Last Updated: 2018-11-20 Tue 11:01

CSCI 2041 Lab11: Expression Evaluation


  • Download the code distribution every lab
  • See further setup instructions below


Tue Nov 20 10:54:40 CST 2018
The original version of parsetree_string had a minor bug in which the .else_expr was printed where the .then_expr was supposed to be and vice-versa. This has now been corrected in the code pack or you can download only the corrected function here:
Mon Nov 19 10:22:41 CST 2018

Lab 11's parser in contained a bug which gave equal precedence to addition/subtraction and multiplication/division. This leads to incorrect results in some cases. The proper precedence ordering should be

Lowest: Add Sub Mul Div :Highest

The parser has been adjusted to fix this.

1 Rationale

In language processing, the result of lexing and parsing input is usually a data structure which can be either further processed or evaluated. Thus, a 3-part system of lexer/parser/evaluator is a standard way to interpret simple programming languages. The code for evaluation usually must have some context in the form of environments for variable name bindings to values. In simple cases this is often an abstract map from names to values via a tree or hash table.

This lab covers a simple lexer/parser/evaluator. It extends the previous arithmetic language to include let/in bindings and if/then/else constructs giving it more of a programming language feel than a simple calculator.

Grading Policy

GRADING NOTE: Due to the Thanksgiving holiday break, this lab may be checked off during a student's assigned Lab 12 section on Mon 11/26 and Tue 11/27.

  • Check-off 30%: Demonstrate to a TA that a student understands answers to questions. This must be done in person in groups of one or two. Check-offs can happen during the lab period of during a TA office hour.
  • Submit 70%: Submit required files according to the lab instruction. This can be done at any time and from anywhere with a network connection. Submitting does not require attending lab. All students must submit files even if they were checked off in a group during lab.

See the full policy in the syllabus.

2 Codepack

The codepack for the lab contains the following files:

File State Description
QUESTIONS.txt Edit Answer questions in the file to complete the lab Edit Problem 1/2 file to analyze and edit Edit Main function which allows experimentation with expression evaluation

3 Questions

Analyze the files in the provided codepack and answer the questions given in QUESTIONS.txt.


                            LAB 11 QUESTIONS

- Name: (FILL THIS in)
- NetID: (THE kauf0095 IN

Answer the questions below according to the lab specification. Write
your answers directly in this text file and submit it to complete the

Files `' and `'

  This lab deals with a lexer, parser, evaluator system for a small
  language that includes arithmetic, `let/in' expressions, and
  `if/then/else' expressions. `' is primarily
  responsible for this and is divided into 4 sections that handle a
  simple arithmetic language with some more programmatic elements. The 4
  sections are:
  1. Lexer: which converts a character string into a list of tokens.
  2. Parser: which converts a list of tokens into an expression tree,
     often referred to as a Parse Tree or Abstract Syntax Tree (AST).
  3. Evaluator: which analyzes the expression tree and computes a
     numeric result.
  4. To-string functions: which are used to convert token lists and
     parse trees to strings that can be printed.

  The functions in `' are used in the file
  `' which takes an expression from the command line and
  performs lexing, parsing, and evaluation on it.  Here are some
  examples though the examples for `if/then/else' won't work until the
  lab is completed.
  | > ocamlc
  | > ./a.out '1'
  | Tokens:
  | [Int(1)]
  | Parse Tree:
  | IConst(1)
  | Result:
  | Int(1)
  | > ./a.out 'true'
  | Tokens:
  | [Bool(true)]
  | Parse Tree:
  | BConst(true)
  | Result:
  | Bool(true)
  | > ./a.out '1+2'
  | Tokens:
  | [Int(1); Plus; Int(2)]
  | Parse Tree:
  | Add
  |   IConst(1)
  |   IConst(2)
  | Result:
  | Int(3)
  | > ./a.out '1+2*3'
  | Tokens:
  | [Int(1); Plus; Int(2); Times; Int(3)]
  | Parse Tree:
  | Add
  |   IConst(1)
  |   Mul
  |     IConst(2)
  |     IConst(3)
  | Result:
  | Int(7)
  | > ./a.out 'if false then 1+2*3 else 4*5'          # WON'T WORK UNTIL LAB IS COMPLETED
  | Tokens:
  | [If; Bool(false); Then; Int(1); Plus; Int(2); Times; Int(3); Else ; Int(4); 
  |  Times; Int(5)]
  | Parse Tree:
  | Cond
  |   .if_expr:
  |     BConst(false)
  |   .then_expr:
  |     Mul
  |       IConst(4)
  |       IConst(5)
  |   .else_expr:
  |     Add
  |       IConst(1)
  |       Mul
  |         IConst(2)
  |         IConst(3)
  | Result:
  | Int(20)
  | > ./a.out 'let x=5 in let y=2 in x*y'
  | Tokens:
  | [Let; Ident(x); Equal; Int(5); In; Let; Ident(y); Equal; Int(2); In; 
  |  Ident(x); Times; Ident(y)]
  | Parse Tree:
  | Letin( x )
  |   .var_expr:
  |     IConst(5)
  |   .in_expr:
  |     Letin( y )
  |       .var_expr:
  |         IConst(2)
  |       .in_expr:
  |         Mul
  |           Varname(x)
  |           Varname(y)
  | Result:
  | Int(10)

