This lab was written entirely from scratch in January 2002. I
made up all of the examples here, but they're all standard examples, so
I'm not making any claims of originality! Many of the examples
correspond to examples in Lab 4A - i.e. disks instead of circles, a
helicoid instead of a circle, etc. I made a few minor
adjustments and added some exercises in January 2004.
This lab is copyright 2002, 2004 by Jonathan Rogness
( and is protected by the Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License. You can find more
information on this license at
Although it's
not specifically required by the license, I'd appreciate it if you let me
know if you use parts of our labs, just so I can keep track of
it. Please send me any questions or comments!
Created by Mathematica (November 8, 2004)