Last Updated: 2018-10-15 Mon 11:22

CSCI 2041 Assignment 3: Multi-List Manager


TESTING CODE: (Instructions)


Mon Oct 15 11:18:56 CDT 2018
A bug was identified in the tests due to the presence of the empty string in some tests. This affects only test-p3 and can be fixed by updating tests or just replacing with this linked version.
Mon Oct 15 10:38:17 CDT 2018

A variety of posts (Post 350, Post 344) have described issues accessing the fields of records defined in other modules, for example the document current field may be needed in other modules like Bulkops. To avoid the need to use exotic syntax to accomplish this while making the compiler happy, you may use open declarations at the tops of modules to make the compiler aware of the record types in those modules. Continue to use the module names in function calls to help readers understand the context such as Document.set and Bulkops.add_all. Manual inspection criteria have been modified on relevant problems to reflect this change.

As discussed in Post 349, execute_command should honor the load <file> command which reads the contents of a file and replaces the current list with them, an undoable action. There is a case load in the provided code but regrettably it was omitted from the provided help string.

Sun Oct 14 23:41:27 CDT 2018
Automated tests have been added to the assignment. Download code at the top of the spec and follow the associated instructions.
Fri Oct 12 13:01:04 CDT 2018
The documentation strings in the spec for have been corrected. The functions all take a Doccol.doccol argument. Previous versions of the spec mentioned a non-existent Document.doclist type from a draft of the project. This typo was noticed in Post 342. The mention of doc_col types has also been corrected to doccol.
Thu Oct 11 12:01:48 CDT 2018
Addition of "no printing" grading criteria to and Error messages should be printed in based on true/false return values from functions working with documents and collections.
Wed Oct 10 08:59:23 CDT 2018
Typos/clarifications on doccol: the has function takes an additional string argument which was omitted in the documentation string; use of pattern matching in will be necessary to handle the option's that must be used.
Tue Oct 9 10:53:55 CDT 2018
Minor typo fix for documentation of Doccol.switch function.

1 Overview

A major limitation of listmanager was its focus on a single list. This assignment upgrades to multimanager which adds the following features.

  • Multiple lists handled independently each with its own undo/redo history
  • Switching between lists and conveniences like saving and loading based on list name / file name correspondences
  • Bulk operations to add to all lists and merge them

The design makes extensive use of the following OCaml features. Acquaint yourself with them to ensure success.

  • Records with mutable fields
  • Association lists to track key/value pairs (named "documents")
  • Options to work with searching when it is not certain a key will be found
  • Higher-order functions to apply functions to all elements of a list

1.1 Assignment Files and Download

Download the code pack linked at the top of the page. Unzip this which will create a project folder. Create new files in this folder. Ultimately you will re-zip this folder to submit it.

NOTE: Tests Released Later: The tests for this assignment will not be released with the publication of the specification. They will be released sometime after once they have been completed. Further instructions on how to use them will be made available on release.

File State Prob# Notes
Makefile Provided All Build file to compile all programs Provided All Testing utilities/main routine
process-mltest.awk Provided All Awk script to add debug info to test files Provided 4 Utility functions for file I/O. Copy in - Ops on sorted lists, identical to A2 file Create 1 Data type with current state and undo/redo history Provided 1 Unit Tests for Problem 4 Create 2 Data type for collection of unique named documents with a current doc tracked Provided 2 Unit Tests for Problem 2 Create 3 Functions for operations on all elements of a doccol Provided 3 Unit Tests for Problem 3 Modify 4 Main program loop, modify to fill in missing code Provided 4 Application Tests for Problem 4 Provided 4 Data for application tests

Automated Testing Instructions

Unzip to create the directory a3-tests/. Copy all files in the a3-tests directory to the project directory a3-code. The following unix command should do this if a3-tests and a3-code are in the same directory.

cp -r a3-tests/* a3-code/

The Makefile provided is a copy of Makefile.withtests. The original version is called Makefile.notests.

The new Makefile introduces the targets

  • make test-p1 : test problem 1
  • make test-p2 : test problem 2
  • make test-p3 : test problem 3
  • make test-p4 : test problem 4
  • make test : test all problems

Test programs test_document, test_doccol, and test_bulkops associated with problems 1-3 can run individual tests by passing a test number as a command line argument as in

./test_doccol 3    # run the 3rd test only

Test program associated with problem 4 also has this feature

./ 10  # run only the 10th test

1.2 General Grading Criteria   grading

Weight Criteria
  All files submitted and properly zipped
  make test compiles all code and runs tests
  Code is indented reasonably well to indicate scopes
  Comments provide insight for intricate blocks

1.3 Demo Session

multimanager is demonstrated below. Study this demo session to gain an understanding of the direction of the program.

