Last Updated: 2018-09-30 Sun 20:20

CSCI 2041 Assignment 2: List Manager


TESTING CODE: (Instructions)


Fri Sep 28 14:49:58 CDT 2018
Post 199 identified a bug with the heros.txt file which was not properly sorted ("Bumi" appeared before "Bolin"). This affects several tests on Problem 4. Download a fresh copy of or replace these two files individually:
Thu Sep 27 15:16:11 CDT 2018
Post 180 reiterated the an issue on Mac OSX with the process-mltest.awk script which is part of the tests. A new version of this script which fixes the bugs is now part of or can be downloaded directly here: process-mltest.awk

Some bugs were identified in which have been resolved. The current codepack is updated. You can get the updated file here:

Thu Sep 27 12:23:11 CDT 2018
Automated tests have been added to the assignment. Download code at the top of the spec and follow the associated instructions.
Wed Sep 26 10:32:16 CDT 2018
Minor typo fixes reported on Piazza: Post 158, Post 163.
Tue Sep 25 10:16:12 CDT 2018
A correction was made to the examples syntax for when guards in the implementation notes for insert/remove. Originally this example misused the x variable as both a list and element.
Mon Sep 24 15:30:02 CDT 2018
Minor typos corrected such as the duplicate Sortedlist.insert comments identified in Post 138.
Mon Sep 24 08:53:03 CDT 2018
The original codepack did not contain the file which is part of the code provided. The codepack has been updated. You can also download the file directly here:

1 Rationale

OCaml provides immutable data such as singly linked lists as well as mutable references. This combination can prove extremely useful in implementing programs that require history tracking to enable operations to undone and redone. This project will involve implementing pure list operations to insert and remove elements which create new lists with the modifications made. These lists will be tracked using mutable refs to allow previous states to be restored.

OCaml also provides a suite of modern programming conveniences for handling file I/O and command line argument parsing. The code for these is mostly provided and can serve as a template to copy for future programs that require such tools.

2 Overview

The goal of the assignment is to produce listmanager, a program which manages a list of unique items (strings). The architecture of the program is broken into several modules each corresponding to a single source file. Each source file contains some functions that are serve the ultimate ends of the application. Some of the code is provided such as for file I/O and to set up an interactive loop. However, the back-end functions to implement list manipulation are all need to be created. Examine the program structure below and how it relates to the assignment Problem ordering: it will be important to go in order for this assignment.

2.1 Assignment Files and Download

Download the code pack linked at the top of the page. Unzip this which will create a project folder. Create new files in this folder. Ultimately you will re-zip this folder to submit it.

NOTE: Tests Released Later: The tests for this assignment will not be released with the publication of the specification. They will be released sometime after once they have been completed. Further instructions on how to use them will be made available on release.

File State Prob# Notes
Makefile Provided All Build file to compile all programs Provided All Testing utilities/main routine
process-mltest.awk Provided All Awk script to add debug info to test files Create 1/2 Pure operations on sorted lists Provided 1 Unit Tests for Problem 1 Provided 2 Unit Tests for Problem 2 Create 3 Imperative operations on a list that track undo history Provided 3 Unit Tests for Problem 4 Modify 4 Main program loop, modify to fill in missing code Provided 4 Utility functions for file I/O. Provided 4 Application Tests for Problem 4 Provided 4 Data for application tests

Automated Testing Instructions

Unzip to create the directory a2-tests/. Copy all files in the a2-tests directory to the project directory a2-code. The following unix command should do this if a2-tests and a2-code are in the same directory.

cp -r a2-tests/* a2-code/

The Makefile provided is a copy of Makefile.withtests. The original version is called Makefile.notests.

