the Directed Reading Program

What is the DRP?

The Directed Reading Program is a graduate student-run program that provides undergraduates with the opportunity to work with mathematics graduate students in independent reading projects.

Interested in DRP @ UMN? Please fill out this interest form!

Also, attend Fall 2024 DRP Talks on December 5-6th and 9-10th!

We would like to invite you to attend this semester’s DRP Presentations, when each participant will give a 10-minute talk on their reading in a low-stakes environment!

New: read about the DRP in the School of Mathematics Critical Points newsletter!

DRP is about community!

The aim of the program is to equip students with the tools necessary to delve into sophisticated mathematics, to foster collaboration within the department, and to provide undergraduate students with a valuable opportunity to practice presenting mathematical ideas, both in conversation and public presentations.

DRP is for Reading, not Research!

Our goal is to enable motivated undergraduates to engage with mathematics in more depth and breadth than is typically possible in a classroom. Topics will be chosen by the undergraduates in consultation with graduate student mentors. During the semester, the student will work through a mathematical text and meet weekly to discuss it with their mentor. The semester culminates in brief presentations from the undergraduates on their readings.

DRP is not an accredited course, nor is it private tutoring!

An important distinction about the DRP program is that the reading topics are meant to benefit both the undergraduate and the graduate student. As a graduate student, you can read a book you have been meaning to read or study a new topic.

The original DRP was started by graduate students at the University of Chicago over two decades ago, and has had immense success. It has since spread to many other math departments who are members of the DRP Network.

Need Book Ideas? Browse the DRP Bookshelf at the Math Library today!

Summary of Requirements