> make                                                 # compile
ocamlc -g -annot -c
ocamlc -g -annot -c
ocamlc -g -annot -c
ocamlc -g -annot -c
ocamlc -g -annot -c
ocamlc -g -annot -c
ocamlc -g -annot -o multimanager str.cma unix.cma util.cmo sortedlist.cmo document.cmo doccol.cmo bulkops.cmo multimanager.cmo

> ./multimanager                                       # run

(default.txt)> help                                    # show help
Maintains multiple sorted lists of unique elements..

  help           : print this help message
  quit           : quit the program

The following commands modify the current list
  show           : print the current list to the screen
  clear          : set the list to empty, preserves undo history
  add <elem>     : add elem to the list
  remove <elem>  : remove elem from list
  mergein <file> : load the sorted list in the named file and merge with current list (undoable)
  save           : save the current list using the name of the list as the save file
  saveas <file>  : save the current list to the given file name; keeps the list name the same
  undo           : undo the last operation restoring list to a previous state
  redo           : redo the last undone operation restoring list to a previous state

The following commands will fail if a list name is already in use (new/open) or no present (close/edit/merge)
  lists          : prints the lists that are currently open
  edit <list>    : set the named list to the current list
  new <list>     : create a new empty list and switch to it
  open <file>    : create a new list named after the file specified; load the contents of the file into it and switch to it
  close <list>   : close the list with given name and remove it from the open documents; cannot close the current list
  merge <list>   : merge the named list contents into the current list

The following commands act upon all open lists
  showall        : print all lists labelled with their list name
  saveall        : save all open lists; use filenames identical the list names (not undoable)
  addall <elem>  : add elem to all open lists; each list can undo this individually
  mergeall       : merge the contents of all lists into the current list; undoable

(default.txt)> add Korra                               # add some elements to default.txt
(default.txt)> add Bolin
(default.txt)> add Mako
(default.txt)> show                                    # show current list

(default.txt)> new others.txt                          # create a new list others.txt and switch to it
(others.txt)> show                                     # others.txt is empty

(others.txt)> add Tenzin                               # add some element to it
(others.txt)> add Pema
(others.txt)> show                                     # show

(others.txt)> lists                                    # show the open lists
2 docs
- others.txt
- default.txt

(others.txt)> edit default.txt                         # switch back to default.txt
(default.txt)> show

(default.txt)> undo                                    # undo history is retain independently for each list
(default.txt)> show

(default.txt)> add Asami
(default.txt)> redo                                    # last op was an add so no redo history
WARNING: redo list empty, no changes made
(default.txt)> show

(default.txt)> new vils.txt                            # make new list vils.txt and switch to it
(vils.txt)> add Unalaq
(vils.txt)> add Kuvira
(vils.txt)> show

(vils.txt)> close vils.txt                             # cannot close the current list
ERROR: cannot close the current list

(vils.txt)> edit others.txt                            # switch back to others.txt
(others.txt)> show

(others.txt)> save                                     # save list to file after its name "others.txt"

(others.txt)> new tmp                                  # make a new list called tmp
(tmp)> load others.txt                                 # load file into tmp
(tmp)> show                                            # show contents that were saved from another list

(tmp)> edit default.txt                                # switch to list default.txt

(default.txt)> close tmp                               # close list tmp discarding it

(default.txt)> edit tmp                                # cannot edit this as it was just closed
ERROR: list 'tmp' does not exist

(default.txt)> lists                                   # show open lists
3 docs
- vils.txt
- others.txt
- default.txt

(default.txt)> showall                                 # show all contents of all lists
--List vils.txt--

--List others.txt--

--List default.txt--

(default.txt)> merge others.txt                        # merge list others.txt into current list

(default.txt)> show                                    # now has contents of other list

(default.txt)> undo                                    # merge can be undone
(default.txt)> show

(default.txt)> redo                                    # redo the merge
(default.txt)> show

(default.txt)> saveall                                 # save all open files to their associated file names