The new Makefile introduces the targets

  • make test-p1 : test problem 1
  • make test-p2 : test problem 2
  • make test-p3 : test problem 3
  • make test-p4 : test problem 4
  • make test : test all problems

Test programs test_sortedlist1, test_sortedlist2, and test_undolist associated with problems 1-3 can run individual tests by passing a test number as a command line argument as in

./test_sortedlist2 3    # run the 3rd tests only

Test program associated with problem 4 also has this feature

./ 10  # run only the 10th test

2.2 General Grading Criteria   grading

Weight Criteria
  All files submitted and properly zipped
  make test compiles all code and runs tests
  Code is indented reasonably well to indicate scopes
  Comments provide insight for intricate blocks

2.3 Demo Session

listmanager is demonstrated below. Study this demo session to gain an understanding of the direction of the program.

> make                          # build the program
ocamlc -g -annot -c
ocamlc -g -annot -c
ocamlc -g -annot -c
ocamlc -g -annot -c
ocamlc -g -annot -o listmanager str.cma unix.cma util.cmo sortedlist.cmo undolist.cmo listmanager.cmo

> ./listmanager                 # start listmanager

LM> help                        # ask for help
Maintains a sorted list without duplicates
No spaces allowed list data, use _ instead as in Lin_Beifong
  help           : print this help message
  quit           : quit the program
  show           : print the current list to the screen
  clear          : set the list to empty, preserves undo history
  add <elem>     : add elem to the list
  remove <elem>  : remove elem from list
  save <file>    : save the current list to named file (not undoable)
  load <file>    : discard the current list, load sorted list in named file (undoable)
  mergein <file> : load the sorted list in the named file and merge with current list (undoable)
  undo           : undo the last operation restoring list to a previous state
  redo           : redo the last undone operation restoring list to a previous state

LM> show                        # show the current list
--BEG LIST--                    # it's empty

LM> add Korra                   # add some elements
LM> add Mako
LM> add Bolin
LM> show                        # show it now
Bolin                           # all three present

LM> add Korra                   # adding existing elements
LM> show                        # does not create duplicates

LM> add Tenzin                  # add some more elements
LM> add Asami
LM> show                        # show current list

LM> save heros.txt              # save to a text file

LM> clear                       # empty the list
LM> show

LM> add Amon                    # add some new elements
LM> add Tonraq
LM> add Kuvira
LM> add Zaheer
LM> show

LM> save villains.txt           # save into a different text file

LM> load heros.txt              # load from a file
LM> show                        # overwrites existing list

LM> mergein villains.txt        # merge current list with contents of file
LM> show                        # sorted order maintainted

LM> remove Kuvira               # removing elements
LM> remove Tonraq
LM> remove Zaheer
LM> show

LM> remove Zaheer               # removing more elements
LM> show

LM> clear                       # empty the list
LM> show

LM> undo                        # undo the clear to restore it
LM> show

LM> add Kuvira                  # perform to more alterations
LM> remove Amon
LM> show

LM> undo                        # undo the last operation: remove Amon
LM> show

LM> undo                        # undo the last operation: add Kuvira
LM> show

LM> redo                        # redo add Kuvira
LM> redo                        # redo remove Amon
LM> show                        # list restored
LM> quit

List managed!
>                               # back to the unix prompt

3 Problem 1: Sorted Insert / Remove

The crux of listmanager is to perform manipulations on lists of unique elements. These are implemented in and are pure functions: the produce new lists with an element added, removed, or two lists merged together. The only imperative function is for printing. The problem implements basic adding and removing while the next deals with merging and printing.

3.1 Top-Level Definitions

Create a source file which will have the following bindings in it.

(* : Provides operations for sorted lists of any type. *)

let rec insert list elem = ... ;;
(* val insert : 'a list -> 'a -> 'a list
   PROBLEM 1: Insert elem into list which is sorted.  The insertion
   preserves the sorted order of the list.  No duplicates are allowed
   in the list: if elem is equal to an element of list, the resulting
   list is identical to the original list. Uses pattern matching, not
   tail recursive. Runs in linear time on length of list.

