Last Updated: 2021-02-14 Sun 10:07

CSCI 4061: Introduction to Operating Systems

Welcome to CSCI 4061 Lecture 001

Essential links are below.

  • Course Schedule and Materials: topics, slides, code, rough deadlines, projects, labs
  • Discord: attend labs and office hours, get synchronous help. The course intro video briefly surveys Discord usage. Find our guild invite link on Canvas
  • Gradescope: submit assignments and receive grades
  • Piazza: class discussion board for Q&A
  • Canvas Site: submit assignments, get grades
  • Syllabus: know our contract
  • Mirror Site: to access course materials if CSE Servers are down

Staff and Office Hours

Member Email Role Office Hours Location Piazza
Chris Kauffman Prof Tue/Thu 3-4pm Discord Everyday
Tim Salo GTA 50%   Discord  
Ahmad Hassan GTA 50%   Discord  
Bhaargav Sriraman GTA 50%   Discord  


Meeting Day Time Location
Lecture 001 Mon/Wed 04:00 PM‑05:15 PM Zoom
Lab 002 Mon 08:00 AM‑08:50 AM Discord
Lab 003 Mon 09:05 AM‑09:55 AM Discord
Lab 004 Mon 10:10 AM‑11:00 AM Discord
Lab 005 Mon 11:15 AM‑12:05 PM Discord
Lab 006 Mon 12:20 PM‑01:10 PM Discord

Getting Started

Review the Course Syllabus

This will be our "contract" for the semester and contains tons of information on the flavor the course.

Make sure you can access a Unix/Linux Environment

Some information on how to get access if you are not familiar is here:

Set up Discord
We will use the Discord communication platform for Labs and Office Hours. It will allow you to do text and voice chat with staff along with sharing your screen and viewing the screen of others. Install the stand-alone Discord application to get the best experience.
Initialized your CSE Labs Account

You'll need access to the Labs machines during the semester:

C Programming resources

C programming will play a major role in this class so start exploring.

Wikibook on C Programming
Beginning to advanced features with some pictures to supplement tricky concepts like arrays/pointers.
Beej's Guide to C Programming
Humorous, irreverent, reasonably complete and ad free
LinkedIn Learning C Video Tutorials, Basic and Advanced

Covers decent stuff, available for free through the UMN Library.

You might also examine some videos on Learning the Linux Command Line and Learning SSH as this is helpful for this and LOTS of other courses.

The GNU C Programming Tutorial by Mark Burgess and Ron Hale-Evans, PDF or HTML
A little scattered but decent.
Learn C Programming from ProgramIZ
Decent and has a wealth of examples though lots of ads
C Programming Tutorial by Mark Burgess, circa 1999
A bit dated and questionable code style but fairly complete and no ads, single web page

Author: Chris Kauffman (
Date: 2021-02-14 Sun 10:07