Daniel Kluver








About Me

Hi, I'm Daniel Kluver. Im a Computer Science PhD candidate at the University of Minnesota where I'm a member of the GroupLens Research Lab. Broadly, I am interested in human computer interaction, building systems that help people, and understanding why people do what they do. Specifically my research takes a human centered perspective on issues surrounding how people use recommender systems.


My Research Takes a human centered perspective on issues surrounding recommender systems. Recommender systems ubiquitous on the Internet where they help people find things in large digital collections. To build better recommender systems we need to understand and improve all aspects of the system. Algorithmic accuracy alone isn't enough for us to build a compelling system.

By taking a human centered perspective on recommender systems I hope to improve the tools by which we find great things online. My research so far has done this by looking into how people form ratings, and how the rating interfaces we use affect how effectively we learn about people. I've also looked into how well different algorithms work for users with very few ratings, as might be expected in a system with a low barrier to entry than seen in traditional recommender systems.

Im also one of the lead developers on the BookLens project. The BookLens project aims to deliver first class recommended system technology to library patrons to help find books (and other rentable material) available at your local public library. Beyond the intrinsic value of this project we hope to use this system as a platform for furthering recommender system technology.

Other Interests

In my free time I practice and occasionally teach Origami (the ancient Japanese art of paper folding).