This lab was written from scratch in December 2001/January 2002. I made some minor updates and added a few exercises in January 2004. The biggest change was the inclusion of the Animation commands, which used to live in Lab 4A (Arclength). Parametrizations and their derivatives are covered in lecture during the second week of class, so this was a more natural location for this material to appear in a lab.
Fall 2004 Update: just minor changes -- instead of Lab 2A this is now Lab 4. Go figure.
I did not think of the curve in exercise 7 on my own. I can't remember who first showed it to me, but presumably it was Dr. Emil Knapp at Augustana College, who was my advisor and my Calc III professor. I've noticed that Harvard's multivariable calculus class also used this curve as an example in one of their labs. Their course has apparently been revamped, because I tried to find a URL for their lab to include here, but it no longer exists.
This lab is copyright 2002, 2004 by Jonathan Rogness ( and is protected by the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License. You can find more information on this license at
Although it's not specifically required by the license, I'd appreciate it if you let me know if you use parts of our labs, just so I can keep track of it. Please send me any questions or comments!
Created by Mathematica (October 18, 2004)