Pick a section from the textbook and prepare a 5 minute presentation (using Google Slides) summarizing the content of the section. Share the slides with me before the class starts so that I can project the slides in the classroom while you give the presentation.
A section is one of the subheadings of a chapter. For example, if you are interested in atmospheric physics, you could pick Section 13.4 Atmospheric Circulation and carefully explain the terms in Figure 13.5. If you want to use the figure in your slides, you can download a pdf of Chapter 13 from the library link I sent you in an email on January 23.
Alternatively, you could pick a section from The Climate Book by Greta Thunberg. For example, if you are concerned about the effect of climate change on vector-borne diseases, you could pick Section 3.5 Vector-borne Diseases and prepare slides on the spread of malaria due to climate change. Note that there is a Website (theclimatebook.org) associated with the book containing references to articles covering topics in more detail.