  # insert [1;3;5;7] 8;;
  - : int list = [1; 3; 5; 7; 8]
  # insert [1;3;5;7] 2;;
  - : int list = [1; 2; 3; 5; 7]
  # insert [1;3;5;7] 5;;
  - : int list = [1; 3; 5; 7]
  # insert ["b";"d";"f"] "a";;
  - : string list = ["a"; "b"; "d"; "f"]
  # insert ["b";"d";"f"] "g";;
  - : string list = ["b"; "d"; "f"; "g"]
  # insert ["b";"d";"f"] "b";;
  - : string list = ["b"; "d"; "f"]
  # insert [] "g";;
  - : string list = ["g"]

let rec remove list elem = ... ;;
(* val remove : 'a list -> 'a -> 'a list
   PROBLEM 1: Create a new list with elem removed from the parameter
   list. If elem is not present in list, the result is identical to
   the original list. Uses pattern matching, not tail recursive.
   Runs in linear time on length of list.

   # remove [1;3;5;7] 1;;
   - : int list = [3; 5; 7]
   # remove [1;3;5;7] 5;;
   - : int list = [1; 3; 7]
   # remove [1;3;5;7] 6;;
   - : int list = [1; 3; 5; 7]
   # remove ["b";"d";"f"] "b";;
   - : string list = ["d"; "f"]
   # remove ["b";"d";"f"] "z";;
   - : string list = ["b"; "d"; "f"]

let rec print strlist = ... ;;
(* val print_strlist : string list -> unit
   PROBLEM 1: Print all elements of a string list to standard
   output. Makes use of standard printing functions such as
   print_endline or printf to print. Uses pattern matching. This
   function IS tail recursive. Runs in linear time on length of list.

   # print ["apple";"orange";"banana"];;
   - : unit = ()
   # print ["grape";"pear"];;
   - : unit = ()

let rec merge lista listb = ... ;;
(* val merge : 'a list -> 'a list -> 'a list
   PROBLEM 2: Merge two sorted lists: lista and listb.  Elemetns that
   appear in both lists appear only once in the result.  Operates in
   linear time on the length of lists: does not do repeated
   insertion. Not tail recursive. May use pattern matching OR if/else
   clauses. Runs in linear time on combined length of lists.

   # merge [] [2;4;6];;
   - : int list = [2; 4; 6]
   # merge [1;3;5] [2;4;6];;
   - : int list = [1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6]
   # merge [1;3;5] [];;
   - : int list = [1; 3; 5]
   # merge [1;3;5] [2;3;4;6;8];;
   - : int list = [1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 8]
   # merge ["a";"c";"e"] ["b";"d"];;
   - : string list = ["a"; "b"; "c"; "d"; "e"]
   # merge ["a";"c";"e"] ["b";"c";"d";"e"];;
   - : string list = ["a"; "b"; "c"; "d"; "e"]

3.2 Implementing insert and remove

While implement insert and remove keep the following in mind.

  • For full credit, make use of pattern matching in your solution via the match/with construct. You may use some if/else clauses as well within pattern matched cases.
  • A nice alternative to if/else is the when guard in pattern matching which will be covered in lecture eventually briefly the syntax is
    let x = ... in
    match list with 
    | []               -> result for empty list
    | a :: b when a=x  -> some result
    | a :: b when a<x  -> some other result
    | a :: b           -> result when above don't apply

    This allows application of a pattern matching case only when a condition is true.

  • The function should be recursive as indicated by the signature let rec. However, the DO NOT need to be tail-recursive.
  • Ensure that no duplicate elements are created in lists: inserting an element that is already present returns a list equal to the original list (though it may be a somewhat different list)
  • Exploit the fact that the list is sorted to gain some small efficiencies: on reaching an element larger than the element to be inserted or removed, there is no need to recurse further into the list.

3.3 Implementing print

  • This is a simple function that prints the elements of any string list to the standard output which is usually the screen
  • Each element of the list is printed on its own line
  • Make use of printf for printing to show you understand its use
  • Pattern matching should be employed to destructure the list
  • Ensure that the function is tail recursive by making the last action in the recursive case a function call.

