Last Updated: 2018-09-22 Sat 11:44

CSCI 2041 Lab03: Match / Tail Recursion


  • Download the code distribution every lab
  • See further setup instructions below


1 Rationale

Pattern Matching in programming languages is a powerful tool which can make complex code easier to write and read. This lab covers basic pattern matching to identify structural cases associated with lists and create name/value bindings for parts of the list.

All complete programming environments provide function calls which are usually implemented via Activation Records on the Call Stack. Functional languages like OCaml perform the optimizations on Tail Recursive functions to enable more efficient execution. Understanding some details of Activation Records and what makes a function Tail Recursive are essential to effective functional programming.

Practice Exam: In addition to the above topics, You may also discuss the solutions to the Practice Exam with your lab leader to help prepare for the upcoming exam.

Associated Reading / Preparation

Grading Policy

  • Check-off 30%: Demonstrate to a TA that a student understands answers to questions. This must be done in person in groups of one or two. Check-offs can happen during the lab period of during a TA office hour.
  • Submit 70%: Submit required files according to the lab instruction. This can be done at any time and from anywhere with a network connection. Submitting does not require attending lab. All students must submit files even if they were checked off in a group during lab.

See the full policy in the syllabus.

2 Codepack

The codepack for the lab contains the following files:

File State Description
QUESTIONS.txt Edit Answer questions in the file to complete the lab Provided Problem 1 file to analyze Provided Problem 2 file to analyze

3 Questions

Analyze the files in the provided codepack and answer the questions given in QUESTIONS.txt.



- Name: (FILL THIS in)
- NetID: (THE kauf0095 IN

Answer the questions below according to the lab specification. Write
your answers directly in this text file and submit it to complete the

PROBLEM 1: concat_all and match/with


  Examine the code provided in `'
  | let rec concat_all_crap strlist =
  |   if strlist=[] then
  |     ""
  |   else
  |     let head = List.hd strlist in
  |     let tail = strlist in
  |     let rest = concat_all_crap tail in
  |     head ^ " " ^ rest
  | ;;  
  | let rec concat_all_good strlist =
  |   if strlist=[] then
  |     ""
  |   else
  |     let head = List.hd strlist in
  |     let tail = strlist in
  |     if tail=[] then
  |       head
  |     else
  |       let rest = concat_all_good tail in
  |       head ^ " " ^ rest
  | ;;

  Two functions are present which perform a similar operation but their
  output varies subtly.

  - Describe what the functions do.
  - Execute both functions on the following inputs in a REPL and paste
    the results below.
    - []
    - ["Fold-em"]
    - ["Muh";"muh"]
    - ["P"; "p"; "p"; "poker"; "face"]
  - Describe the difference in return value between the two
    functions. Pay particular attention to the ends of the strings.


  Create a function `concat_all' which operates the same way that
  `concat_all_good' does but uses PATTERN MATCHING via the match/with
  construct.  Paste your code below and the results of testing it in a

PROBLEM 2: colsum and the stack


  Analyze the code in `'. It contains a function called
  `colsum_nt' which computes a certain sequence of numbers and sums the

  This file can be compiled and run as a program which will perform
  `colsum_nt 10' and print some intermediate and final results. Paste
  the lines you use to compile and run the `' below as well as
  the output for the program.


  Consider the source code for `colsum_nt'
  |  1  let rec colsum_nt n =
  |  2    Printf.printf "%d\n" n;
  |  3    if n = 1 then
  |  4      1
  |  5    else
  |  6      let next = 
  |  7        if n mod 2 = 0 
  |  8        then n/2
  |  9        else 3*n+1
  | 10      in
  | 11      let rest = colsum_nt next in
  | 12      n + rest
  | 13  ;;
  | 14  
  | 15  let sum = colsum_nt 10 in
  | 16  Printf.printf "sum: %d\n" sum;
  | 17  ;;

  The `colsum_nt' function is NOT tail recursive. This means it builds a
  sequence of activation records as it recurses at line 11 until it
  reaches the base case at line 4. The initial call is `colsum_nt 10'
  and the first few frames of this sequence of activation records are
  below. Add on to this table to show all Activation Records present
  when line 4 is first reached in `colsum_nt'.

   FRAME      SYM   VAL 
   init       ...   ..  
   line:15    sum   ??  
   colsum_nt  n     10  
   line:11    next  5   
	      rest  ??  
   colsum_nt  n     5   
   line:11    next  16  
	      rest  ??  
   ...        ...   ... 


  Programmers new to the idea of tail recursion may at times think
  trivial changes code re-arrangements such as the one below will make a
  function tail recursive. Notice in the `colsum_alt' version below how
  line 11 now has both the addition and recursive call.

  |  1 let rec colsum_alt n =
  |  2   Printf.printf "%d\n" n;
  |  3   if n = 1 then
  |  4     1
  |  5   else
  |  6     let next = 
  |  7       if n mod 2 = 0 
  |  8       then n/2
  |  9       else 3*n+1
  | 10     in
  | 11     n + (colsum_alt next)       (* changed line *)
  | 12 ;;

  Explain why this version is still NOT tail recursive and in fact will
  execute identically to the previous `colsum_nt' version.


  Write a tail recursive version of `colsum' called `colsum_tr'. A good
  strategy for this is to use an internal helper function which takes
  some additional parameters beyond single value.  Paste your code below
  and show that it works identically to `colsum_nt'.

4 What to Understand

Ensure that you understand

  • Basics of pattern matching on constants and with lists
  • Use of the match/with construct
  • Basics of activation records used during function calls
  • An understanding of what makes a function tail recursive

5 Getting Credit: Submit and Check-off

  • Check-off your answers with a TA in person during lab or office hours.
  • Submit your completed QUESTIONS.txt file to Canvas under the appropriate lab heading. Make sure to paste in any new code and answers you were to write at appropriate locations in the file.

Author: Chris Kauffman (
Date: 2018-09-22 Sat 11:44