(default.txt)> lists                                   # show open lists
3 docs
- vils.txt
- others.txt
- default.txt

(default.txt)> new tmp                                 # make a new tmp list
(tmp)> load vils.txt                                   # load contents of file vils.txt

(tmp)> show                                            # was saved as part of earlier saveall

(tmp)> edit default.txt                                # switch to default.txt
(default.txt)> close tmp                               # close tmp lsit

(default.txt)> open test-data/heros.txt                # open file create a list named after it

(test-data/heros.txt)> show

(test-data/heros.txt)> undo                            # initially opened files have no undo history
WARNING: undo list empty, no changes made

(test-data/heros.txt)> lists                           # show open lists
4 docs
- test-data/heros.txt
- vils.txt
- others.txt
- default.txt

(test-data/heros.txt)> showall                         # show all data in all lists, some is redundant
--List test-data/heros.txt--

--List vils.txt--

--List others.txt--

--List default.txt--

(test-data/heros.txt)> addall Meelo                    # add Meelo to all lists

(test-data/heros.txt)> showall                         # show addition succeeded
--List test-data/heros.txt--
Meelo                                                  # Meelo added

--List vils.txt--
Meelo                                                  # Meelo added

--List others.txt--
Meelo                                                  # Meelo added

--List default.txt--
Meelo                                                  # Meelo added

(test-data/heros.txt)> new everyone                    # make a new empty list
(everyone)> show

(everyone)> mergeall                                   # merge all lists into the current list
(everyone)> show                                       # show resulting merged list, no duplicates
(everyone)> quit                                       # exit the program

Lists multi-managed!

2 Baseline: Sortedlist

Like listmanager, multimanager maintains lists in sorted order. To that end can be used in without modification. For completion, the top-level definitions expected in are shown below and are identical to those from the last assignment.

(* : Provides operations for sorted lists of any
   type. Identical functionality to A2 *)

let rec insert list elem = ... ;;
(* val insert : 'a list -> 'a -> 'a list
   Insert elem into list which is sorted.  The insertion preserves the
   sorted order of the list.  No duplicates are allowed in the list:
   if elem is equal to an element of list, the resulting list is
   identical to the original list. Uses pattern matching, not tail
   recursive. Runs in linear time on length of list.  *)

let rec remove list elem = ... ;;
(* val remove : 'a list -> 'a -> 'a list
   Create a new list with elem removed from the parameter list. If
   elem is not present in list, the result is identical to the
   original list. Uses pattern matching, not tail recursive.  Runs in
   linear time on length of list.  *)

let rec print strlist = ... ;;
(* val print_strlist : string list -> unit
   Print all elements of a string list to standard output. Makes use
   of standard printing functions such as print_endline or printf to
   print. Uses pattern matching. This function IS tail recursive. Runs
   in linear time on length of list.

let rec merge lista listb = ... ;;
(* val merge : 'a list -> 'a list -> 'a list
   Merge two sorted lists: lista and listb.  Elemetns that appear in
   both lists appear only once in the result.  Operates in linear time
   on the length of lists: does not do repeated insertion. Not tail
   recursive. May use pattern matching OR if/else clauses. Runs in
   linear time on combined length of lists.

3 Problem 1: The Document Type

The document type modularizes the functionality of undo/redo for an individual entity. This enables independent states and undo/redo individually. It is a record comprised of 3 mutable fields.

  • current tracks the current state of the document much as curr_list did in
  • undo_stack and redo_stack which serve the same purpose as they did in

Associated with the type are several functions that operate that allow setting the document to a new data and undo and redo those sets.

In the context of multimanager, all documents will be string list documents but the type specification is 'a document which means any kind of document can be tracked such as int docuemnt or boolean array document which are used in testing.

3.1 Top-Level Definitions

Create a source file which will have the following bindings in it.

