| News* Dey et al's paper on A pattern mining based integrative framework for biomarker discovery accepted on ACM Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology and Biomedicine (ACM-BCB 2012), October 7-10, Orlando, FL, 2012. * Fang et al's Modeling Kinetic Rate Variation in Third Generation DNA Sequencing Data to Detect Putative Modifications to DNA Bases , accepted in Genome Research, 2012. * Fang et al's High-order SNP Combinations Associated with Complex Diseases: Efficient Discovery, Statistical Power and Functional Interactions, accepted in PLoS One, 2012. * Fang et al's paper on mining low-support discriminative patterns, in IEEE TKDE as a regular paper, 2012. * Atluri et al's paper on discovering coherent value bicliques in genetic interaction data, accepted at BIOKDD 2010. * Fang et al's paper on subspace differential coexpression analysis accepted by PSB 2010. * Pandey et al's paper on incorporating functional inter-relationships into protein function prediction algorithms accepted by BMC Bioinformatics. |