The official course site for Math 2374 in now on WebCT. Probably, the easiest way to access WebCT is to go to, click on "Click here to Sign-in", and sign in with your Internet ID and password. Next click on "my Toolkit" tab near the top of the page. If you are registered for this course, you should see a link to the Math 2374 site in the section "WebCT Vista B" on the next page. If you have trouble accessing the site, please talk to your TA or lecturer immediately.
Note added 9/8/05: We've discovered that quite a few students do not see the course web site in the web portal. You can also try accessing the site by going to, clicking on "University of Minnesota," clicking on "Log In," and entering your Internet ID and password if prompted. In the "Course List" on the following page, you should see a link to the Math 2374 WebCT Site.
We are also maintaining this home page so that you can access some items without needing to log into WebCT. Everything on this site can also be accessed from within WebCT.
The views and opinions expressed in this page are strictly those of the page author. The contents of this page have not been reviewed or approved by the University of Minnesota.