(* Defines a "document" type which tracks a current state
   along with undo/redo history.  The document type is polymorphic
   meaning data can be any type such as 'int document' or 'string list
   document'. *)

(* document type declaration. *)
type 'a document = {
    mutable current    : 'a ;       (* current document state *)
    mutable undo_stack : 'a list;   (* past states that can be reached via undo *)
    mutable redo_stack : 'a list;   (* undone states that can be reached via redo *)

let make initial = ... ;;
(* val make : 'a -> 'a document
   Create a new document with initial as the current state and empty
   undo/redo stacks. *)

let set document data = ... ;;
(* val set : 'a document -> 'a -> unit
   Set the document to the given data. Push current state into the
   undo stack. Empty the redo stack *)

let undo document = ... ;;
(* val undo : 'a document -> bool
   If the undo_stack is not empty, undo the last operation. current
   is moved to the redo_stack and the top element of undo_stack is
   removed and becomes current.  Returns true if changes are made
   and false if undo_stack is empty and no changes are made. Operates
   in constant time. *)

let redo document = ... ;;
(* val redo : 'a document -> bool
   If the redo_stack is not empty, redo the last operation. current
   is moved to the undo_stack and the top element of redo_stack is
   removed and becomes current.  Returns true if changes are made
   and false if redo_stack is empty and no changes are made. Operates
   in constant time. *)

3.2 Implementing document Functions

  • These functions are close in functionality to those of from the prior assignment with the major change being that they each operate on a parameter document rather than global variables.
  • Make use of the dot notation to access fields of the record such as in document.current and document.undo_stack
  • Since document fields are all declared mutable, they may be re-assigned to new values using the left-arrow syntax as in

    document.current <- something new;
  • Otherwise, the semantics of set/undo/redo are identical to the previous assignment and should be familiar. If not, refer back to this section on their implementation

3.3 Grading Criteria for   grading

The following criteria will be checked in this problem.

Weight Criteria
10 make test-p1 correctly compiles and passes tests
10 set / undo / redo
  Each works on individual document records, not global references
  Proper use of dot syntax to access fields and <- to mutate fields
  Use of pattern matching is optional and not required
  No output is printed: only true/false values are returned to indicate success/failure

4 Problem 2: Document Collections

multimanger handles multiple documents via functionality provided in the source file. It defines a doccol type which tracks multiple documents in a standard association list. Recall that an association list is simply a list of key-value pairs. In this setting the keys are the names of the documents like default.txt or test-data/heros.txt. doccol functions ensure that the document names are kept unique, an added constraint over standard association lists. The add/remove functions mention how to handle missing/redundant document names.

doccol also maintains a Current Document and its name. This document cannot be removed as stated in the documentation of remove. This ensures that there is always at least one document in the collection at all times.

Importantly, no exception handling is needed for functions in as options are used: failure to find a named document should return None if appropriate functions are employed such as List.assoc_opt.

4.1 Top-Level Definitions

Create a source file which will have the following bindings in it.

(* Type and functions for a collection of named documents.
   Tracks a current document and its name along with an association
   list of all docs in the collection.  Preserves uniqueness of names
   in the collection. Makes use of built-in List functions to
   ad/remove/get docs from the association list. *)

(* Type to track a collection of named documents in an association
   list. *)
type 'a doccol = {
  mutable count   : int;                                  (* count of docs in list *)
  mutable curdoc  : 'a Document.document;                 (* current list being edited *)
  mutable curname : string;                               (* name of current list *)
  mutable docs    : (string * 'a Document.document) list; (* association list of names/docs *)

let make name doc = ... ;;
(* val make : string -> 'a Document.document -> 'a doccol
   Create a doccol. The parameters name and doc become the current
   doc and the only pair in the docs association list. *)

let add doccol name doc = ... ;;
(* val add : 'a doccol -> string -> 'a Document.document -> bool
   If there is already a doc with name in doccol, do nothing and
   return false.  Otherwise, add the given doc to doccol with the
   given name, update the count of docs and return true. Uses
   association list functions from the List module. *)

let remove doccol name = ... ;;
(* val remove : 'a doccol -> string -> bool
   If name is equal to curname for the doccol, do nothing and return
   false.  If there is no doc with name in doccol, do nothing and
   return false.  Otherwise, remove the named doc from doccol,
   decrement the count of docs, and return true. Uses association list
   functions from the List module. *)

let has doccol name = ... ;;
(* val has : 'a doccol -> string -> bool
   Returns true if the named doc is in the doccol and false otherwise. *)

let switch doccol name = ... ;;
(* val switch : 'a doccol -> string -> bool
   Change the current document/name to the named document and return
   true. If the named document does not exist, return false and make
   no changes to doccol. *)

let string_of_doccol doccol = ... ;;
(* val string_of_col : 'a doccol -> string
   Creates a string representation of doccol showing the count of
   docs and the names of all docs. Each doc is listed on its own
   line. It has the following format:

