CSCI 2021 Grade Calculator

| Percent | Grade | Percent | Grade | Percent | Grade | Percent | Grade |
|   >= 93 | A     |   87-89 | B+    |   77-79 | C+    |   65-69 | D+    |
|   90-92 | A-    |   83-86 | B     |   73-76 | C     |   60-64 | D     |
|         |       |   80-82 | B-    |   70-72 | C-    |     <60 | F     |

Project Makeup Credit

Some projects featured MAKEUP CREDIT which needs to be applied manually. If you lost points on one project but had makeup credit on another, manually redistribute credit. Example: P1 was 93 / 100, P2 was 110 / 100; enter P1: 100, P2: 100.

HW Grade Scoring

For HW grades, enter the total points up to 110 (best 11 / 13 HWs). Most HW quizzes are worth 10 points. Drop the lowest 2 scores and total the remaining HW scores. Note: Originally the calculator indicated there were 14 HWs but only 13 were offered.

Engagement Points