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Math 3251, Fall 1996, FINAL EXAM, December 9, 1330-1630




Recitation instructor


No books or notes, calculators but not computers are permitted. Some formulas are given on page 9.

Read and follow these instructions: Fill in the lines above. Also put your initials on the top of every page, in case the pages become separated.

This booklet contains 9 pages in addition to this cover page. Check to see if any are missing. You also have a General Purpose Answer Sheet.

This exam consists of a machine-graded part (Part 1), with 10 questions, each worth 7 points, for a total of 70 points, and a hand-graded part (Part 2), with 3 questions, each worth 10 points, for a total of 30 points.

Do not make stray marks on the General Purpose Answer Sheet, do all your work in the blank spaces and backs of pages of this booklet. Show all your work.

Instructions for the machine-graded part (Questions 1-10): Do not tear or fold the General Purpose Answer Sheet, and carefully enter all the requested information according to the instructions you receive.

When you have decided on an answer to a given question, circle the answer in this booklet. These answers should also go to the General Purpose Answer Sheet, which is recommended to fill out near the end of the test. To fill it out, you must use a soft pencil (No. 1 or No. 2). If you erase something on the General Purpose Answer Sheet, do so thoroughly. Each question has one and only one correct answer. If you give two or more different answers, the question will be marked ``wrong''. If you don't answer a question be sure to skip the corresponding line in General Purpose Answer Sheet.

Notice regarding the machine-graded part: Either the student or the School of Mathematics may for any reason request a regrade of the machine-graded part. All regrades will be solely based on the responses in this booklet, and not on the General Purpose Answer Sheet. Any problem for which the answer is not indicated in this booklet, or which has no relevant accompanying calculations will be marked ``wrong'' on the regrade. Therefore, work and answers must be clearly shown on this booklet.

Instructions for the hand-graded part (Questions 11-13): Show all your work. Unsupported answers will receive little credit.

After you finish the test or the time is over: Place the General Purpose Answer Sheet between pages of this booklet (make a sandwich), with the page marked ``General Purpose Answer Sheet'' facing down. Have your ID card in your hand when turning in this booklet along with the General Purpose Answer Sheet.

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Nicolai V. Krylov
Wed Nov 27 13:28:22 CST 1996