   4 docs
   - test-dir/heros.txt
   - places.txt
   - stuff.txt
   - default.txt

   Does not define any helper functions. Makes use of higher order
   functions such as and/or List.fold. May also use string 
   processing functions such asString.concat and/or Printf.sprintf *)

4.2 Implementing doccol Functions

  • Make use of functions that exist in the List module, notable assoc_opt will be useful in several situations.
  • Since assoc_opt will return option's, you will need to utilize pattern matching in many of the doccol functions.
  • Do Not make use of any exception handling. Use this as an opportunity to gain some familiarity with options
  • Notice that add ensures that document names remain unique. This means searching the collection for a name to ensure it does not already exist. If not, add it and return true to indicate success. If not, make no change and return false.
  • Similarly, removing a document that does not exist in the collection does not change anything about the collection and returns false to indicate no change was made.
  • The final function string_of_docs should employ a higher-order List function such as map / fold / iter to produce the resulting string with little code effort.
  • String.concat and Printf.sprintf are also useful for this function in conjunction with higher-order list functions. Review descriptions associated with these in the OCaml Standard library documentation if they are unfamiliar.

4.3 Grading Criteria for   grading

The following criteria will be checked in this problem.

Weight Criteria
10 make test-p2 correctly compiles and passes tests
  You may use the open directive to open modules to ensure all record fields are known to the compiler
5 add / remove / get / has / switch
  Makes use of options and pattern-matching on options if needed
  No use of exception handling
  Appears to maintain uniqueness of doc names (keys) and returns appopriate booleans
  Makes use of mutable record access via dot and mutation via <-
  remove has a clear case preventing removal of the current document which returns false
  No output is printed: only true/false values are returned to indicate success/failure
5 string_of_doccol
  Makes use of higher-order List function(s) to produce string
  Employs String.concat and/or Printf.sprintf to produce the final string
  No use of iteration/recursion or helpers to accomplish the stringification
  Relatively short code through use of higher-order functions

5 Problem 3: Bulk Operations

multimanager allows "bulk operations" that operate on all open lists (documents). This allows a single user command save or show all lists or add an element to all lists.

These operations do not apply to any 'a doccol but rather are specialized to only work for string list doccol as they will make use of Sortedlist functions. For that reason, they are placed in a separate source file, rather than in

Most of these functions are short and involve two parts:

  • Definition of a helper function that operates on a single name / document pair.
  • Use of higher-order List function(s) to apply the helper to all of the name/docs in the given doccol collection.

5.1 Top-Level Definitions

Create a source file which will have the following bindings in it.

(* Implement bulk operations on Doccol's of string list
   Documents that are useful for multimanager.  Since the functions in
   this module require access to fields and types of other modules, start
   the file by opening those two modules:

   open Document;; 
   open Doccol;; 

let showall doccol = ... ;;
(* val showall : string list Doccol.doccol -> unit
   Prints all documents in doccol to the screen. For each list,
   prints the list name first and then each element of the list using
   Sortedlist functions. Uses higher-order functions to iterate over
   the doclist. 

   --List test-data/heros.txt--
   --List test-data/villains.txt--
   --List default.txt--

let saveall doccol = ... ;;
(* val saveall : string list Doccol.doccol -> unit
   Saves all documents in doccol. Makes use of Util functions to do
   I/O. Makes use of higher-order functions to write each list to
   associated file name. *)

let addall doccol elem = ... ;;
(* val addall : 'a list Doccol.doccol -> 'a -> unit
   Adds the given element to all docs in doccol. Makes use of
   higher-order functions and Sortedlist functions to modify each
   list. Each doc/list can individually undo the addition. *)

let mergeall doccol = ... ;;
(* val mergeall : 'a list Doccol.doccol -> 'a list
   Merges all lists in into a single list and returns
   it. Uses higher-order functions and Sortedlist functions to perform
   the merge. *)

5.2 Implementing Functions

  • Each of these functions takes a doccol as an argument and works with the field which is an association list.
  • As suggested above all of these functions define helper functions and then make use of higher-order List functions to apply them to all elements
  • Make sure each helper is nested within the scope of the relevant function: no new module-level bindings should be introduced
  • Helper functions will be applied to the elements of association list which is comprised of name/doc pairs. It is therefore helpful to define helpers as taking a pair argument with named parts such as

      let master_func doccol =
        let helper (name,doc) =
          ...   (* use name and doc *)
  • Helper functions are not required to be named and can instead be anonymous using the fun syntax though this is optional.
  • Make use of an appropriate higher-order functions from List to apply the helper function to all elements of the association list. Consider the following when selecting an appropriate higher-order function.
    • Changes to each element that result in unit are often associated with List.iter
    • Extracting some elements from the list is often associated with List.filter. The resulting list will likely be shorter but have the same type of elements.
    • Mapping a function to all elements in the list to produce a new list the business of The resulting list will have the same length as the input list but may have a different type of element.
    • Creating a new result that combines all elements of a list is usually done with List.fold_left or List.fold_right.