3.4 Grading Criteria for insert/remove/print in   grading

The following criteria will be checked in this problem.

Weight Criteria
15 make test-p1 correctly compiles and passes tests
  MANUAL INSPECTION for insert/remove in
5 insert
  Recursion is used effectively to traverse the list
  Pure, side-effects free implementation: no use of refs/loops
  Use of pattern matching to destructure the list
  Avoids use of List.length in favor of pattern matching to detect cases
  Avoid use List.hd and in favor of pattern matching
  Further division of cases using either if/else or when guards
  Exploits sorted nature of list to recurse only as deeply as needed
5 remove
  Recursion is used effectively to traverse the list
  Pure, side-effects free implementation: no use of refs/loops
  Use of pattern matching to destructure the list
  Avoids use of List.length in favor of pattern matching to detect cases
  Avoid use List.hd and in favor of pattern matching
  Further division of cases using either if/else or when guards
  Exploits sorted nature of list to recurse only as deeply as needed
5 print
  Makes use of pattern matching to destructure list
  Makes use of printf to print to standard output
  Function is tail recursive

4 Problem 2: Merging Sorted Lists

The other function in involves merging two sorted lists to produce a combined sorted list. Refer to the earlier file structure of to see documentation associated with its prototype. Implementation details are given below.

4.1 Implementing merge

  • This is a classic exercise to merge two sorted lists in linear time on the length of the lists. It comes up when implementing algorithms such as Merge Sort though usually that setting involves merging arrays rather than linked lists
  • The central approach breaks the problem into some general cases based on the two inputs lista and listb
    • One list empty: the remainder of the merged list is the other non-empty list
    • Both lists contain same element: the merged list has one copy of the element and the remainder is found by recursing on the tails of both lists
    • lista has an element smaller than listb: the merged list has the head of lista followed by the result of recursing on the tail of lista and all of listb
    • listb has an element smaller than lista: converse of the previous: one element from listb and recurse on tail of listb and all of lista
  • The above process allows for progress through both lists simultaneously which results in a linear time complexity on the combined lengths of the lists.
  • Since the case have to do with elements from both inputs, using pattern matching is a bit more intricate. For that reason, it is not required or this problem. Pure use of if/else will receive full credit.
  • If interested, one can pattern match on pair of values using syntax like the following.
    match x,y with
    | [],(yh::yt)                  -> x empty, y has head and tail
    | (xh::xt),(yh::yt) when xh=yh -> both nonempty, heads equal

    This technique will be covered in some detail in lecture at a future date.

4.2 Grading Criteria for merge in   grading

The following criteria will be checked in this problem.

Weight Criteria
5 make test-p2 correctly compiles and passes tests
  MANUAL INSPECTION for merge in
10 merge
  Recursion is used effectively to traverse both input lists
  Pure, side-effects free implementation: no use of refs/loops
  Cases are clearly delineated via if/else or match/with/when
  Avoids use of List.length
  Linear runtime complexity on the combined length of the input lists

5 Problem 3: The Undo List

The listmanager implements list operations that can be undone and redone. Our implementation will accomplish this by simply tracking all lists that have been created in the past in a list: undo history is a list of string lists. Similarly, every time an undo command is issued, the current list is moved to a redo list so that that state can be restored. provides a ref to a single "global" list called curr_list. Add, remove, and merge operations in this file "wrap" those in to perform imperative updates on the curr_list and the undo/redo history. None of these are long functions but some are a bit tricky to get the state mutation correct.

5.1 Top-Level Definitions

Create a source file which will have the following bindings in it.

