Used Post-      
    Token Tokens Tokens Token Raw Penalized  
Ex# Submitted Max Before After Max Score Score Comments
1 On-time 100% 0 0 100% 93 93 On-time means:
2 On-time 100% 0 0 100% 68 68 1. No tokens lost
3 On-time 100% 0 0 100% 46 46 2. No penalties
4 1-24 hours late 75% 0 1 100% 93 93 1 token used, max 100%
5 1-24 hours late 75% 3 3 75% 93 75 No tokens remain, max 75%
6 1-24 hours late 75% 2 3 100% 68 68 1 token used, max 100%, no benefit
7 1-24 hours late 75% 3 3 75% 68 68 No tokens remain, max 75%
8 25-48 hours late 50% 0 2 100% 93 93 2 tokens used, max 100%
9 25-48 hours late 50% 2 3 75% 93 75 1 token used, max 75%
10 25-48 hours late 50% 3 3 50% 93 50 No tokens, max 50%
11 25-48 hours late 50% 1 3 100% 68 68 2 tokens used, max 100%
12 25-48 hours late 50% 2 3 75% 68 68 1 token used, max 75%
13 25-48 hours late 50% 3 3 50% 68 50 No tokens, max 50%
14 >48 hours late 0% 0 0 0% 93 0 Not accepted or graded
15 >48 hours late 0% 1 1 0% 68 0 Not accepted or graded
16 >48 hours late 0% 3 3 0% 46 0 Not accepted or graded

3.6 Quiz/Exam Policies and Grading

  • Your U-CARD is required for all exams. You may be asked to show ID on handing your exam in to verify your identity.
  • Missing an quiz/exam results in a zero score and make-up exams will be considered only in situations involving death, near death, and documented dangerous diseases. Proof of such circumstances will be required for a make-up to be considered.
  • Open Resource Quizzes/Exams: Unless otherwise specified, quizzes and exams will be open resource: notes, textbook, editor, compiler, and any code the student finds useful is allowed to be used. No communication is allowed during the exam (no email/texting/chat), no Internet searches are allowed, and no unauthorized web sites may be visited. If in doubt, ask about specifics before or during the exam.
  • Failing the final exam will result in an F in the entire course. Failing is defined as receiving less than 50% of the available points on the exam.

3.7 Grading Disputes

Disputes should be raised respectfully either in person or via e-mail. If it is not possible to reach a resolution, the professor may be contacted by the grader to resolve the dispute. Assignment grading feedback will always include the grader who should be contacted first.

  • Assignments: Contact your grader
  • Lab work: Contact your grader
  • Exams: A public announcement about who to contact about exam disputes. Contact the person who graded the disputed problem. Contact the professor if in doubt.

If contact has not been initiated 1 week after a grade is posted, the chance to contest the grade is forfeited.

3.8 Bonus Credit

Bonus credit will be awarded based on participation in class discussions in lecture. Students may elect to sit in the first few rows of the room ("hot seats") and answer questions. Reasonable effort on answering questions in class will garner class participation credit. Participation points may also earned for involvement in the class discussion board such as giving suggestions to students with questions (but not revealing answers wholesale). The highest point winner at the end of the semester will receive a 3% bonus to their overall score in the course. All other students will receive a bonus proportional to the highest point winner. For example, someone tied with the highest point scorer will also receive a 3% bonus while someone with half the participation points will receive a 1.5% bonus.

A small amount of bonus credit also available for unused Day Late Tokens at the end of each semester.

4 Academic Integrity

PRIME DIRECTIVE: Be able to explain your own work including homework answers, program code, and exam solutions. The work you submit should be the product of your own effort and reflect your personal understanding.

Nearly all cheating in programming can be averted by adhering to the PRIME DIRECTIVE. Students may be asked at any time to explain code or exam solutions they submit. Inability to do so will be construed as evidence of misconduct. More specific guidelines are given below.

4.1 Thou Shalt Not

Unless otherwise specified, all assessments in this course are individual efforts involving no unfair collaboration. For the purposes of this course, the following actions constitute scholastic misconduct (cheating) and will be reported.

  • Directly copying someone else's solution to an assessment problem, including student solutions from a previous semester
  • Directly copying an answer from some outside source such as the Internet or friend for a homework problem.
  • Making use of an Instructor Solution manual to complete problems.
  • Submitting someone else's work as your own.
  • Paying someone for a solutions to assignments.
  • Posting solutions to any web site including public posts to our course web site.
  • Collaborating or copying the work of others during an exam.
  • Taking another student's code with or without their consent.
  • Aiding or abetting any of the above.
  • Witnessing any of the above and failing to report it to an instructor immediately.

Refer to the following links for additional information.

4.2 Penalties

Any instance of misconduct that is detected will be referred to the honor board and will likely result in failing the course. Be advised that the teaching team will be employing electronic means to detect plagiarism. This is extremely easy with computer code so keep your nose clean.

4.3 Fair Collaboration

The purpose of this course is to learn about discrete mathematics and learning from one another is a great help. To that end, the following actions will NOT be considered cheating in this course.

  • Collaboration on Discussion/Lab Exercises is allowed and encouraged. These are a great opportunity to help one another on work that counts towards your final grade. Just make sure that you understand any solutions you submit as per the PRIME DIRECTIVE.
  • Discussing assignments/projects at a high level with other course students is fair so long as no code or solutions are explicitly shared. Take great care at the point of directly showing your work to others as your answers are subsequently out of your own control.
  • Asking public questions on the course discussion board so long as limited information about your own solution is included. To convey details of your solution, use private posts.
  • Asking any course staff member questions in person or online is acceptable and encouraged. Staff members may initiate small group discussions in which collaboration is fine.
  • If you are unsure whether a given collaboration is fair or not, stop the activity and clear it with your instructor.

At all times keep the PRIME DIRECTIVE in mind when studying with another student. The above collaborations should be limited to getting someone over a hurdle, not carrying them across the finish line.

5 General Policies

General university policies which apply to our course are listed here:

Summaries of those policies are below.

Students are expected to maintain a high level of civility for all participants in and out of class meetings. This includes respecting participants of all genders, ethnicities, and social backgrounds. Harassment of any type will not be tolerated and failure to behave in a respectful manner will be reported to the University.

Observance of religious events will be accommodated for students of any faith. All possible accommodations will be made for students with disabilities. Please contact the Disability Resource Center and the instructor for further information.

Students feeling overwhelmed or finding their stress level to be unmanageable should strongly consider seeking aid from the Mental Health services available for free through the University via

Author: Chris Kauffman (
Date: 2018-06-07 Thu 12:46