5.3 Grading Criteria for   grading

The following criteria will be checked in this problem.

Weight Criteria
10 make test-p3 correctly compiles and passes tests
  You may use the open directive to open modules to ensure all record fields are known to the compiler
10 showall / saveall / addall / mergeall
  Defines a clear helper function that operates on a single name/doc pair
  Helper function can be named or an anonymous fun
  Uses an appropriate higher-order List function to apply helper to all docs
  addall mutates all lists (docs)
  mergeall does not change any lists but produces a resulting merged list
  No use of iteration/recursion in favor of pre-defined higher-order List functions

6 Problem 4: The Multimanager

As with the previous assignment, code in glues together the different modules into a working program. Also as before, most of the action occurs in the execute_command function which is called in a provided main loop near the bottom of the provided

Due to the large number of commands to be implemented, the overall structure of the central match/with in execute_command is provided but most of the cases in the provided code simply throw exceptions. This scaffolding will help to ensure that no commands are missed and that graders can expect a specific order of viewing for the commands. Fill in code for these commands according to the new architecture.

multimanager binds the name global to a doccol record. This enables it to track two pieces of state described below.

  • Current List: the list that commands like show and add elem will work with. Alternatively referred to as the current document as it is a document record. The name of the current list is shown on the prompt.
  • Open List Collection: the multiple lists that are currently stored in memory by the program. The Current List is in the Open Lists Collection. The Current Document can be changed to a different member of the Open List Collection. The collection can increase and decrease in size.
let global : doccol = ...;;

Thus global.curdoc refers to the list (document) that is currently the focus of the application while is the Collection of other lists being edited. Most cases in execute_command will make changes to fields of global such as the following examples:

  • add <elem> inserts an element into global.curdoc
  • open <file> modifies global to populate docs with the contents of a file and change curdoc to it
  • edit <list> searches for a list in and changes global.curdoc, global.curname, all using functions from

Most of the commands dealing with changes to the Collection or Current List should use Doccol functions to make the changes.

6.1 Top-Level Definitions

The source file is provided and has the following structure. Edit the execute_command function so that it implements the indicated commands.

(* : main function to allow manipulation of multiple
   lists of sorted, unique elements.  *)

let help_string = ... ;;
(* Help string to be printed for the "help" command. *)

let global : string list Doccol.doccol = ... ;;
(* Tracks the global state associated with the application. This
   binding uses a series of statements to initialize the global state
   to have a default empty list named 'default.txt' which is the
   current document and the only entry in the doccol. *)

let quit_now = ... ;;
(* Set to true to end execution of the program *)

let execute_command tokens = ... ;;
(* val execute_command : string array -> unit
   Execute a single command which is the 0th element of the argument
   array tokens.  If the command has additional parameters these will
   be in tokens.(1), tokens.(2), etc.  Makes use of functions in Util,
   Sortedlist, Document, doccol, and Bulkops to implement each
   command. *)

let echo  = ... ;;
   Code beyond this point should not require modification though it
   may be interesting to examine. 

let debug = ... ;;

let options = ... ;;
(* Options accepted by the program *)

let handle_extra_args arg = ... ;;
(* Do nothing with extra command line arguments *)

let usage = ... ;;
(* Simple usage message for Arg.parse *)

let _ = ... ;;
(* main routine *)

6.2 Implementing execute_command

  • DO NOT MODIFY THE ORDER of commands in execute_command. Graders will expect code to appear in the order given and altering this will irritate them. Whenever possible, avoid irritating graders.
  • Do not open any modules other than Printf which is already done. Instead, refer to functions in various source files via the module syntax discussed in the last assignment.
  • The below subsections give some details associated with the major types of commands and how they should be implemented.

