Metric characterization of attractor blocks

This short section is devoted to a metric characterization of attractor blocks.

It will be useful to measure the distance that an attractor block maps inside itself. For Metric1.jpg , define


Note that Metric3.jpg is the minimum distance from Metric4.jpg to Metric5.jpg and that Metric6.jpg , for any subset Metric7.jpg .

Our main result here is the following theorem:

Theorem 3.11 A nonempty compact set Metric8.jpg is an attractor block if and only if Metric9.jpg .


The following corollary gives a sufficient condition on a subset for its closure to be an attractor block. The proof is an immediate consequence of the previous theorem and Lemma 3.10.

Corollary 3.12 Let Metric10.jpg be a nonempty subset of Metric11.jpg . If Metric12.jpg and if Metric13.jpg is compact, then Metric14.jpg is an attractor block.

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Last modified: July 31, 1998.