I'm trying to write a rdf file for a urc 31xxx
On the remote its actually labeled urc-31xxxb01 but looking at the
oneforall site they just call it a 31xxx.
Anyway I've been reading the email Rob set to the mailing list as well as
some other docs I found.
Ok looking at my original DUMP I need to convert the following to asci: 49 4E 54 55 13 DC 91 20 and looking at an ascii table I get: I N T U (DC3) (No clue what DC or 91 translates to later I figured out that bit) (DC4)
So my signature is INTU. So we create a file name INTU (URC-31xxx).rdf I then copied the general, settings and checksums from the 44xxxB00 remote.
My next step was to program the remote to use the following devices in this order:
Then what you do is just look at the raw data between the two and compare whats changed. Then look for your hex bits to find out what devices got what.
Next I Created a Buttons Section The way I did this was to do the
I found the first button I could
TV which was labeled 00
and started there putting each button on one line so it looked like this:
TV=00, SETUP=01, ...
UNKNOWN=#,Finally I converted each of the numbers to hex 00=$01, 01=$02 it helps to look at another rdf at this stage so you don't get your numbers mixed up.