PROBLEM 1: Lexer and Parser


  In addition to arithmetic, the lexer/parser/evaluator understands two
  additional features
  1. `if/then/else' constructs for conditional execution
  2. `let/in' expressions as `let x=1+2 in x*7' for binding names to

  Examine the first section of `' which contains the
  lexer. Explain what tokens exist for the keywords like `let' and `if'
  and how the lexer creates these tokens versus variable name `Ident'


  Examine the second section of `' which contains the
  parser. Examine the `expr' type which represents the tree-like
  structure of parsed expressions.  Describe the new entries in this
  type that correspond to `if/then/else' and `let/in'
  constructs. Describe their parts and whether expression trees will
  always be binary trees.


  The parser is somewhat more complex then previous versions but has
  many of the same features in that it is comprised of a series of
  mutually recursive functions.  However some cosmetic differences are
  immediately apparent.
  - The names of the parsing elements do not mention their precedence
    but instead name the kind of element they handle such as `parse_add'
    and `parse_cond'. Some of these such as `parse_add' handle more than
    `Add' tokens but this should be easy to interpret.
  - The parsing functions, starting with `parse_expr' are shown in
    source code "top-down" with lower-precedence `parse_add' coming
    before higher-precedence `parse_mul'.

  Examine the parsing functions carefully and answer the following
  1. Is the parsing of `let/in' and `if/then/else' expressions higher or
     lower precedence than adding and multiplying?
  2. Functions like `parse_add' make recursive calls to themselves to
     try to parse more additions.  Is this what `parse_letin' and
     `parse_cond' do? Why or why not?
  3. Functions like `parse_add' first attempt to call higher-precedence
     parsing functions like `parse_mul'.  They then use the results in
     an addition.  Is the same done by `parse_letin' and `parse_cond'?
     Why or why not?

PROBLEM 2: Evaluator


  Examine the third section of `' which contains the
  Evaluator.  This portion defines types and functions relevant to
  walking through an expression tree generated by the parser to evaluate
  an answer.

  The first few lines of the evaluator lay out a type `varval' for
  results and create a `varmap_t' type to map string names. Answer the
  following questions about this section.
  1. Describe the kinds of value that can result for evaluation or be
     let-bound via `let/in' bindings.
  2. How is OCaml's standard library used to easily derive functions for
     adding and looking up variable bindings in the `varmap_t'? What
     standard functor is used?
  3. Will the variable maps be mutable or immutable?


  Examine the `eval_expr' function which is where most of the work of
  the evaluator is performed. Answer the following questions.

  1. What two arguments does `eval_expr' take? What types are they as
     inferred by looking through the rest of the code?
  2. What action is taken when a `Varname' expression is found and what
     error can result?
  3. Inspect how the different arithmetic operators are
     handled. Describe how the common task of evaluating the left/right
     child expressions is handled while still performing appropriate
     arithmetic operations.
  4. Analyze the `Letin' case within `eval_expr'. Describe how a new
     binding is created in a `let/in' expression.


  The code for the `Cond' case is not complete so `if/then/else'
  expressions will not evaluate yet.  Fill in the gaps marked `EDIT ME'
  to complete this code.
  - Evaluate the `c.if_expr' to determine if the test is true or false
  - When b is true, evaluate c.then_expr
  - When b is false, evaluate c.else_expr

  Paste your code below as your solution.

Optional Extras

  Currently the lexer/parser/evaluator does not handle numeric
  comparisons to produce boolean results such as
  | 5 < 2 -> Bool false
  | if 1+2 > 0 then 8 else 4  -> Int 8
  This will be a required part of the final assignment interpreter so it
  would be an excellent exercise to extend the system to handle these
  new expression types.

  - Extend the lexer to include < and >. The = sign is already part of
    the lexer.
  - Extend the expression type to include comparison expressions for
    Less, Greater, Equal with constituent left/right expressions (like
  - Extend the parser functions with a new function to parse
    comparisons. This should occur at a lower precedence than
  - Extend the evaluator to include evaluation cases for
    comparisons. These should check that their left/right expressions
    are integers, do the appropriate comparison on the numbers, and
    return a Bool.  You may wish to model them after the arithmetic
    evaluation code.

4 What to Understand

Ensure that you understand

  • Basic information flow from lexer to parser to evaluator
  • Basic structure of an expression evaluator which walks the parse tree to perform relevant operations
  • How variable name bindings can be tracked in an abstract map and how language constructs like let/in can be used to alter the map for further expressions

5 Getting Credit: Submit and Check-off

  • Check-off your answers with a TA in person during lab or office hours.
  • Submit your completed QUESTIONS.txt file to Canvas under the appropriate lab heading. Make sure to paste in any new code and answers you were to write at appropriate locations in the file.

Author: Chris Kauffman (
Date: 2018-11-20 Tue 11:01