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HW 5, due Monday June 8

Chapter 26 Problems 30, 32, 33 and

(4) Let tex2html_wrap_inline78 be a branching process with expected number of offsprings of each member of population >1, so that tex2html_wrap_inline82 . Prove that tex2html_wrap_inline84 exists with probability 1 and conclude that on the set tex2html_wrap_inline86 we have tex2html_wrap_inline88 (a.s.). (Hint: use that tex2html_wrap_inline93 is harmonic and use Theorem 24-19)

(5) Let tex2html_wrap_inline90 be defined by tex2html_wrap_inline92 , tex2html_wrap_inline94 and tex2html_wrap_inline96 for tex2html_wrap_inline98 , where tex2html_wrap_inline100 are iid with tex2html_wrap_inline104 . Prove that tex2html_wrap_inline104 is a Markov sequence on the state space tex2html_wrap_inline106 (two dimensional lattice) with transition probabilities given by




(6) (Recurrence of two-dimensional random walk) For the process from (5), by remembering Bernoulli, prove that


By using Stirling's formula show that tex2html_wrap_inline114 . On the basis of renewal theory derive from here that the number of returns of tex2html_wrap_inline104 to the origin is infinite with probability one.

(7) Let tex2html_wrap_inline118 be a Wiener process. Prove that tex2html_wrap_inline120 is a Gaussian random variable and find its parameters. (Hint: You may need to use tex2html_wrap_inline122 )

(8) (Self-similarity of the Wiener process) Let tex2html_wrap_inline118 be a Wiener process and tex2html_wrap_inline126 be a constant. Prove that tex2html_wrap_inline128 is again a Wiener process.

(9) Let tex2html_wrap_inline118 be a Wiener process, tex2html_wrap_inline132 . We know that tex2html_wrap_inline134 . In particular, tex2html_wrap_inline136 where tex2html_wrap_inline138 and tex2html_wrap_inline140 is the first time tex2html_wrap_inline118 hits either tex2html_wrap_inline144 or tex2html_wrap_inline146 . By using that tex2html_wrap_inline118 is a martingale, prove that


Nicolai V. Krylov
Fri Jun 5 12:49:44 CDT 1998