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Mohamed F. Mokbel

Distinguished McKnight University Professor
Director of Graduate Studies
IEEE Fellow, ACM Distinguished Member

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
4-192 KHKH Building
200 Union Street SE, Minneapolis, MN, 55455

Office: 4-207 EE/CS Building
Phone: (612) 626-3025
Email: mokbel@umn.edu

[November 2024] General Co-Chair for the ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM SIGSPATIAL 2025)

[September 2024] Editor-in-Chief for ACM Transaction on Spatial Algorithms and Systems (ACM TSAS)

[March 2023] Named a Distinguished McKnight University Professor
  • University Announcment. (Link)
  • College Announcment. (Link)
  • Department Announcment. (Link)
10-Years Award:
  • ACM SIGSPATIAL 10-Year Impact Award, 2022. (Announcment)
    An annual award given to a regular paper published at ACM SIGSPATIAL conference 10 years ago whose value and prescience have become apparent over a long period of time.
  • VLDB 10-Years Best Paper Award 2016
    A paper is selected from VLDB Conference 10-12 years earlier that best meets the “test of time”. In picking a winner, the committee especially values impact of the paper in practice, e.g., in products and services.
Community Recognition:
  • IEEE Fellow, 2020.
    For contributions to building spatially- and privacy-aware systems. Announcment: UMN, QCRI.
  • ACM Distinguished Member, 2017.
    For Scientific Contributions to Computing. Announcment: UMN, QCRI.
Keynotes and Distinguished Talks:
  • Keynote Speaker, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology GeoAI Workshop HKUST GeoAI, Oct. 2023.
  • Keynote Speaker, IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management IEEE MDM, Jul. 2023.
  • 60th Anniversary Distinguished Lecture Series, CS Dept., Hong Kong Baptist U., Jan. 2022.
  • Distinguished Speaker Series, ECE Dept., Iowa State U., Oct. 2021.
Distinguished Service:
PhD Alumni:
  1. Ibrahim Sabek (2020, post-doc, MIT)
  2. Christopher Jonathan (2019, Co-Founder and Director, Lakes, Indonesia)
  3. Louai Alarabi (2019, Assistant Professor, Umm Al-Qura University, KSA)
  4. Amr Magdy (2017, Assistant Professor, UC Riverside)
  5. Ahmed Eldawy (2016, Associate Professor, UC Riverside)
  6. Abdeltawab Hendawi (2015, Assistant Professor, U. Rhode Island)
  7. Mohamed Sarwat (2014, Associate Professor, Arizona State U.)
  8. Jie Bao (2014, Tech Lead, Data Managemnet, JD iCity, China)
  9. Justin Levandoski (2011, Manager, BigQuery, Google)
  10. Mohamed Khalefa (2011, Assistant Professor, SUNY Old Westbury, NY)
  11. Chi-Yin Chow (2010, Associate Professor, City U. Hong Kong)

Bio: Mohamed Mokbel is a Distinguished McKnight University Professor at the University of Minnesota. Prior roles while on leave/sabbatical from UMN include Chief Scientist of Qatar Computing Research Institute, Founding Technical Director of GIS Technology Innovation Center in Saudi Arabia, and multiple times Visiting Researcher at Microsoft Research, USA. His research interests include database systems, spatial data, and GIS. His research work has been recognized by the NSF CAREER Award, ACM SIGSPATIAL 10-Year Impact Award, VLDB 10-years Best Paper Award, and four conference Best Paper Awards. Mohamed is the past elected Chair of ACM SIGSPATIAL, current Editor-in-Chief for ACM Transactions on Spatial algorithms and Systems (ACM TSAS), and on the editorial board of ACM Books, ACM TODS, VLDB Journal, ACM TSAS, and GeoInformatica journals. He has served as PC Co-Chair for ACM SIGMOD, ACM SIGSPATIAL, and IEEE MDM. Mohamed is an IEEE Fellow and ACM Distinguished Scientist.