Peer-Assisted Learning, Math 1241, Fall 2015
The Peer-Assisted Learning (PAL) program will be holding a weekly study session open to all students taking Math 1241. During these free sessions, students work in small groups to solve practice problems selected by a facilitator (successful previous Math 1241 student, Jess Lettelleir, a biochemistry major). For more information about PAL, see their website.
PAL sessions will meet weekly on Mondays, 3:35-4:25 in Bruinicks 119, beginning September 14. No need to sign up. Just come!
Why attend PAL?
- Reinforces lectures and text material through small group work with other motivated peers
- Concentrated focus on course concepts
- Practice in solving problems
- Meet classmates in an informal learning environment
- Efficient way to get studying in
- Led by a trained, experienced undergraduate PAL facilitator
- Research shows that students who consistently participate in PAL (10 or more times) can improve their grade by a half to a whole letter