(* : This module manages a sorted list strings. add,
   remove, and merge operations are provided. undo/redo operations are
   provided to alter list. Type annotaions are required on the
   module-level values as refs to 'a list are not allowed due to weak

   All functions in this file pertain to PROBLEM 3

let curr_list : string list ref = ... ;;
(* The current list of strings. *)

let undo_stack : string list list ref = ... ;;
(* List of previous curr_lists to enable undo. *)

let redo_stack : string list list ref = ... ;;
(* List of undone curr_lists to enable redo. *)

let reset_all () = ... ;;
(* Reset curr_list, undo_stack, redo_stack to all be empty lists. Used
   only in testing, not in main programs. *)

let set_to_list new_list = ... ;;
(* curr_list is moved to the top of the undo_Stack. Then curr_list is
   set to the new_list. Empties redo_stack. *)

let add_elem elem = ... ;;
(* Add the given elem to curr_list producing a new_list.  Calls
   set_to_list on result to unable undoing. *)

let remove_elem elem = ... ;;
(* Remove the given elem from curr_list producing a new list. Calls
   set_to_list on result to unable undoing.  *)

let merge_with_list list = ... ;;
(* Merge the param list with the current list. Calls set_to_list on
   the result to enable undoing. *)

let undo () = ... ;;
(* If the undo_stack is not empty, undo the last operation. curr_list
   is moved to the redo_stack and the top element of undo_stack is
   removed and becomes curr_list.  Returns true if changes are made
   and false if undo_stack is empty and no changes are made. Operates
   in constant time. *)

let redo () = ... ;;
(* If the redo_stack is not empty, redo the last operation. curr_list
   is moved to the undo_stack and the top element of redo_stack is
   removed and becomes curr_list.  Returns true if changes are made
   and false if redo_stack is empty and no changes are made. Operates
   in constant time. *)

5.2 Conceptual vs. Fine-Grained View of Undo List Values

The standard lists provided OCaml are immutable. This means that most lists can be conceptualized as separate and distinct from one another. In reality, pure functions such as those implemented in may create "new" lists with a combination of fresh and existing Cons boxes. Below is figure showing both the "conceptual" view of how curr_list, undo_stack, redo_stack are related as well as a fine-grained view of their actual relations. The interlinking between lists could be intricate. This sharing saves memory but is not a concern to the program due to the lists being persistent: they cannot be changed moving forward.


5.3 Undo and Redo Semantics

Most programmers are acquainted with undo/redo in standard programs: discrete actions that are taken are can be undone to go back to a previous state. If undone, they can be redone to restore the "future" state. In simple implementations like ours, undoing actions then performing a new action "clobbers" the redo history so that those states are lost.

To implement this in listmanager , actions progressively push new lists into the undo_stack list of lists (Below Figure (A)). Calling undo will pop an element from the top of this stack and set curr_list to point to it while the state in curr_list is moved to the redo_stack (Figure (B)-(C)). Calling redo will pop an element from redo_stack off moving it the curr_list which is moved to the undo_stack (Figure (D)). Any new action taken will empty the redo_stack so that lists there are lost (Figure (E)).

Study this diagram carefully to ensure that your implementation of functions matches these semantics.


5.4 Implementing Undolist Functions

  • The file contains "global" refs curr_list to the current string list and undo_stack/redo_stack which are lists of previous values of curr_list. Functions will directly manipulate these refs to keep track of the history associated with curr_list.
  • The function set_to_list new_list is the work horse of the module. It moves the curr_list to the undo_stack and sets curr_list to the specified new_list. Use the settolist in the other mutator functions such as add_elem and remove_elem.
  • Remember that when working with OCaml refs, the following apply
    • Assign using the := operator as in aref := new_value;
    • Access the value refs with !aref
  • You will use a variety of functions from the such as insert here. Refer to these functions using the module reference syntax: Sortedlist.insert or Sortedlist.remove etc. Examples are below.
    let new_list = Sortedlist.insert some_list new_elem in
    let smaller = Sortedlist.remove alist gone in
    listref := Sortedlist.merge xlist !listref;
  • Do not use open Sortedlist in this module: practice addressing functions in another file using the module syntax above.
  • The undo/redo functions should manipulate the refs to accomplish semantics described the previous section. Note that these functions never throw exceptions. If it is not possible to undo or redo, nothing is done. Both functions return a boolean: true when they make changes, false otherwise due to an associated function being empty.

