Math 2374

IT Multivariable Calculus and Vector Analysis

Quick Links: Instructor List | Lab Office Hours | Main Course Page

Instructor List for Fall 2004 (including Office Hours)

These are the instructors for the course this semester. If there's a link on his name, it will take you to his home page.

Lecture name office phone email Office Hours
Lecture 10 (8:00 am) Duane Nykamp Vincent 202 5-0338 W 9:00-10:15, F 9:00-10:15, or by appointment
Lecture 20 (1:25 pm) Peter Olver
Vincent 540 4-5534
T 3:30-4:30, F 11:15-12:15, or by appointment
Section(s) name office phone email Office Hours
11,12 Rob Edman
Vincent 358 5-3896 T 10:10-11:00, W 10:10-11:00
(M 10:10-11:00 and 2:30-3:20 in Lind 24)
13,14 Jason Sorensen
Vincent 552 4-5552 Th 10:10-12:05
(M 11:15-12:05 and 1:25-2:15 in Lind 24)
21 Jon Peterson
Vincent 504 4-1543
(M 12:20-1:10 in Lind 24)
22,23 Thomas Hoft Vincent 526 4-1824
(M 9:05-9:55 in Lind 24)
24,25 Antoine Choffrut Vincent 360 5-4392 M 2:30-3:20, Th 3:30-4:30
(M 3:30-5:30 in Lind 24)

Lab Hours

A TA will be on duty in the Lind Hall computer lab on Mondays (from 9:05am - 5:30pm. These are the only hours in which we can guaranteed the lab will be open. The lab should be open during other times, but there might only be an IT Lab Assistant present. That means you can work on the computers, but not ask questions about the labs or homework. Remember, too, that other IT computer labs do have computers with Mathematica on them.

9:05 Thomas
10:10 Rob
11:15 Jason
12:20 Jon
1:25 Jason
2:30 Rob
3:35 Antoine
4:40 Antoine

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