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Homework 1 due on Monday October 12, 98

1. Let tex2html_wrap_inline51 be a measurable set and tex2html_wrap_inline53 be a function on tex2html_wrap_inline55 with values in a set X. Prove that


is a tex2html_wrap_inline61 -field.

2. Show that a subset tex2html_wrap_inline63 of a Polish space is a compact set if and only if it is closed and totally bounded.

3. Let tex2html_wrap_inline65 be a family of finite measures on a Polish space tex2html_wrap_inline67 and let tex2html_wrap_inline69 be a finite measure on tex2html_wrap_inline67 . Prove that if any sequence of elements of tex2html_wrap_inline73 has a subsequence weakly convergent to tex2html_wrap_inline69 , then tex2html_wrap_inline77 .

4. Let tex2html_wrap_inline79 be an irrational number. For tex2html_wrap_inline81 , denote by tex2html_wrap_inline83 the fractional part of tex2html_wrap_inline85 . Prove that for any tex2html_wrap_inline87


5. Prove that the family of all finite dimensional cylindrical sets is an algebra. (Hint: attached points tex2html_wrap_inline91 and tex2html_wrap_inline93 may vary.)

6. Let tex2html_wrap_inline95 denote the cylindrical tex2html_wrap_inline61 -field in the set of all tex2html_wrap_inline99 -valued functions on tex2html_wrap_inline101 . Prove that for any tex2html_wrap_inline103 there exists a countable set tex2html_wrap_inline105 such that if tex2html_wrap_inline107 and tex2html_wrap_inline109 is a function such that tex2html_wrap_inline111 for all tex2html_wrap_inline93 , then tex2html_wrap_inline115 . In other words, elements of tex2html_wrap_inline95 are defined by specifying conditions on trajectories only at countably many points of tex2html_wrap_inline101 .

7. Give an example of a Polish space tex2html_wrap_inline67 such that the set tex2html_wrap_inline123 of all bounded and continuous tex2html_wrap_inline99 -valued functions on tex2html_wrap_inline101 is not an element of the tex2html_wrap_inline61 -field tex2html_wrap_inline95 from previous exercise. Thus you will see that there exists a very important and natural set which is not measurable.

Nicolai V. Krylov
Tue Oct 6 14:09:37 CDT 1998