5.5 Grading Criteria for   grading

The following criteria will be checked in this problem.

Weight Criteria
10 make test-p3 correctly compiles and passes tests
5 set_to_list
  Proper use of ref syntax like := and !
  Simple code which manipulates curr_list, undo_stack, redo_stack
5 add_elem / remove_elem / merge_with_list
  Use of set_to_list to manipulate module fields like curr_list
  Use of functions from module Sortedlist via module address syntax
  No use of the open Sortedlist
5 undo / redo
  Proper manipulation of refs to accomplish undo/redo
  Clear checking so that exceptions do not occur due to empty history
  Clear return of true on successful operation and false otherwise

6 Problem 4: Main Program listmanager

This problem addresses putting the previous functionality together into a working listmanager program with an interactive loop. Various functionalities are already provided for this in the code distribution. What remains is the complete the main execute_command function in

6.1 Provided Code in

This file does not require modification. It provides two I/O routines to read and write lists in files. These are needed for associated listmanager commands.

(* utilities for splitting and file opeartions. All functions
   in this file are already implemented. *)

let strlist_from_file filename = ... ;;
(* Load a list of strings from a text file. Not particularly efficient
   as it is not tail recursive but gets the job done. *)

let strlist_to_file strlist filename  = ... ;;
(* Write a list of strings to file filename. Tail recursive so
   reasonably efficient. *)

6.2 Modify

This file has a variety of code in it already. It has the following features.

  • execute_command needs to be defined. This function is called every time a user types a command. It calls functions from modules Sortedlist, Undolist and Util to execute affect the program state. It is described in some detail later.
  • The two values help_string and quit_now are used in execute_command and are thus defined above it. These definitions are provided.
  • Code is provided below execute_command to set up an interactive loop that reads user input. This code does not require modification but may provide interesting reading for folks that wonder about command line argument processing, exception handling, and other features in OCaml. This is not required now but will be covered by the end of the course

Below are the top-level bindings in the file.

(* : main function to allow manipulation of a sorted
   list of unique elements. Makes use of functions provided in
   Sortedlist, Undolist, and Util. *)

let debug = ... ;;
(* debug printing on/off *)

let help_string = ... ;;
(* Help string to be printed for the "help" command. *)

let quit_now = ... ;;
(* When false, prompts for another command and continues interactive
   loop. When true, ends interactive loop and quits program. *)

let execute_command tokens = ... ;;
(* PROBLEM 4: Execute a single command for the listmanager
   program. Argument tokens is an array of strings at least 1 element
   long.  The 0th element is the command to execute like "add" or
   "clear". Depending on the command, there may be subsequent
   arguments.  Makes use of functions provided in Sortedlist,
   Undolist, and Util a well as values in this module like help_string
   and quit_now. *)

let echo  = ... ;;
(* Code beyond this point should not require modification though it
   may be interesting to examine. *)

let prompt = ... ;;

let options = ... ;;
(* Options accepted by the program *)

let handle_extra_args arg = ... ;;
(* Do nothing with extra command line arguments *)

let usage = ... ;;
(* Simple usage message for Arg.parse *)

let _ = ... ;;
(* main routine *)

6.3 Implementing execute_command

A good place to start in understanding how execute_command works is to examine the help string associated with the program which is provided below.

  help           : print this help message
  quit           : quit the program
  show           : print the current list to the screen
  clear          : set the list to empty, preserves undo history
  add <elem>     : add elem to the list
  remove <elem>  : remove elem from list
  save <file>    : save the current list to named file (not undoable)
  load <file>    : discard the current list, load sorted list in named file (undoable)
  mergein <file> : load the sorted list in the named file and merge with current list (undoable)
  undo           : undo the last operation restoring list to a previous state
  redo           : redo the last undone operation restoring list to a previous state

When execute_command tokens is run, the argument tokens array will have a string like help or remove as the 0th element. This is the command to execute. If the command requires another argument like a <file>, it will be the 1th element in the array. This situation is set up by other code later in

A good way to structure this function is pattern matching on the command being issued. Full credit solutions will do this

Below are notes on how to address each of the commands mentioned. Many of these mix functions from other modules like Undolist.add_elem and Sortedlist.print. Refer to these functions using their full module address; do not add any open statements.