6.3 Current List Commands

  • You may wish to consult your solution for for the CURRENT LIST COMMANDS but note that you will need to make some substantial changes due to move from a single global undo list to use of individual document records with undo/redo.

    The other commands for list management and bulk operations are new enough to need from-scratch implementation.

  • Keep the access pattern to the Current List in mind
    • global.curdoc is a string list document which means functions from Document such as set and undo are applicable to it.
    • global.curdoc.current is a string list so functions from Sortedlist such as insert are applicable to it.
  • Inspect the provided show and clear commands as examples of how this works. These are similar to equivalents in listmanager but work with the individual global.curdoc rather than the a global undo list.
  • Note the slight change in the save command: it no longer takes a file argument but uses global.curname as the file to save into. Command saveas takes an additional argument in tokens.(1) as the file name to save.

6.4 List Management Commands

  • Each of these commands take a maximum of around 10 lines of code to complete. If you implementation badly exceeds that, rethink your solution path.
  • Most commands manipulate global using functions from Doccol such as Doccol.add and Doccol.switch.
  • edit <list>: If the names list exists, it becomes the Current List. If not, print a warning message as follows:

    printf "ERROR: list '%s' does not exist\n" name;

    This command should make use of options and never raise exceptions.

  • new <list> and open <file>: Check that the resulting named list is not already part of the Open List Collection. If it is, print an error message as follows

    printf "ERROR: list '%s' already exists\n" name

    Otherwise, new switches to a new empty list while open <file> reads the file contents as the initial list using Util functions. Both create documents so Document.make should be employed.

  • close <list>: remove the named list from the Open List Collection. If <list> is the current list, do not remove anything and print an error message with the via

    printf "ERROR: cannot close the current list\n"

    If <list> is not in the Open List Collection print the error message

    printf "ERROR: list '%s' does not exist\n" name;
  • There may be a few situations in which one wishes to call switch simply for its side-effect of switching the current document. Make use of the ignore syntax to do so without generating a compiler warning as in

    ignore(Doccol.switch ...);

    This will cause the returned true/false value to be ignored so the compiler does not complain that the `expression should have type unit'.

  • merge <list>: Similar to close, if the names list does not exist print an error message:

    printf "ERROR: list '%s' does not exist\n" name;

    Otherwise use Sortedist functions to merge the named list into the Current List.

6.5 Bulk Operations

  • Each of these commands has very short implementations that draw on functions in Bulkops
  • showall / saveall / addall are essentially calls to corresponding Bulkops functions
  • mergeall requires that the Current List be changed; after creating the merged list, use Document.set for this so that the operation can be undone.

6.6 Grading Criteria for execute_command   grading

The following criteria will be checked in this problem.

Weight Criteria
  AUTOMATED TESTS for execute_command in
15 make test-p3 correctly compiles and passes tests
  MANUAL INSPECTION for execute_command in
  You may use the open directive to open modules to ensure all record fields are known to the compiler
  Makes use of appropriate functions in Util, Sortedlist, Document.
  Short implementations due to use of existing functions.
  Use of Document.set in most commands to enable undo/redo capabilities.
  If not able to undo/redo, error messages are printed in
  Makes use of appropriate functions in Doccol
  Short implementations due to use of existing functions.
  If not able to edit a list, error messages are printed in
  Makes use of appropriate functions in Bulkops
  Short implementations due to use of existing functions.
5 GENERAL CRITERIA for execute_command
  Preserved existing order of commands in match statement
  No modification to signature for execute_command: takes string array, returns a bool
  Some comments which indicate how functions are being used to implement commands
  Make use of module function access syntax like Sortedlist.add and Doccol.switch

7 Zip and Submit

7.1 Zipping Files

If creating a zip file is unfamiliar to you, refer to the following guide: Making Zips (tutorial)

7.2 Submit to Canvas

Once your are confident your code is working, you are ready to submit. Ensure your folder has all of the required files. Create a zip archive of your lab folder and submit it to Canvas.

On Canvas:

  • Click on the Assignments section
  • Click on the appropriate link for this lab/assignment
  • Scroll down to "Attach a File"
  • Click "Browse My Computer"
  • Select you Zip file and press OK

7.3 Late Policies

You may wish to review the policy on late project submission which will cost you late tokens to submit late or credit if you run out of tokens. No projects will be accepted more than 48 hours after the deadline.

Author: Chris Kauffman (
Date: 2018-10-15 Mon 11:22