Print the value of help_string with a newline at the end.


Set the quit_now reference to true which will cause the interactive loop to end.


Make use of Sortedlist.print to print the value of Undolist.curr_list.


Make use of Undolist.set_to_list to empty the list but retain undo history.

add elem / remove elem

Make use of functionality in Undolist to modify the current list accordingly.

save <file>

Make use of functionality in to save the list to the named file. Note that saving cannot be undone so does not affect the undo history.

load <file>

Make use of functionality in to load a list from the named file. Replace the current list with this. Make use of Undolist.set_to_list to ensure that this can be undone and redone.

Note: redoing a load does not re-read the file from disk so if it changes on disk, those changes will not be seen in the redo of a load. This means the standard functions for undo/redo can be used.

mergein <file>

Make use of functionality in to load a list from the named file. Then merge this into the existing list using functionality in Sortedlist. Replace the current list with this.

undo / redo

Make use of functions in Undolist to affect the undo/redo history. Capture the return value of these and print a warning message if no changes were made as follows.

LM> undo
WARNING: undo list empty, no changes made
LM> redo
WARNING: redo list empty, no changes made

Any Other Command

Use a catch-all and print a message indicating the command is not recognized as below.

LM> ls
Unknown command 'ls'
LM> make
Unknown command 'make'
LM> kerplow!
Unknown command 'kerplow!'

6.4 Grading Criteria for execute_command   grading

The following criteria will be checked in this problem.

Weight Criteria
15 make test-p4 correctly compiles and passes tests
10 execute_command
  Use of pattern matching to determine the command to execute
  Clear division into cases to handle for each command
  No use of open except for Printf
  Correct use of module address for functions like Undolist.add_elem
  Proper use of functions from provided Util module for file I/O
  Proper leveraging of functions from other implemented modules like Sortedlist and Undolist

6.5 listmanger Usage

listmanager is set up to accept two options: -debug and -echo. Both of these require no implementation for this problem but are described below for completeness.

listmanager -debug will set the ref Listmanager.debug to true. This prints some additional info in the interactive loop. It can also be used for debug messages in execute_command by doing something like the following.

if !debug then                  (* check if debugging is on *)
    printf "curr_list has %d elements\n"  (List.length !Undolist.curr_list);
    printf "undo_stack has %d elements\n" (List.length !Undolist.undo_stack);
    printf "redo_stack has %d elements\n" (List.length !Undolist.redo_stack);

listmanager -echo turns on command echoing: everything that is received as input is printed back on the screen. This allows for scripted behavior like the following which is used during testing to make output look more readable.

> cat input.txt       # contents of file input.txt, commands for listmanager
add D
add R
add B
add S
add F
remove S

> cat input.txt | listmanager -echo    # pipe into listmanager echoing commands
LM> add D
LM> add R
LM> add B
LM> add S
LM> add F
LM> remove S
LM> show
LM> undo
LM> show
LM> quit
List managed!

7 Zip and Submit

7.1 Zipping Files

If creating a zip file is unfamiliar to you, refer to the following guide: Making Zips (tutorial)

7.2 Submit to Canvas

Once your are confident your code is working, you are ready to submit. Ensure your folder has all of the required files. Create a zip archive of your lab folder and submit it to Canvas.

On Canvas:

  • Click on the Assignments section
  • Click on the appropriate link for this lab/assignment
  • Scroll down to "Attach a File"
  • Click "Browse My Computer"
  • Select you Zip file and press OK

7.3 Late Policies

You may wish to review the policy on late project submission which will cost you late tokens to submit late or credit if you run out of tokens. No projects will be accepted more than 48 hours after the deadline.

Author: Chris Kauffman (
Date: 2018-09-30 Sun 20:20